
It's a big deal! Sparks in the Night Sky: Hamas rocket raid and fierce battle with the Israeli Iron Dome

author:Handsome science kite


The wars on this land never stop, whether it were decades ago or a few years ago, there were always various wars on this land in the Middle East, and the alternation of the old and the new also made this land bear more pressure and challenges.

Recently, the land was on fire again, and Hamas raided, and the Israeli military reacted immediately by intercepting Hamas's rockets.

But at the same time, Hamas also retreated, which seems to have revealed this skirmish from the side, Hamas should have made a test this time, but the Israeli army has made Hamas suffer a lot of losses.

The international media also began to report on this incident, and the mysterious night sky will also bloom with brilliant sparks, which is so beautiful, but also reveals a hint of elusive danger.

The cruelty of the past and the present.

In modern society, we often see the high-tech side, such as the popular live broadcast platform, the drone will have a camera to optimize the video quality, which also allows us to see the scenery around the world without leaving home.

However, it is not the case that such advanced technology has existed in the world since ancient times, on the contrary, the development of this modern technology has relied on the efforts of countless scientists over hundreds of years.

In ancient times, there happened to be such a discipline that specialized in the study of these novel inventions and creations, which made the labor life of the ancient people more convenient, which was "machinery", and the ancient Western scientist Archimedes was one of the best.

Archimedes invented a parabolic system of mechanical crossbows, which could be fired in a chain and were very simple to load, all of them were driven by screws, but the bow arms were so huge that they required twenty or thirty people to operate.

And when we look back at that era, such an invention was so shocking on the battlefield at that time, thinking of the war technology at that time, it seemed that the soldiers were fighting back to back face to face, if there was an agile general, maybe he could single-handedly sweep thousands of armies.

But the appearance of Archimedes' mechanical bow completely turned this method of fighting in a straight line upside down, they could hide behind the city walls to protect, and then use such a huge force to shoot bows and arrows forward, directly creating great lethality.

At the same time, let's take a look at the "Iron Dome" system of the contemporary Israeli military, the birth of this system, in essence, is not much different from Archimedes' mechanical crossbow.

Although Archimedes' mechanical crossbow is mainly used to kinetic energy for arrows through the rotation of the screw, in the same way, the current "Iron Dome" system also uses a spiral to knock rockets out.

However, the current launch force is somewhat different from the ancient "mechanical crossbow", and the current rocket can be launched at high speed, and when passing through the air, it will adjust around and then carry out a lateral passage until it adjusts its direction again and hits the target.

But this is essentially the same as the ancient bow and arrow, and the connection between them also lies in the logic contained in them, which is to use the knowledge of mechanics in physics to make rocket-like objects fly out through some force until they crash into the target.

It's a big deal! Sparks in the Night Sky: Hamas rocket raid and fierce battle with the Israeli Iron Dome

The ballistic design of modern rockets is related to ancient bows and arrows, and we all know that ancient bows and arrows mainly use force to pull up the bowstring, bend it into an arc, and then shoot.

The modern rocket trajectory design is extended from the bow and arrow, using the principle of physical mechanics and ballistics, and the mathematical model is deduced and designed, so that the rocket can achieve the maximum lateral speed in the process of passing through and cause the maximum damage to the target.

It seems that the ancient "bow and arrow" and the modern "rocket" may have nothing to do with each other, but the scientific connotation contained in the two is so similar.

This similarity is the diametrically opposed era of ancient and modern, but there is a cruel connection, and it is also this similarity that makes the field of war more and more cruel.

It's a big deal! Sparks in the Night Sky: Hamas rocket raid and fierce battle with the Israeli Iron Dome

Night sky sparks.

In the days of ancient warfare, soldiers might have been able to see ahead on a full moon night, but under the bow and arrows that obscured the sky, they never even saw the sun tomorrow.

However, now, in the night of Israel, what cannot be concealed is nothing more than a new "bow and arrow", three bombs and five shots, and the Iron Dome system is not ambiguous at all about intercepting rockets.

Whether it is from the houses lit up at night or from the streets of the city, as long as there are Hamas rockets, there will inevitably be a three-bullet and five-hit Iron Dome system aligned, destroying these "bows and arrows" directly in mid-air.

The night sky of the city has also opened the mode of "night sky fireworks show", as if it is celebrating something, but I don't know that this cruel night is precisely because these "fireworks" have ended innocent lives at the moment of explosion.

The cruelty of war is not only reflected in the innocent, but also in those who are becoming more and more lost.

At the forefront of the Israeli conflict, when Hamas rockets hit, a large number of people began to evacuate and flee, and the buildings of the city were severely damaged, and some even collapsed.

It's a big deal! Sparks in the Night Sky: Hamas rocket raid and fierce battle with the Israeli Iron Dome

In the process of fleeing, some people began to look for shelter because they were afraid of being destroyed by rockets, and the subway station near Times Square in New York became a place for many people to find shelter.

What makes people feel helpless is that the personalities of the American people and the Israeli people seem to be completely opposite, and they are also because they are disgusted with the snobbery of others, and many people have bluntly said that they "take humanitarianism as humanitarianism", but in fact they are selfish.

It's a big deal! Sparks in the Night Sky: Hamas rocket raid and fierce battle with the Israeli Iron Dome

When they saw that the subway station, which was originally used as a "refuge", became lively, they couldn't help but make accusations, some even believed that the Israelis deserved all the injuries, and others believed that the American casualties caused by the Hamas sneak attack were the fault of the Israelis.

Therefore, this incomparable selfishness is also staggering.

But from this, it also makes us deeply realize that the foreign media are now even more angry and affectionate about the Middle East conflict and the defense of both sides, from the earlier scandal gate to the present, both Hamas and the Israeli military have been maliciously exaggerated by these media and have become well-known "bad guys".

And this kind of noisy public opinion also makes them never escape the clutches of being blamed, even if they don't really do it wrong, but this kind of public opinion is easy to make people have a delusion, thus losing their judgment.

Stop the smoke.

In this new round of conflict in the Middle East, all kinds of characters are charging forward, trying to convince the world that they are on the side of justice, but who is the real justice?

It's hard to say, but if that's the case, why don't we embrace a common future?

On this land, there happen to be two children, one from Palestine and one from Israel, whose families look at each other's children differently because of their hostile relationship.

Therefore, these two children, who have also been bound by two diametrically opposed thoughts since childhood, have harmed innocent people, not only adults, but also many children, but when these children cry because they are afraid, the parents let them stay in the house.

So at night, when there is nothing, the children begin to be full of fear, afraid of what to see, so they can only look at the stars in this darkness, hoping that someone can accompany them, and the fathers, in the eyes of these children are actually the fear in their hearts.

At these moments, the scars left by the conflict in the Middle East are actually difficult to completely heal, but what we still need is hope.

In this vast land, the life of the two kinds of people is like a flower on this land, blooming in spring, but when winter comes, it will also wither in frost and snow, but we can carefully cultivate it so that it can bloom in the cold winter, and it can also bloom in the spring flowers.

The children of Israel and Palestine, they are not wrong, what is wrong is in them, this infinite hatred, I hope that one day, peace will come, so that those sparks that once bloomed in the night sky can only be starlight.

It's a big deal! Sparks in the Night Sky: Hamas rocket raid and fierce battle with the Israeli Iron Dome


It is regrettable that a war will start again, but since it is unavoidable, the only way to do so is to accept this reality and make a decision.

But we have a lot more to do, and we hope that more people will support this decision to make peace, so that the war will end like this, and we can continue the friendship on this land instead of continuing to harbor hatred!