
Contemporary "resignation" king? Netizens shared their work experience: they all want to get a disability certificate and receive subsidies

author:Jiang Xiaobai
Contemporary "resignation" king? Netizens shared their work experience: they all want to get a disability certificate and receive subsidies
Contemporary "resignation" king? Netizens shared their work experience: they all want to get a disability certificate and receive subsidies
Contemporary "resignation" king? Netizens shared their work experience: they all want to get a disability certificate and receive subsidies
Contemporary "resignation" king? Netizens shared their work experience: they all want to get a disability certificate and receive subsidies
Contemporary "resignation" king? Netizens shared their work experience: they all want to get a disability certificate and receive subsidies
Contemporary "resignation" king? Netizens shared their work experience: they all want to get a disability certificate and receive subsidies
Contemporary "resignation" king? Netizens shared their work experience: they all want to get a disability certificate and receive subsidies
Contemporary "resignation" king? Netizens shared their work experience: they all want to get a disability certificate and receive subsidies
Contemporary "resignation" king? Netizens shared their work experience: they all want to get a disability certificate and receive subsidies
Contemporary "resignation" king? Netizens shared their work experience: they all want to get a disability certificate and receive subsidies
Contemporary "resignation" king? Netizens shared their work experience: they all want to get a disability certificate and receive subsidies
Contemporary "resignation" king? Netizens shared their work experience: they all want to get a disability certificate and receive subsidies
Contemporary "resignation" king? Netizens shared their work experience: they all want to get a disability certificate and receive subsidies
Contemporary "resignation" king? Netizens shared their work experience: they all want to get a disability certificate and receive subsidies
Contemporary "resignation" king? Netizens shared their work experience: they all want to get a disability certificate and receive subsidies

After the baptism of sword shadow and floating light, Yun Feiyang's swordsmanship and internal strength have been significantly improved. He continued his journey to the center of the galaxy, filled with longing for the unknown and curiosity about the secrets of the treasure. During the long journey, Yun Feiyang passed through a mysterious lake shrouded in faint moonlight, the Moon Lake.

The lake seems to be isolated from the rest of the world, the water is crystal clear, and at night, the bright moonlight pours on the lake's surface, forming a mysterious interplay of light and shadow. There is a long-standing legend about the lake that every full moon night, a shadow appears in the lake, guiding those with pure hearts to find the answers they seek.

Although Yun Feiyang is not a superstitious person, he is attracted by this strange phenomenon. He decided to camp by the lake and wait for the night of the full moon. When night fell, the full moon hung high, and a vague figure appeared on the surface of the lake, it was the figure of a woman, who seemed to be dancing and practicing her sword, her body was light and full of strength.

Driven by curiosity, Yun Feiyang decided to try to get close to the shadow. He stepped into a flat boat and paddled gently towards the middle of the lake. As he got closer and closer to the figure, the fog on the surface of the lake grew thicker, as if he was protecting some secret.

Suddenly, the light on the surface of the lake condensed, forming a clear image of a woman. She was dressed in ancient costumes, her face was beautiful, she held a sword in her hand, and between the dances, the tip of the sword danced with the crystal of moonlight. Yun Feiyang was so fascinated by this scene that he almost forgot about time and space.

The woman seemed to feel Yun Feiyang's gaze, and her sword dance slowly stopped, turned to him, and smiled faintly. This smile seems to contain thousands of years of wisdom and vicissitudes, which makes Yun Feiyang's heart surge with inexplicable emotions.

"You're finally here, Yun Feiyang." The woman's voice echoed like an echo in a deep valley, gentle and distant.

"Who are you? Why do you know my name? Yun Feiyang asked in surprise.

The woman gently waved the long sword in her hand and said softly: "I am the guardian of the dark moon, passed down from generation to generation, and I am here to wait for those who are destined. And you, the child of fate, carry great secrets and responsibilities on your back. ”

"I ...... I don't understand. Yun Feiyang replied in confusion.

The woman's eyes showed a hint of compassion and firmness: "Your family once guarded the peace and order of the galaxy. However, with the awakening of the dark forces, the galaxy is once again facing a crisis. You must regain your family's strength to stop the impending disaster. ”

Yun Feiyang was shocked in his heart, he had never imagined that he would have such a great mission. He took a deep breath and looked at the woman with a determined gaze: "Please tell me, what should I do?" ”

The woman smiled, and the tip of her sword tapped the surface of the lake, causing ripples: "Go ahead and find the lost family treasure, which will be the key to your resistance to the darkness." But remember, true strength comes from inner perseverance and belief. ”

Before the words fell, the woman's figure gradually dissipated into the moonlight, leaving only the flickering points of light on the lake, like a little star.

Yun Feiyang sat alone on the boat, unable to calm down for a long time. He knew that his destiny was more complicated and difficult than he imagined. But at the same time, he also felt an unprecedented power surging in his heart, a blessing from the Guardian of the Dark Moon and a manifestation of his self-belief.


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