
WeChat collection code photographed/screenshot can't be paid! Official response: will change dynamically


On July 1, Dingdong reported that a recent report about the inability to complete the payment after taking a picture of the WeChat collection code has attracted widespread attention.

The story originated from a netizen who found that the balance in his payment card was insufficient when he took a taxi, so he discussed with the driver to take a picture of the collection code and go back to complete the payment. Surprisingly, however, when he tried to pay, he was unable to complete the transaction.

WeChat collection code photographed/screenshot can't be paid! Official response: will change dynamically

After testing, it was found that whether it was taking a photo to place an order or taking a screenshot to pay, WeChat could not complete the transaction. What's even more surprising is that after taking a screenshot, WeChat will also remind users that screenshot payment is not supported. This incident has caused heated discussions on the Internet, and some netizens have expressed the inconvenience of this way of operation.

WeChat collection code photographed/screenshot can't be paid! Official response: will change dynamically

In response to this problem, a netizen "Kecun Xiaojiang" who was certified as a classmate of the goose factory on Weibo responded. He pointed out that the payment code is dynamic, so taking a screenshot or taking a photo will soon become invalid. This setting is mainly for the sake of financial security. In order to use the collection code for a long time, it is recommended to click WeChat - I - Service - Receiving and Paying - QR Code Collection - Save the Collection Code.

WeChat collection code photographed/screenshot can't be paid! Official response: will change dynamically

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