
The people of the Song Dynasty were not bound by tradition and had the courage to innovate, how did this open social environment come about?

author:Hanhai Sand Soul

The Song Dynasty, a dynasty that existed for 319 years, left a unique mark on Chinese history. It has both the contradiction between unity and partiality, and the contrast between wealth and weakness. However, it was precisely in this contradiction that the Song Dynasty gave birth to an open, inclusive, and innovative social environment. In this environment, science and technology are advancing by leaps and bounds, culture and art are flourishing, and the exchange of ideas is free and active. What kind of factors created such an unconventional and innovative social atmosphere in the Song Dynasty? Is it a change in the political system, or an adjustment of the economic structure? Is it the influence of cultural trends, or is it a change in social mores? Perhaps, the answer is hidden in the bustling markets of the Song Dynasty, in the poetry and poetry of literati and writers, or in the major inventions that changed the course of Chinese history. Let's unravel this mystery and explore the source of the Song Dynasty's spirit of openness and innovation, and how it influenced China for generations to come.

At the beginning of the founding of the Song Dynasty, it was faced with a fragmented political situation. The division of the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms made it difficult for the central government to exercise effective control over the localities. In order to consolidate his rule, Zhao Kuangyin, the Taizu of the Song Dynasty, and his successors began a series of reforms in the political system, the most notable of which was the new pattern of civilian governance.

The formation of this new pattern is first embodied in the perfection and expansion of the imperial examination system. The Song Dynasty abolished the "recommendation" system since the Tang Dynasty, making the imperial examination the main way to select talents. At the same time, the Song Dynasty significantly increased the number of places to be admitted to the imperial examination. According to historical records, during the Song Zhenzong period, more than 1,800 people were admitted to the imperial examination, which was several times that of the Tang Dynasty.

Not only that, but the Song Dynasty also broke the monopoly of gate valves in the imperial examination. Emperor Taizong Zhao Guangyi once ordered that the children of the prime minister and the ruling minister should not participate in the imperial examination to prevent the powerful families from monopolizing their careers. This initiative provides more opportunities for the children of poor families, and also makes the imperial examination truly a way to select and appoint talents.

The people of the Song Dynasty were not bound by tradition and had the courage to innovate, how did this open social environment come about?

The reform of the imperial examination system brought about an unexpected result: a large number of scholars poured into the official career, forming a large group of civil officials. Most of these civil officials came from poor backgrounds, and their rise broke the original social structure and injected new vitality into society.

At the same time, the Song Dynasty implemented a policy of "emphasizing literature over military force". The introduction of this policy is closely related to the founding background of the Song Dynasty. Zhao Kuangyin himself seized power through a mutiny, and in order to prevent a repeat of the mistakes of the past, he took a series of measures to weaken the power of military generals. For example, he implemented the "glass of wine to release the military power", and skillfully relieved the generals of the military power; In another example, he stipulated that military generals could not serve as local governors, further limiting the power of military generals.

The implementation of the policy of "emphasizing civilians over military force" has strengthened the status of civilian officials on the one hand, and on the other hand, it has also led to the relative weakening of military strength. Although this policy orientation affected the military strength of the Song Dynasty to a certain extent, it created favorable conditions for the development of culture, art, and science and technology.

While strengthening centralization, the Song dynasty also noted the importance of local autonomy. The Song Dynasty established a complete local administrative system, including four levels: road, prefecture, prefecture, and county. In this system, local officials, although appointed by the central government, have considerable autonomy in handling local affairs. This balance between centralization and local autonomy not only ensures the unity of the country, but also gives the localities a certain space for development.

It is worth mentioning that the Song Dynasty also created the "Three Divisions" system, namely the Salt and Iron Division, the Degree Branch Division, and the Household Department Division to manage finance, money, and taxation respectively. This practice of separation of powers, checks and balances has effectively prevented excessive concentration of power, and has also provided a reference for financial management in later generations.

