
The Chinese hit is back, and this male god is going to become popular again

author:Bottle cap.


The lights flickered, the blood was dripping, and the heinous serial murders were like monsters in the dark night, quietly descending. The second season of "Who is the Victim" returns as scheduled, and the audience is looking forward to it - what kind of chilling and thought-provoking story will be presented in front of them? Like the first season, this drama will explore the human tragedies hidden under the dark side of society in an extremely heavy manner. This time, as the conspiracy is gradually revealed, an unforgettable past from 15 years ago will be uncovered one by one, and those truths that have been forgotten or deliberately covered up will finally surface.

The Chinese hit is back, and this male god is going to become popular again

Travelling away from home 15 years ago

It was an ordinary summer day, and a group of young children met to go on a trip. What seems to be a simple outing has become a key turning point in their lives. Everyone walks together with their own family conflicts and insecurity, and the heaviest of them is from a girl named Xiao Jiaying.

Siu Ka Ying grew up witnessing violent clashes between her parents, and her mother eventually killed her father in a quarrel. This caused her to experience great psychological trauma in her childhood. In order to avoid becoming an orphan, she chose to keep silent about this fact, sealing it deep in the darkest corners of her heart. However, this heavy secret gradually erodes her heart, making her attached and afraid of her mother. Her mother's overprotection and control also prevented her from truly having freedom and independence, and it was difficult for her to breathe. On this trip away from home, she finally had the opportunity to break free from her mother's shackles and find a moment of self.

The Chinese hit is back, and this male god is going to become popular again

This trip was supposed to be a carefree attempt by the teenagers in their quest for freedom, but no one could have imagined that it would become the biggest turning point in their lives. Some teenagers and girls who knew each other back then formed inextricable bonds in this short trip away from home. And these grievances that have been hidden for many years finally led to a heinous bloody killing 15 years later.

Child trauma at the root of violence

Siu Ka Ying's experience is undoubtedly at the heart of the whole case. When she was a child, she witnessed the horrific scene of her mother killing her father, and this huge psychological trauma was enough to become an invisible shackle on the road of her life after that. Faced with her mother's overprotection and control, she was both fearful and attached, and fell into a difficult predicament. At some point, she tried to ask for help, but was defeated by the coldness of reality.

The Chinese hit is back, and this male god is going to become popular again

The inner world of a child is like an uncultivated virgin land, once it suffers a great trauma, it is easy to lose its original innocence and vitality, and become gloomy and withdrawn. And Xiao Jiaying is such a typical case. She hid the truth of the year deeply, developed complex feelings for her mother, and gradually lost the ability to express emotions that a normal person should have. Such a state of mind can easily make her have extreme thoughts and behaviors, and eventually step into the road of no return.

It can be said that it was the domestic violence that Xiao Jiaying experienced as a child that laid the fuse for the serial murder cases that followed. And for such a tragedy, why does our society not have a due responsibility? Children's trauma is often the fault of adults. Should we pay more attention to children's mental health and create a safer and warmer environment for them to grow up? This is undoubtedly an important topic worthy of our deep consideration.

The Roots of Revenge and the Butterfly Effect

The Chinese hit is back, and this male god is going to become popular again

In my memory, the creepy hunting cases in the first season are all closely related to social reality. And this time, the fuse can be traced back to a simple trip 15 years ago. At that time, a group of immature teenagers and girls came together with different moods, but they didn't expect to end up with such deep regrets.

In Xiao Jiaying's tragic past, it is not difficult for us to see a cruel truth: a person's inner trauma often unconsciously spreads to the people around him, forming a butterfly effect. That short trip away from home has become an indelible mark on everyone involved. Some people will not be able to get out of the shadow of trauma in their lifetime; Some people choose to bury their pain deeply, not daring to touch those memories.

And just 15 years later, the gears of fate started again, and those truths that were ignored or deliberately forgotten were finally lifted one by one. Starting from Xiao Jiaying's mother's revenge, a series of heinous serial killings followed. This killing, which originated from family trauma, is undoubtedly shocking. Everyone has their own story, and everyone has experienced unspeakable trauma. And this time, these dark sides were finally completely stripped away in the gore.

