
The New York Times: U.S. Navy SEALs Commit Suicide in Shock!

author:Discernment and insight

The New York Times reported on the frequent suicides of poster commandos

On June 30, the New York Times published an article about a sharp increase in the number of suicides among U.S. Navy SEALs.

According to reports, at least 12 Navy SEALs are known to have died by suicide in the past 10 years, a much higher rate than other groups. Some of these suicide team members were during their service or shortly after their discharge.

According to statistics, this phenomenon is still showing an intensifying trend.

The New York Times: U.S. Navy SEALs Commit Suicide in Shock!

Legendary poster commando commits suicide

On March 27 of this year, legendary Navy SEAL Mike Day took his own life.

The New York Times: U.S. Navy SEALs Commit Suicide in Shock!

Legendary Navy SEAL Mike Day

Hailed as a "combat hero" by the U.S. military, Mike became famous for a firefight in Fallujah in 2007.

During the battle, he broke into a building with two Iraqi scouts, and in the corridor he was attacked by four enemies, bullets hitting him and knocking out the rifle in his hand.

After being hit, Mike lay on the ground and changed into a pistol, killing two enemies. However, another enemy threw a grenade, and he temporarily lost consciousness after the grenade exploded, but he quickly fought back and shot the remaining enemies.

The New York Times: U.S. Navy SEALs Commit Suicide in Shock!

Later, when search and rescue crews found Mike, who was seriously injured, 27 bullets were recovered from his body. Of these, his body armor blocked 11 bullets, but another 16 bullets hit him.

Mike retired from the Navy in 2010 and received the Navy Cross, two Bronze Star Medals, and the Purple Heart. His autobiography was published in 2020.

However, on March 27, he took his own life.

Seal Suicide Cause 1: Brain Damage

The New York Times is more inclined to favor that the reason for the SEALs' suicides is due to brain damage.

According to the report, SEALs are likely to cause irreversible damage to their brains when they are repeatedly exposed to the shock waves of explosions during training and exercises.

The New York Times: U.S. Navy SEALs Commit Suicide in Shock!

U.S. Department of Defense laboratories have dissected and analyzed the brains of eight Navy SEALs who died by suicide in the past 10 years, and reports show that the tissue samples show significant damage that may be related to blast exposure.

Researchers say the exposure to the explosion stemmed primarily from the weapons used by the SEALs themselves in training, rather than from enemy injuries.

The New York Times: U.S. Navy SEALs Commit Suicide in Shock!

The second reason for the suicide of the poster team members: disillusionment with American politics

However, another American media outlet, Not the Bee, expressed a different view than the New York Times.

The article said:

For more than 20 years, generations of American soldiers have fought in wars in which the United States has participated, believing that they are making the world a better place, and that the United States represents a world of freedom against terrorists and tyrants.
The New York Times: U.S. Navy SEALs Commit Suicide in Shock!
However, when they find that they are dealing with and defending the US government's clumsy withdrawal from Afghanistan, political corruption, an unfair justice system, the weaponization of the FBI against the American people, and the unconstitutional mandates and blockades of the US government,...... Wait a minute.
All this stung our wounded fighters more than you realize. They gave everything to protect us and our freedom, but the filthy bureaucrats used the legacies and services of these warriors as a means of gaining power, tarnishing their honor.
The New York Times: U.S. Navy SEALs Commit Suicide in Shock!

According to the report, when these American soldiers found that the "United States" that they were willing to pay for with their lives was just a plaything in the hands of politicians, the huge contrast would make them feel that their efforts and efforts were meaningless, which led to their suicide.

Russian media: There is no suicide, but it is just a means to cover up the attrition of the US military in battle

The speculation of the Russian media is more bold and direct. They say that there is no suicide, but the United States is directly involved in many wars that they do not want to announce to the public, just like they sneaked into Ukraine, and the so-called suicide is just a way to hide the war damage.

The New York Times: U.S. Navy SEALs Commit Suicide in Shock!

Russian media said that with the beginning of the Russian-Ukrainian war, various accidents and suicides in the West have emerged one after another, including explosions in arsenals, explosions in arsenals, and suicides of soldiers、......

Experts believe that all this is just an illusion created by the West in order not to let the outside world know how heavy the losses they have suffered. Well...... It seems to make sense.

What do netizens think of the suicide of the US Navy SEALs? Welcome to discuss in the message area.

The New York Times: U.S. Navy SEALs Commit Suicide in Shock!

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