
Hou Xiang: Stopped developing at the age of 9, was less than 1.6 meters tall at the age of 36, and was ridiculed as a mother and son in the same frame as his wife

author:Erudite Listening Library
Hou Xiang: Stopped developing at the age of 9, was less than 1.6 meters tall at the age of 36, and was ridiculed as a mother and son in the same frame as his wife
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Hou Xiang: Stopped developing at the age of 9, was less than 1.6 meters tall at the age of 36, and was ridiculed as a mother and son in the same frame as his wife

In the glamorous showbiz, there is such a maverick actor - Hou Xiang. At the age of 36, he is less than 1.6 meters tall, but he has a place in the film and television industry with his unique acting skills.

What's even more surprising is that when he is in the same frame with his wife, he is often mistaken for mother and son.

Hou Xiang's story begins on a cold winter night in 1985. He was born frail and sickly, and doctors were even skeptical about his survival. However, fate seems to have prepared an extraordinary life journey for him.

Let's uncover Hou Xiang's growth process, explore how he shines in the face of adversity, conquers the audience with talent and perseverance, and finally reaps the double happiness of career and love.

Hou Xiang: Stopped developing at the age of 9, was less than 1.6 meters tall at the age of 36, and was ridiculed as a mother and son in the same frame as his wife

Hou Xiang was born in an ordinary family in the north and quietly came to this world in the cold winter of 1985. He was born frail and sickly due to his mother's malnutrition during pregnancy, and doctors were skeptical about his survival.

However, under the careful care of his parents, Hou Xiang gradually regained his health and became a source of joy for the family.

In his childhood, Hou Xiang was lively and cute, always smiling, and playing with his parents. His parents were deeply pleased with his clever performance, and they regarded him as a precious gift from God.

However, a twist of fate quietly struck him when he was 9 years old.

Hou Xiang: Stopped developing at the age of 9, was less than 1.6 meters tall at the age of 36, and was ridiculed as a mother and son in the same frame as his wife

A medical certificate announced that Hou Xiang's skeletal development had stagnated, which meant that he would not be able to continue to grow taller and was destined to live a short life. This cruel fact was like a bolt from the blue, and it hit Hou Xiang and his family hard.

Her mother, in particular, fell into a deep self-blame, believing that her own malnutrition had caused her son's suffering.

As he grew older, Hou Xiang began to deeply feel the inconvenience and pain caused by height. At school, he became the object of ridicule from his classmates. Whenever he heard the whispers and contemptuous laughter coming from behind him, Hou Xiang felt a tingle.

He began to become reticent, and instead of looking for his peers to play after school, he returned home alone and shut himself up in his room.

Hou Xiang: Stopped developing at the age of 9, was less than 1.6 meters tall at the age of 36, and was ridiculed as a mother and son in the same frame as his wife

Facing the self in the mirror who was very different from his peers, Hou Xiang often burst into tears. He couldn't confide in his parents about his inner anguish, so he could only bear this heavy fate silently.

The arrival of puberty exacerbated his pain, and when the other classmates began to develop and change their voices, Hou Xiang still maintained his childlike appearance.

However, during this difficult time, Hou Xiang was also quietly growing. He began to learn to face the gaze of others with a smile and arm his fragile heart with strength.

Although his heart was full of confusion and anxiety about the future, he never gave up hope and secretly made up his mind to prove his worth in his own way.

Hou Xiang: Stopped developing at the age of 9, was less than 1.6 meters tall at the age of 36, and was ridiculed as a mother and son in the same frame as his wife

Although this childhood experience brought deep pain to Hou Xiang, it also planted the seeds for his future growth and success. It made Hou Xiang understand the hardships of life, and also taught him how to find hope and strength in the face of adversity.

The turning point in Hou Xiang's life came suddenly and painfully. His mother was ill from a long period of self-blame, and a sudden cerebral hemorrhage left her in a deep coma. Looking at his mother who was getting haggard on the sickbed, Hou Xiang's heart was like a knife.

He realized that his depression had not only not changed the situation, but had caused more pain to his family. At this difficult moment, Hou Xiang made a decision to change his fate - he wanted to chase his acting dream.

Although height is a huge obstacle, Hou Xiang believes that there will be no discrimination on the stage against anyone with dreams. With the support of his parents, he was successfully admitted to art school.