The Chinese hit is back, and this male god is going to become popular again

But why shouldn't we sympathize with these perpetrators? Their pain comes from reality and they just choose an extreme way to vent it. In fact, the reason why they embarked on the road of no return just shows the shortcomings of our society in family education and psychological counseling. A person's destiny is largely due to the environment in which he grew up, so why shouldn't we take due responsibility for this?

Police detective Fang Yiren's parent-child dilemma

Behind all this violence and horror, there is also an embarrassing story - the relationship between police detective Fang Yiren and his daughter.

The Chinese hit is back, and this male god is going to become popular again

As a police officer, Fang Yiren has always been immersed in his work and rarely has time to spend with his daughter. His alienation and indifference made his daughter never feel a real sense of belonging to home. In Xiao Jiaying's case, he finally realized that his long-term dereliction of duty as a father had led to his daughter's loneliness and rebellion. She chose a chilling job as a cleaner at a murder scene, which undoubtedly reflected her extreme alienation from her family.

When Fang Yiren finally had the opportunity to accompany his daughter well, he realized that he had gone astray all along. A person's destiny largely stems from the education and love of his parents. For Fang Yiren, he chose to evade responsibility, which eventually led to his daughter's psychological trauma. This is undoubtedly a heart-wrenching story, and it is a pervasive problem in our society.

At the same time, in the process of solving the case, Fang Yiren gradually understood the importance of parent-child communication. He realized that what is really needed between parents and children is more companionship and understanding, rather than simple alienation. Only through communication all the time can we resolve conflicts and repair family relationships. This is undoubtedly a truth worth pondering for each of us.

The Chinese hit is back, and this male god is going to become popular again

The entanglement of social problems with the fate of the individual

Just like the first season, the second season of "Who is the Victim" still closely links social issues to personal destiny. In these horrific cases of serial killings, we can see the epitome of many social problems such as domestic violence, gender perception, and social discrimination.

For example, in the first season, there was a victim of family discrimination because of gender identity disorder; There was also a visually impaired wood carver who eventually committed suicide due to his younger brother's exploitation and social prejudices. This time, the core of the story is still focused on these ordinary people, highlighting the injustices and persecution they have suffered.

The Chinese hit is back, and this male god is going to become popular again

We have to admit that these seemingly personal tragedies are actually rooted in deeper social problems. The absence of a family environment and the existence of social prejudices have brought irreparable trauma to the fate of individuals. These traumas often further deteriorate the social environment, forming a vicious circle.

It is precisely this close correlation that makes the drama "Who is the Victim" have a very strong social reflection significance. It is not satisfied with simple suspenseful reasoning, but attempts to explore deeper issues such as human nature, ethics, and morality. Behind every heinous case, there are many dilemmas facing our society. Through these twists and turns of personal fate, we can see the breadth and depth of social problems.

The Chinese hit is back, and this male god is going to become popular again

From season 1 to season 2, "Who is the Victim" has always insisted on exploring social issues from a unique perspective. It is not satisfied with a simple entertainment effect, but tries to give the audience a deep reflection through the form of suspenseful reasoning. This creative concept is undoubtedly the biggest highlight of this play.

The story of the second season is still inseparable from the shadow of the previous game, but it reshapes the whole framework with a new perspective. The secrets of that trip away from home 15 years ago finally come to light in a series of brutal murders, bringing a new experience to the audience. At the same time, Fang Yiren's parent-child dilemma has also become another hot spot for the audience. Undoubtedly, this drama strives to construct a thought-provoking narrative world from multiple perspectives.

We expect that as the plot progresses, the second season of "Who is the Victim" will present more shocking stories to the audience, which will not only bring a suspenseful and exciting audio-visual experience, but also trigger people's in-depth reflection on social issues. This play, which is about to reach its climax, is undoubtedly a masterpiece in the current Chinese drama scene.

The Chinese hit is back, and this male god is going to become popular again