
American netizens think Chinese food is known for bad food? Trouble to find out before reviewing?

author:Boling cruises

An American netizen posted on the Q&A website Quora that "Chinese restaurants are known for bad food." This remark immediately sparked a strong reaction among foreign netizens, and many foreign netizens came out to defend Chinese food, pointing out that this remark completely ignores the breadth and profundity of Chinese food culture.

American netizens think Chinese food is known for bad food? Trouble to find out before reviewing?

According to reports, the American netizen bluntly said that "Chinese restaurants are known for bad food" under a question about Chinese restaurants on Quora, but did not elaborate on the so-called "bad" criteria. As soon as this remark came out, it immediately aroused the excitement of foreign netizens, and they all stood up to complain about Chinese food.

They point out that China has a rich and profound food culture, with different flavors and cooking methods in different regions. And Chinese are very particular about ingredients and cooking, and Chinese restaurants are becoming more and more popular in many parts of the world, and this American netizen's remarks completely ignore the richness of Chinese food.

American netizens think Chinese food is known for bad food? Trouble to find out before reviewing?

The main reason for this doubt is the cognitive bias caused by the differences between Chinese and Western food cultures. In the eyes of American netizens, Chinese food may be greasy, complicated, and different from the local flavor he is used to, so he hastily concluded that it is "unpalatable". But food culture is an important part of a nation and needs to be understood with an open and inclusive mind.

Chinese cuisine emphasizes "color, flavor and style", not just appearance. The cooking is based on heat and the original flavor of the ingredients. This is different from Western aesthetics, but it does not mean inferior. This requires an open and understanding approach to food culture differences, rather than making rash judgments.

American netizens think Chinese food is known for bad food? Trouble to find out before reviewing?

The anger of foreign netizens is also hoping to awaken the cognition of those who know little about Chinese food but take it for granted. Foreign netizens from all over the world have come forward to defend Chinese cuisine. Many of them have made it clear that they have lived or traveled in China and have tasted Chinese food firsthand. The "unpalatable" nature of Chinese food is a complete lie.

It is hoped that more and more people can understand and appreciate the charm of Chinese food culture with an open and inclusive mind. Cross-cultural understanding is important and requires an open mind to appreciate the uniqueness of different food cultures.

American netizens think Chinese food is known for bad food? Trouble to find out before reviewing?

I also hope that those who know little about Chinese food can put aside their preconceptions for a while and make judgments after tasting them for themselves. Only by enhancing mutual understanding and eliminating prejudice can different cultures live in harmony and make the world a better and more colorful place.

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