In general, the reform of the political system of the Song Dynasty, especially the new pattern of civil rule, provided an institutional guarantee for the opening up and innovation of society. It not only changes the traditional power structure, but also opens up new ways for the selection and use of talents. This kind of political openness and inclusiveness laid the foundation for the overall development of Song Dynasty society, and also left a valuable political legacy for future generations.

The people of the Song Dynasty were not bound by tradition and had the courage to innovate, how did this open social environment come about?

The economic prosperity of the Song Dynasty was an important foundation for the formation of its open and innovative social environment. During this period, China's commodity economy reached an unprecedented height, providing material support for exchanges and innovation at all levels of society.

Advances in agricultural production technology were the cornerstone of the economic prosperity of the Song Dynasty. The rulers of the Song Dynasty were well aware of the principle of "agriculture-oriented" and vigorously promoted advanced agricultural technology. For example, during the reign of Emperor Renzong of the Song Dynasty, the "Book of Agriculture" compiled by the agronomist Chen Yang recorded in detail the farming techniques at that time, including the double-cropping cultivation method of rice and the rotation of rice and wheat. The diffusion of these technologies has greatly increased agricultural yields.

In addition, the government of the Song Dynasty also actively built water conservancy. The "Green Seedling Law" presided over by Wang Anshi, a famous minister of the Northern Song Dynasty, not only provided low-interest loans for farmers, but also organized farmers to build water conservancy facilities. These measures have greatly increased agricultural productivity and laid the foundation for the development of the commodity economy.

The specialization and refinement of handicrafts was another important feature of the economic prosperity of the Song Dynasty. Taking porcelain production as an example, the emergence of the five famous kilns of the Song Dynasty (Ru, Guan, Ge, Ding, and Jun) marked the peak of porcelain production technology. Ru kiln porcelain is known for its unique glaze color of "rain over the sky", while Guan kiln porcelain is known for its delicate opening texture. This highly specialized production not only promoted the development of handicrafts, but also contributed to the prosperity of commodity trading.

The expansion of the commercial network and the prosperity of the urban economy were another bright spot in the economic development of the Song Dynasty. The Song Dynasty abolished the "fang market system" that had existed since the Tang Dynasty and allowed commercial activities to spread to all corners of the city. This policy greatly promoted the development of commerce in the city. Taking Lin'an (now Hangzhou), the capital of the Southern Song Dynasty, as an example, according to the record of "Menglianglu", at that time, there were many shops inside and outside Lin'an City, the market was prosperous, and the population reached one million.

The scope of activities of merchants in the Song Dynasty also greatly expanded. The Maritime Silk Road reached its peak during this period, and port cities such as Quanzhou and Mingzhou (now Ningbo) became international trade centers. Song Dynasty merchants traveled all over Southeast Asia, the coast of the Indian Ocean, and even as far as the east coast of Africa. This extensive business network not only brings great economic benefits, but also promotes cultural exchange and technology diffusion.

The people of the Song Dynasty were not bound by tradition and had the courage to innovate, how did this open social environment come about?

The popularization of the monetary economy and the rise of the financial industry were another characteristic of the economic development of the Song Dynasty. The Song Dynasty was the first true "paper money age" in Chinese history. During the Northern Song Dynasty, Jiaozi began to be used in Sichuan, which is one of the earliest banknotes in the world. By the Southern Song Dynasty, the official Huizi was widely circulated throughout the country. The development of the monetary economy promoted the exchange of commodities and also brought about a boom in the financial industry.

In the Song Dynasty, specialized money banks appeared, providing financial services such as storage and exchange. For example, the "Rich Money" in Hangzhou was a well-known financial institution at the time. These banks not only provide convenience for businessmen, but also provide financial channels for ordinary people. At the same time, the Song Dynasty also saw the emergence of the "green seedling trade" similar to futures trading, where merchants could purchase future agricultural products in advance, and this financial innovation greatly contributed to the development of the commodity economy.

