
7 "self-destructive" misunderstandings about washing underwear, dirtier than not washing! Wash with a basin and boil water to make the list!

author:Xiao Jiu said finance


Xiaofang just bought a pair of underwear two days ago, which is expensive and beautiful, but after washing, it is even dirtier than before!

Obviously, I used a lot of laundry detergent, but the stains on the underwear were still clearly visible, and the crotch was even yellowed, exuding a strange smell.

Xiaofang was puzzled, what went wrong with the way she washed her underwear?

7 "self-destructive" misunderstandings about washing underwear, dirtier than not washing! Wash with a basin and boil water to make the list!

It turns out that washing underwear seems simple, but it is very knowledgeable! Many people have such and such misunderstandings, which lead to the more they are washed, the dirtier they become, the bacteria breed, the smell does not disperse, and they are harmful to health.

Do you think you're going to be fine? As everyone knows, some seemingly effective ways to wash underwear are "self-destructive", which not only does not play a cleaning role, but makes the hygiene of underwear worse.

7 "self-destructive" misunderstandings about washing underwear, dirtier than not washing! Wash with a basin and boil water to make the list!

Are you, like Xiaofang, who knows little about washing panties? Don't worry, today we're going to pick up those common misconceptions about washing underwear.

Keep these points in mind to ensure that your panties are clean, that bacteria have nowhere to hide, and that odors are no longer bothering! Let's take a look at which bad habits of washing underwear have you been tricked into!

7 "self-destructive" misunderstandings about washing underwear, dirtier than not washing! Wash with a basin and boil water to make the list!

Myth 1: In the tub of dirty underwear, the bacterial carnival begins!

Many people are accustomed to throwing dirty underwear into the basin and adding some laundry detergent and water to soak for a while before washing. At first glance, it seems to make sense, isn't it easier to wash off by soaking?

But what you may not know is that instead of washing your underwear, this practice allows bacteria to carnival in the basin, and the more you wash it, the dirtier it gets!

7 "self-destructive" misunderstandings about washing underwear, dirtier than not washing! Wash with a basin and boil water to make the list!

The germs on the panties are like a fish in water in warm water.

Experiments have shown that pathogenic bacteria such as E. coli can multiply wildly in water between 25°C and 37°C. And the temperature of the water in which we soak our underwear is generally in this range, which is equivalent to creating a perfect "tropical resort" for bacteria.

A few hours later, the bacteria that had been in limited numbers had spread out and the number had multiplied hundredfold!

7 "self-destructive" misunderstandings about washing underwear, dirtier than not washing! Wash with a basin and boil water to make the list!

Underwear that has been soaked for too long can be cross-infected.

When soaked, dirt from dirty panties spreads to every inch of the basin. When you bathe with multiple pairs of underwear, the water becomes a "clearing house" for bacteria.

Bacteria that originally contaminated only one pair of underwear can now be freely transferred to other underwear for "sharing". You've worked so hard to wash it, but you're wearing a "smorgasbord of bacteria"!

7 "self-destructive" misunderstandings about washing underwear, dirtier than not washing! Wash with a basin and boil water to make the list!

Long-term soaking of underwear will destroy the material.

A lot of underwear is made of delicate fabrics such as lace, silk, etc. If you soak in water for a long time, the fibers will be damaged and deformed, and the elasticity will be reduced.

Not only does this affect the comfort and appearance of the underwear, but it also provides more hiding places for germs. Those places where they wear and pill are simply "settlements" of bacteria.

7 "self-destructive" misunderstandings about washing underwear, dirtier than not washing! Wash with a basin and boil water to make the list!

Therefore, it seems convenient to wash underwear in a soaking basin, but it is actually counterproductive, not only can it not be cleaned, but it also allows bacteria to grow wildly and cross-infect.

So what should be done? The doctor recommends that you put your underwear directly into the washing machine and get a quick wash program, which can be done in about 30 minutes, which is clean and hygienic and worry-free!

7 "self-destructive" misunderstandings about washing underwear, dirtier than not washing! Wash with a basin and boil water to make the list!

Myth 2: Boiling water scalds underwear, and the fiber "screams"

Some people feel that the underwear is not clean, so they use boiling water to scald it, and the disinfection seems to be in place in one step. But what you may not know is that hot water, while it destroys bacteria, also "kills" panties!

On the one hand, boiling water usually has a temperature of around 100°C, while most panty fabrics are heat-resistant between 40°C and 60°C.

Beyond this temperature, the fibers will be irreversibly damaged, just like people will be burned when they touch a soldering iron, and the high temperature will deform and break the fibers, and the elasticity and strength will be greatly reduced.

7 "self-destructive" misunderstandings about washing underwear, dirtier than not washing! Wash with a basin and boil water to make the list!

Over time, the underwear not only does not fit, but is also prone to holes.

On the other hand, the high temperature will make the color of the panties fade faster, and many panties have beautiful prints and bright colors, which are achieved with dyes.

