
Xiaomi Auto: Xiaomi SU7 delivered more than 10,000 units in June and will still break 10,000 in July


Dingdong reported on July 1 that Xiaomi Auto officially issued a document saying that Xiaomi SU7 delivered more than 10,000 units in June, and the delivery volume in July will still exceed 10,000 units.

Xiaomi Auto: Xiaomi SU7 delivered more than 10,000 units in June and will still break 10,000 in July

Xiaomi Auto started deliveries for the first time on April 3, and has successfully completed the delivery of 7,058 units in less than two months, achieving a delivery record of more than 10,000 units, becoming a dark horse model in the camp of new domestic forces.

In order to speed up the delivery, the Xiaomi SU7 Pro version started delivery in Beijing on May 18, 12 days ahead of schedule.

Xiaomi Auto said that the popularity of Xiaomi SU7 far exceeded expectations, and the original planned annual production has been sold out, and through tight production capacity improvement, Xiaomi has raised this year's delivery target to 100,000 units, with a sprint target of 120,000 units.

In order to meet the demand, Xiaomi's car factory has implemented double-shift production in June, and the delivery capacity has also been improved.

In terms of battery supply, the Xiaomi SU7 standard version not only uses Fodi batteries, but also adds CATL batteries.

According to the Xiaomi Auto app, pre-order the Xiaomi SU7 Pro version now, and the estimated delivery time is 26 to 29 weeks later, which is quite a considerable number of orders.

In order to alleviate the anxiety of users waiting for the car, Xiaomi Auto has launched a lock order waiting user service, and users who have waited for more than 3 months will receive surprise gifts from Xiaomi Auto from time to time.

Xiaomi Auto: Xiaomi SU7 delivered more than 10,000 units in June and will still break 10,000 in July
Xiaomi Auto: Xiaomi SU7 delivered more than 10,000 units in June and will still break 10,000 in July

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