It is worth mentioning that the economic prosperity of the Song Dynasty also brought about changes in the social structure. The rise in the status of merchants is one of the most striking features. The Song Dynasty abolished the "merchant registration" system that had existed since the Tang Dynasty and allowed the children of merchants to take the imperial examinations. This policy not only improved the social status of merchants, but also injected new vitality into the commercial economy.

At the same time, the Song Dynasty also saw the emergence of a special group of "scholars". They are both scholars and businessmen. This intersection of identities provides a unique perspective for the exchange of ideas and innovation. For example, the famous physicist Zhu Xi was once engaged in the tea trade, and his business experience undoubtedly influenced his ideological system.

The economic prosperity of the Song Dynasty provided a material basis for the openness and innovation of society. It has not only changed people's lifestyles, but also promoted ideological changes. This economic prosperity and openness laid the foundation for the Song Dynasty to become one of the most innovative eras in Chinese history.

The cultural revival of the Song Dynasty was the core embodiment of its open and innovative social environment. During this period, the revival of Confucianism and the rise of science, the localization and secularization of Buddhism and Taoism, the prosperity and innovation of literature and art, and the acceleration of education and knowledge dissemination together constituted a splendid picture of the integration and innovation of multiple ideas.

The people of the Song Dynasty were not bound by tradition and had the courage to innovate, how did this open social environment come about?

The revival of Confucianism and the rise of science were important symbols of the cultural revival of the Song Dynasty. In the early years of the Northern Song Dynasty, Taizong Zhao Guangyi ordered the rebuilding of the "Five Classics of Justice", which opened the prelude to the revival of Confucianism. This move not only revitalized the status of the Confucian classics, but also laid the foundation for the subsequent development of science.

The rise of science can be said to be a model of cultural innovation in the Song Dynasty. The Northern Song Dynasty physicists, represented by Zhou Dunyi, Zhang Zai, Cheng Hao, and Cheng Yi, created a new philosophical system by integrating the ideas of Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism. For example, Zhou Dunyi's "Tai Chi Diagram Theory" is the product of combining the Taoist theory of cosmogenesis with the Confucian theory of moral cultivation. This kind of innovation not only influenced the academic world at that time, but also had a profound impact on later generations.

In the Southern Song Dynasty, Zhu Xi further developed and systematized the thought of science. His Annotations on the Collection of Four Books, Chapters and Sentences became the standard textbook for later imperial examinations, and its influence lasted for hundreds of years. Zhu Xi's ideas of science were not only widely disseminated in China, but also influenced neighboring countries such as North Korea and Japan, and became an important ideological resource in the East Asian cultural circle.

At the same time, the localization and secularization of Buddhism and Taoism were also an important part of the cultural revival of the Song Dynasty. After experiencing the martyrdom of the five dynasties in the late Tang Dynasty, Buddhism ushered in new development opportunities in the Song Dynasty. Zen Buddhism was further developed during this period, among which the "Five Schools and Seven Sects" represented by the Yunmen sect, the Dharma Eye sect, the Soto sect, the Rinzai sect and the Huanglong sect became the main schools of Zen Buddhism.

It is worth noting that Buddhism in the Song Dynasty showed a clear trend towards secularization. For example, the famous Zen master Yuanwu Keqin put forward the idea of "taking the mundane as the way", believing that ordinary things in daily life can also become objects of practice. This concept has greatly shortened the distance between Buddhism and the general public, and made Buddhist thought closer to real life.

Taoism also underwent important changes during the Song Dynasty. During the Northern Song Dynasty, Wang Qinruo's Seven Signatures of the Cloud Collection collected a large number of Taoist classics and became an important source for Taoist research. During the Southern Song Dynasty, the establishment of Quanzhen Religion was an important milestone in the development of Taoism. Wang Chongyang, the founder of Quanzhenjiao, advocated the "integration of three religions", integrating the ideas of Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism, and this inclusive thought reflected the open nature of Song Dynasty culture.