However, the dye will accelerate its decomposition when exposed to high temperatures, resulting in serious fading, making the original gorgeous pattern become dull and dull after many times of boiling water, as if it has been faded by the sun.

At the same time, some panty fabrics produce harmful substances at high temperatures.

7 "self-destructive" misunderstandings about washing underwear, dirtier than not washing! Wash with a basin and boil water to make the list!

For example, polyester releases carcinogens when exposed to heat, while spandex can produce irritating gases such as ammonia and organic amines when exposed to high temperatures for a long time.

These substances are not only harmful to health, but also pollute the environment, and you may think that boiling water is hygienic, but in fact it may create more health risks.

In addition, boiling water is time-consuming and laborious, not to mention the damage to underwear. Some studies have found that the elasticity of new underwear will be reduced by 20% after one disinfection with boiling water.

7 "self-destructive" misunderstandings about washing underwear, dirtier than not washing! Wash with a basin and boil water to make the list!

After several times of continuous scalding, the underwear is basically "broken", and the reduction of elasticity will also affect the wearing comfort, and it is easy to strangle red marks, making you feel tormented.

Therefore, boiling water to wash underwear is not only unscientific, but also harmful. The high temperature will destroy the fibers and make the underwear deform and fade. Some materials also release toxins that can endanger health.

It is better to wash with hot water below 60°C, which can not only easily remove dirt, but also take care of delicate underwear, which is comfortable and reassuring to wear.

7 "self-destructive" misunderstandings about washing underwear, dirtier than not washing! Wash with a basin and boil water to make the list!

In addition to the two misunderstandings of soaking in a basin and boiling water, there are also some seemingly correct ways to wash underwear that go astray.

Let's see if you have stepped on these "minefields"!

Myth 3: Scrub hard, friction pilling is not clean

In order to remove stubborn stains, many people will scrub their underwear hard, but too much force will not only fail to achieve the effect of removing stains, but will make the underwear more and more dirty the more they are washed.

7 "self-destructive" misunderstandings about washing underwear, dirtier than not washing! Wash with a basin and boil water to make the list!

Because the intense friction will wear the fibers, the surface will pill and become rough, which is more likely to trap dirt and dirt. The correct way is to gently rub the liquid to penetrate deep into the fibers, and then rinse it off with clean water.

Myth 4: Soak with laundry detergent, residual irritation of the skin

Laundry detergent can remove stains, but it is not suitable for soaking underwear because laundry detergent contains strong alkaline substances and is irritating to the skin.

7 "self-destructive" misunderstandings about washing underwear, dirtier than not washing! Wash with a basin and boil water to make the list!

Therefore, if it is not rinsed cleanly, the residual laundry detergent will cause skin allergies, itching and other problems. When the underwear comes into contact with the private parts, it is necessary to pay more attention to avoid chemical residues.

It is recommended to use a mild laundry detergent that can effectively remove stains without harming the skin.

Myth 5: Washing with soap makes it difficult to wash away dirt

Some people think that soap is natural and harmless, and it is OK to wash underwear, but traditional soap has weak washing power, which makes it difficult to remove oil and protein dirt on underwear, and soap is easy to leave white residue on underwear, which affects wearing comfort.

7 "self-destructive" misunderstandings about washing underwear, dirtier than not washing! Wash with a basin and boil water to make the list!

Opt for a special panty wash that will deep clean and remove stubborn stains and odors to give your panties a new look.

Myth 6: Put it in the washing machine and wash it indiscriminately, damaging the material of the underwear

Throwing your underwear in the washing machine with other clothes is a hassle, but it's risky. The material of underwear is relatively delicate, and it is easy to wear and tear when washed with rough outerwear. Hard objects such as zippers and buttons can also hit the panties in the drum, leaving unsightly snags and holes.

7 "self-destructive" misunderstandings about washing underwear, dirtier than not washing! Wash with a basin and boil water to make the list!

The correct way to do this is to put the underwear separately in the laundry bag, choosing a soft mode to reduce mechanical damage.

Myth 7: If you don't dry properly, bacteria will take advantage of the weakness

The washed underwear must be dried, but the way of drying is also particular, and some people like to dry the underwear in a dark and damp place, or even pile it together.

However, this will keep the underwear humid for a long time, making it a haven for bacteria and mold, and even if it is washed cleanly, improper drying can allow bacteria to return.

7 "self-destructive" misunderstandings about washing underwear, dirtier than not washing! Wash with a basin and boil water to make the list!

Therefore, it is necessary to hang the underwear in a ventilated place and let the sunlight "sterilize" it, so that it can be truly clean and new.

It turns out that the seemingly simple washing of underwear also hides many traps, not only can not be washed in an improper way, but also may damage the underwear, allowing bacteria to take advantage of it.

Only by avoiding these minefields and cleaning them in a scientific way can we keep the underwear fresh and clean, away from embarrassment, and more secure health!

Tell me in the comments section how your panties are washed!

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