Hou Xiang: Stopped developing at the age of 9, was less than 1.6 meters tall at the age of 36, and was ridiculed as a mother and son in the same frame as his wife

When he first entered the campus, he still had to face the strange eyes of his classmates. But this time, Hou Xiang chose to face it calmly. He told himself that since he couldn't change his height, let his talent prove his worth.

Life in art school is hard, but Hou Xiang enjoys it. He worked harder than the rest of his classmates, often practicing alone in the rehearsal hall until late at night. His diligence and talent impressed the teachers, who gave Hou Xiang more guidance and encouragement.

In an intramural performance competition, Hou Xiang successfully amused the audience with a witty and humorous comedy sketch, and finally won the championship of the competition. This victory gave Hou Xiang great confidence and made him firmly believe that as long as he perseveres, he will definitely be able to achieve something in his acting career.

In 2003, 18-year-old Hou Xiang ushered in the first important opportunity in his life. He got a small supporting role in the TV series "Very Small Courtyard".

Hou Xiang: Stopped developing at the age of 9, was less than 1.6 meters tall at the age of 36, and was ridiculed as a mother and son in the same frame as his wife

Although it is only an inconspicuous character, for Hou Xiang, this is where the dream begins. He threw himself into the performance, trying to interpret every detail, hoping to seize this hard-won opportunity.

This experience gave Hou Xiang a taste of the sweetness of the profession of an actor, and also made him more determined in his choice. He understands that in this industry where appearances win, he has to put in more effort than ordinary people to gain a foothold.

But instead of being afraid, he turns this pressure into motivation and motivates himself to keep moving forward.

In 2004, Hou Xiang ushered in another turning point in his career. He cooperated with 13-year-old Zhang Yishan in the hit drama "Family with Children", and successfully created the image of a naughty little boy.

Hou Xiang: Stopped developing at the age of 9, was less than 1.6 meters tall at the age of 36, and was ridiculed as a mother and son in the same frame as his wife

This role made Hou Xiang truly experience the happiness brought by acting, and also made him feel the love of the audience for the first time.

In this way, Hou Xiang began his acting career. Although he had a difficult start, his eyes burned with a love for acting and hope for the future. He believes that as long as he perseveres, one day, he will be able to shine on this stage.

Hou Xiang's story tells us that even in the face of congenital deficiencies, as long as we have dreams and perseverance, we can still create our own wonderful life.

Hou Xiang's acting career began to take off in real time after "Family with Children". This role not only gave him a taste of the joy of acting, but also made him feel the audience's love for the first time.

Hou Xiang: Stopped developing at the age of 9, was less than 1.6 meters tall at the age of 36, and was ridiculed as a mother and son in the same frame as his wife

However, behind the success is a lot of dedication and perseverance. In order to better interpret the role, Hou Xiang often spends a lot of time observing the children's behavior and figuring out their psychology.

His professionalism and unique acting style quickly caught the attention of directors and producers.

Over the next decade, Hou Xiang participated in the filming of more than 20 film and television works. He is no longer limited to playing the role of a child, but tries a variety of different types of roles.

In the movie "Qianmen Louzi Jiuzhangjiu", he played an adult Wu Xingwang who struggled to survive under the oppression of his stepmother; In the TV series "Sunset in the Ming Palace", he challenged the role of Zhu Youxiao, the emperor of the Ming Dynasty.

Hou Xiang: Stopped developing at the age of 9, was less than 1.6 meters tall at the age of 36, and was ridiculed as a mother and son in the same frame as his wife

This kind of role change is a huge challenge for Hou Xiang.

In order to be able to convincingly play these roles, Hou Xiang invested a lot of time and energy. He delves into the background and psychology of each character, constantly adapting his performance.

He needs to convince the audience that a height is less than 1. A 6-meter actor can play such a diverse role. The process was full of hardships, but Hou Xiang never thought of giving up.

With the increase in the number of participating works, Hou Xiang's acting skills have become more and more exquisite. He gradually found his own acting style, and was good at using his body characteristics to transform them into the unique charm of the role.

Hou Xiang: Stopped developing at the age of 9, was less than 1.6 meters tall at the age of 36, and was ridiculed as a mother and son in the same frame as his wife

For example, when playing an adult role, he will make the audience ignore his height and focus on the charm of the character itself through superb expression management and body language.

Hou Xiang's efforts paid off. He no longer relies solely on physical characteristics to attract audiences, but uses his acting skills and deep understanding of the role to move people's hearts.