The people of the Song Dynasty were not bound by tradition and had the courage to innovate, how did this open social environment come about?

The prosperity and innovation of literature and art was another bright spot in the cultural revival of the Song Dynasty. In terms of poetry, the rise of Song Ci opened a new chapter in the history of Chinese literature. The lyrics of Su Shi, Xin Qiji and others not only reached a very high level in art, but also reflected the social reality and literati feelings of the time. For example, Xin Qiji's "Breaking the Array: Giving Strong Words to Chen Tongfu to Send It" fully demonstrates the patriotic feelings of the literati of the Southern Song Dynasty and the spirit of worrying about the country and the people.

The art of painting also made a major breakthrough in the Song Dynasty. The landscape painters of the Northern Song Dynasty, represented by Fan Kuan and Guo Xi, created the "monumental" landscape painting style, which perfectly combined the natural landscape with the humanistic spirit. During the Southern Song Dynasty, Ma Yuan, Xia Gui and others developed the "one corner" composition, replacing the panorama with parts, and creating a new style in the history of Chinese painting.

The popularization of education and the acceleration of knowledge dissemination were important drivers of cultural revival in the Song Dynasty. The government of the Song Dynasty vigorously established official schools, and more than 200 prefecture, prefecture and county schools were established during the Northern Song Dynasty alone. At the same time, private lectures were also popular, and the famous Yuelu Academy and Bailudong Academy were founded during this period. These educational institutions not only train a large number of talents, but also provide an important platform for the exchange of ideas.

The development of printing technology has greatly contributed to the dissemination of knowledge. In the Song Dynasty, the engraving printing technology became more and more mature, and the invention of movable type printing promoted the large-scale production of books. According to statistics, during the Southern Song Dynasty alone, there were nearly 200 bookstores in Hangzhou alone. The wide dissemination of this knowledge provides favorable conditions for the exchange and innovation of ideas.

The cultural revival of the Song Dynasty not only reflected the fusion of diverse ideas, but also demonstrated a strong ability to innovate. This kind of cultural openness and innovation injected a strong spiritual impetus into the overall development of Song Dynasty society, and also left a rich cultural heritage for future generations.

The scientific and technological innovation of the Song Dynasty was a direct product of its open and innovative social environment, and it was also an important driving force for social development. During this period, China made breakthroughs in many fields such as the astronomical calendar, medicine and health, agricultural technology, and military engineering, showing a prosperous scene of a hundred schools of thought contending and a hundred flowers blooming.

The people of the Song Dynasty were not bound by tradition and had the courage to innovate, how did this open social environment come about?

The astronomical calendar was one of the important areas of scientific and technological innovation in the Song Dynasty. In the early years of the Northern Song Dynasty, Zhao Kuangyin, Taizu of the Song Dynasty, ordered the rebuilding of the calendar, which laid the foundation for subsequent astronomical research. Astronomers of the Song Dynasty made a major breakthrough in observation instruments. For example, during the Northern Song Dynasty, Su Song and Han Gonglian designed and manufactured the water transport instrument elephant platform, which was the most advanced astronomical observation instrument in the world at that time. The 12-meter-tall astronomical clock not only accurately displays the time, but also simulates the movement of celestial bodies, demonstrating the high level of technology in the Song Dynasty.

Progress in the field of medicine and health was another bright spot in scientific and technological innovation in the Song Dynasty. During the Northern Song Dynasty, the government set up the Taiyi Bureau, which was responsible for medical education and medical management. This system provides an institutional guarantee for the accumulation and dissemination of medical knowledge. At the same time, a number of outstanding medical scientists emerged in the Song Dynasty, and their writings had a profound impact on later generations.

