
The 52-year-old eldest sister cooks with onion and garlic in a pot, which has never changed in 2 years, and the doctor wonders: what are you eating?

author:Qiao Fengli loves life

In the world of healthy eating, we hear all sorts of stories, some about the amazing effects of food, and some about unexpected changes in eating habits. Today, I want to share with you a true story, a 52-year-old eldest sister who has a habit of cooking for 2 years, that is, using onions and garlic to cook in a pot. However, when the doctor learned of her habit, he was puzzled and asked her about her daily diet. What's going on here? Let's explore the eating habits of this eldest sister and see how she has influenced her health through simple cooking habits.

The 52-year-old eldest sister cooks with onion and garlic in a pot, which has never changed in 2 years, and the doctor wonders: what are you eating?

First of all, we need to understand the meaning behind the habit of boiling onion and garlic. Onions and garlic, as a common seasoning, not only add to the aroma and taste of food, but also contain many ingredients that are beneficial to health. The allicin in garlic has a variety of effects such as anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antioxidant, while green onion is rich in vitamin C and sulfide, all of which help improve the body's immunity and fight diseases.

How did the 52-year-old incorporate this habit into her daily diet? In fact, her approach is very simple. Whether it's stir-frying, stewing soup or making dumplings, she will first add the right amount of oil to the pot, then add the chopped onion and garlic, and wait for them to release their fragrance before adding other ingredients for cooking. This simple step not only makes her dishes more delicious, but also allows her to unknowingly consume more onions and garlic, which may bring health benefits.

The 52-year-old eldest sister cooks with onion and garlic in a pot, which has never changed in 2 years, and the doctor wonders: what are you eating?

However, the doctor's doubts are not unfounded. While onion and garlic pot is a healthy cooking habit, health doesn't depend solely on a single diet. A person's overall diet, lifestyle habits, exercise, etc., will all have an impact on health. That's why doctors ask the eldest sister about her daily diet to understand her overall health.

Upon further understanding, we found out that this eldest sister has a very balanced diet. Her diet is rich in fresh vegetables, moderate amounts of meat and whole grains, and she rarely eats processed and fried foods. In addition, she also maintains a good habit of exercising moderately every day, such as walking, doing housework, etc. These healthy lifestyle habits, combined with her unique cooking methods, have kept her body in excellent condition.

The 52-year-old eldest sister cooks with onion and garlic in a pot, which has never changed in 2 years, and the doctor wonders: what are you eating?

Through the story of this eldest sister, we can see that a healthy lifestyle is often the accumulation of a series of good habits. Although the habit of boiling pot with onion and garlic is simple, the health concept behind it is worth learning. It reminds us that healthy eating isn't just about what is good to eat, but more importantly how to incorporate these healthy foods into our daily lives.

In closing, I would like to say that everyone has a healthy lifestyle that works for them. The story of this eldest sister teaches us that finding a diet that works for you and sticking to it is the key to staying healthy. At the same time, we should also pay attention to the variety and balance of the diet to ensure that the body can obtain a variety of essential nutrients.

The 52-year-old eldest sister cooks with onion and garlic in a pot, which has never changed in 2 years, and the doctor wonders: what are you eating?

I hope that the story of this 52-year-old sister can inspire everyone, so that we can all find a healthy lifestyle that suits us and enjoy the joy and happiness that health brings. Remember, health is on our dinner table and in our lives. Let's work together to be the masters of our own health!