Gradually, he won a reputation in the industry and was known as an "acting school" actor.

However, success did not stop Hou Xiang. He knows that in this highly competitive industry, only by constantly learning and improving can he go further. Therefore, even after his successful career, he continued to study hard, constantly trying new ways of acting and taking on more complex roles.

Hou Xiang: Stopped developing at the age of 9, was less than 1.6 meters tall at the age of 36, and was ridiculed as a mother and son in the same frame as his wife

In order to further improve his acting skills, Hou Xiang decided to continue his studies. He applied for the Higher Art Academy, and during his time at the school, he actively participated in various performance activities and was strict with himself.

Under the careful guidance of his mentors, his acting skills have been significantly improved. The school not only gave him a valuable platform for practice, but also allowed him to meet a group of like-minded art peers.

This experience became another important turning point in his acting career.

Hou Xiang's success is not only his personal victory, but also brings hope to those who feel inferior because of their appearance. He used his experience to prove that with talent and perseverance, anyone can shine in the field they love.

Hou Xiang: Stopped developing at the age of 9, was less than 1.6 meters tall at the age of 36, and was ridiculed as a mother and son in the same frame as his wife

His story inspires countless young people with acting dreams, telling them: don't give up your dreams because of appearance or other congenital conditions, as long as you face challenges bravely and persevere, you will eventually reap your share of success one day.

While Hou Xiang's career was booming, his love life also ushered in a turnaround. In 2013, he and his childhood sweetheart Zhao Yin entered the palace of marriage.

This marriage caused quite a stir in society, because the two people with a huge height difference stood together, which was often mistaken for a mother-son relationship.

Back when he was a student, Hou Xiang had a deep affection for his classmate Zhao Yin. However, at that time, he did not dare to show his heart because of his low self-esteem. Years later, the two reunited at a class reunion, and Hou Xiang plucked up the courage to express his feelings to Zhao Yin.

Hou Xiang: Stopped developing at the age of 9, was less than 1.6 meters tall at the age of 36, and was ridiculed as a mother and son in the same frame as his wife

At first, Zhao Yin was a little hesitant about this relationship, worried that the difference in appearance between the two was too big. But as the time spent together was extended, she was moved by Hou Xiang's mature and stable personality and sincere feelings for her.

Zhao Yin values Hou Xiang's inner quality, not his external height.

For this hard-won happiness, Hou Xiang worked harder to run their small family. He learned to cook and take on household chores so that his wife could enjoy the warmth of home after a busy job.

Hou Xiang's thoughtfulness and affection made Zhao Yin feel sincere love.

Hou Xiang: Stopped developing at the age of 9, was less than 1.6 meters tall at the age of 36, and was ridiculed as a mother and son in the same frame as his wife

Although the eyes of the outside world are still unavoidable, Hou Xiang and Zhao Yin have proved the power of true love with practical actions. Their story is not only a fairy tale about love, but also a legend about courage and perseverance.

Their marriage illustrates a profound truth: true love is not about appearance, but about the mutual understanding and support of two hearts.

Hou Xiang's legendary experience has brought us profound life enlightenment. He uses his story to illustrate a simple but profound truth: adversity in life can often become the most valuable asset.

For Hou Xiang, a failure to thrive diagnosed at the age of 9 could have been a desperate diagnosis that crushed him. However, he chose to turn this seeming disadvantage into his own unique advantage.

Hou Xiang: Stopped developing at the age of 9, was less than 1.6 meters tall at the age of 36, and was ridiculed as a mother and son in the same frame as his wife

The height limit did not hinder him from chasing his dreams, but instead became a unique symbol of his standing out in the entertainment industry.

Hou Xiang's success is not only reflected in the brilliance of his career, but also in the fact that he has always maintained a positive and optimistic attitude towards life. When faced with difficulties, he chose to rise to them instead of running away or giving up on himself.

This kind of perseverance made him continue to move forward on the difficult road of acting, and finally reaped the double happiness of career and love.

His story inspires everyone who is facing difficulties: as long as you have a dream and persevere, there is no hurdle that cannot be overcome, and there is no dream that cannot be realized. The value of life lies not in our starting point, but in how we perceive and use our situation, how we can catch up in the face of adversity, and create our own wonderful life.

Hou Xiang: Stopped developing at the age of 9, was less than 1.6 meters tall at the age of 36, and was ridiculed as a mother and son in the same frame as his wife

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