
Just now, the United States has once again taken action against China and Russia! China is completely speechless, foreign media: there are not enough lessons?

author:Buyi Tao

Recently, OpenAI's latest decision shocked the tech world: from next month, users in China and Russia and other places will not be able to use ChatGPT and its API interface. The implementation of this policy is undoubtedly a huge retrogression for global scientific and technological cooperation. Many of our small and medium-sized enterprises, especially AI companies that rely on the API interface provided by OpenAI to provide services, will be directly affected.

Just now, the United States has once again taken action against China and Russia! China is completely speechless, foreign media: there are not enough lessons?

Most of these companies are still in their infancy in the AI field, relying on powerful external AI interfaces to support their own products and services. Now, this road seems to be ruthlessly blocked.

But let's look at it from another angle, is this really a disaster? Perhaps this is a good medicine to promote independent innovation in local science and technology. After all, dependence on imports is not a long-term solution, especially in key high-tech sectors. Now, in the face of pressure, countless Chinese companies may be forced to turn to domestic alternative technologies – not just as an option, but as a necessary act of self-help.

Just now, the United States has once again taken action against China and Russia! China is completely speechless, foreign media: there are not enough lessons?

The rise of domestic alternatives

In fact, the development of the domestic AI field is no longer comparable to what it used to be. Many technology giants, such as Alibaba's Tongyi Qianwen and Huawei's Pangu model, have matured and have a place in the market.

These models are not only functionally comparable to OpenAI's ChatGPT, but also have advantages in understanding and application in the Chinese context. We have reason to believe that these domestic AI models are fully capable of filling the gap left by OpenAI.

Just now, the United States has once again taken action against China and Russia! China is completely speechless, foreign media: there are not enough lessons?

Switching service providers sounds like a technical challenge, but most domestic AI models have implemented ChatGPT-compatible APIs. This means that enterprises do not need to carry out large-scale technological transformation when migrating to domestic platforms. This "plug and play" compatibility greatly reduces the cost of conversion and improves the feasibility of conversion. And this transformation is not only to solve the urgent need, but also part of the long-term layout.

Just now, the United States has once again taken action against China and Russia! China is completely speechless, foreign media: there are not enough lessons?

The shift from reactive to proactive

Chinese tech companies have long relied on foreign technology in some key areas. From Google's Android system to NVIDIA's AI chips, these technologies have indeed promoted the rapid development of China's technology. But at the same time, this dependence also creates a potential risk that if the supply is cut off, the relevant companies and industries will be affected. Now, OpenAI's ban could be just one wake-up call for that risk.

Just now, the United States has once again taken action against China and Russia! China is completely speechless, foreign media: there are not enough lessons?

In the face of external pressures and constraints, China's response is shifting from reactive acceptance to proactive innovation. Huawei's HarmonyOS operating system is a prime example. After Google announced that it would end support for Huawei, Huawei accelerated the development of its own operating system. In just a few years, the HarmonyOS system has begun to gradually replace the Android system, and the speed and quality of its independent research and development show the determination and ability of Chinese enterprises to move towards independence in key technologies.

Just now, the United States has once again taken action against China and Russia! China is completely speechless, foreign media: there are not enough lessons?

The need for technical independence

Technological independence is not only related to national security, but also to the long-term development of the economy. In today's era of globalization, no country can develop independently of the world. But the control of key technologies must be in their own hands. It is against this background that China's self-research and development progress in chips, operating systems, AI and other fields is gradually accelerating.

Just now, the United States has once again taken action against China and Russia! China is completely speechless, foreign media: there are not enough lessons?

When Huawei launched the Ascend 910 series of AI chips, the response in the market proved that China has the ability to compete with international giants even in the field of high-end technology. Behind this ability is the unremitting efforts of countless enterprises and R&D personnel and the strong support of national policies.

Just now, the United States has once again taken action against China and Russia! China is completely speechless, foreign media: there are not enough lessons?

Future Prospects: Autonomy and Openness

In the face of OpenAI's ban, we shouldn't simply be angry or disappointed. It should be seen that this is an opportunity – an opportunity for us to accelerate our scientific and technological independence. Just as countless technological lockdowns throughout history have eventually led to more technological breakthroughs, the current challenges will drive China's technology from a follower to a frontrunner.

Just now, the United States has once again taken action against China and Russia! China is completely speechless, foreign media: there are not enough lessons?

Ultimately, China's scientific and technological power needs to find a balance between independence and openness. While ensuring the independence of key technologies, it is also necessary to actively participate in international cooperation and competition, promote innovation through open access to resources, and promote innovation through competition. This is a long-term process that requires the wisdom of enterprises, the support of policies and the joint efforts of all sectors of society.

Just now, the United States has once again taken action against China and Russia! China is completely speechless, foreign media: there are not enough lessons?

OpenAI's decision, although it has brought challenges to some companies, may be a rare driving force for the entire industry and even the entire country's scientific and technological autonomy and innovation. We have reason to believe that in the near future, this technological innovation triggered by challenges will enable China to occupy a more important position on the world stage of science and technology.

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