For example, the Northern Song Dynasty physician Wang Weiyi's "Illustrated Classic of Acupuncture and Moxibustion on the Acupoints of the Bronze Man" systematically recorded the location of acupuncture points and acupuncture methods of the human body for the first time. In order to ensure the accuracy and universality of this knowledge, Song Huizong also ordered the casting of two bronze figures, marked with clear acupuncture points, which were used in medical education and examinations. This teaching method, which combines theoretical knowledge with physical models, reflects the innovation of science and technology education in the Song Dynasty.

Advances in agricultural technology were important factors in supporting the economic prosperity of the Song Dynasty. Agronomists of the Song Dynasty made important contributions to crop cultivation and the improvement of agricultural tools. For example, Chen Yang, an agronomist in the Northern Song Dynasty, recorded in detail the advanced agricultural techniques of the time in his book Chen Yang's Book of Agriculture, including the double-cropping cultivation method of rice and rice-wheat rotation. The diffusion of these technologies has greatly increased agricultural yields.

It is worth mentioning that the Song Dynasty also saw the emergence of the world's earliest agricultural research institutions. During the reign of Song Renzong, the "Seed Art Institute" was established in Kaifeng at that time, specializing in the improvement of crop varieties and the research of cultivation techniques. This combination of scientific research and production reflects the forward-looking and practical nature of scientific and technological innovation in the Song Dynasty.

Military engineering was another important field of scientific and technological innovation in the Song Dynasty. Faced with the threat of northern nomads, the military engineers of the Song Dynasty made a lot of innovations in weaponry. The invention and improvement of gunpowder weapons is one of the most representative achievements. The Song Dynasty invented a wide variety of gunpowder weapons, including rockets, artillery, muskets, etc., which greatly improved the combat capability of the Song army.

The people of the Song Dynasty were not bound by tradition and had the courage to innovate, how did this open social environment come about?

For example, in his book "Records of Defending the City", Chen Gui of the Southern Song Dynasty recorded in detail the gunpowder weapons of the time, including "earth-shaking thunder" and "fireball". These weapons not only played an important role in actual combat, but also laid the foundation for the development of firearms in later generations.

The advancement of shipbuilding technology was another important aspect of scientific and technological innovation in the Song Dynasty. The shipbuilding industry of the Song Dynasty reached unprecedented prosperity, not only meeting domestic demand, but also supporting the development of maritime trade. Song Dynasty shipbuilders made several innovations in ship design and manufacturing. For example, they invented watertight bulkhead technology, which greatly improved the safety of ships. At the same time, the Song Dynasty also saw the emergence of specialized charts, such as the famous "Records of the Counties of the Seas", which provided important guidance for ocean navigation.

Technological innovation in the Song Dynasty is also reflected in all aspects of daily life. For example, the Northern Song Dynasty painter Zhang Zeduan's "Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival" depicts the advanced arch bridge technology of the time. This kind of bridge with large span and strong load-bearing capacity not only facilitates transportation, but also becomes an important part of the urban landscape. Another example is the movable type printing invented in the Song Dynasty, which greatly promoted the dissemination of knowledge and the development of culture.

The scientific and technological innovation of the Song Dynasty was not only reflected in specific inventions and creations, but more importantly, it formed a social atmosphere that advocated science and encouraged innovation. The government of the Song Dynasty set up special institutions responsible for the research and development and promotion of science and technology, such as the "Art and Literature Academy" responsible for compiling various scientific and technological works, and the "Xiuchongdian" responsible for astronomical observation and calendar research. This kind of institutional support provides a good environment for scientific and technological innovation.

At the same time, a large number of scientific and technological works also appeared in the Song Dynasty, such as Shen Kuo's "Mengxi Writings" and Su Song's "New Ritual and Elephant Law Essentials", which not only recorded the scientific and technological achievements at that time, but also provided valuable materials for the research of later generations. This kind of systematization and writing of knowledge reflects the maturity of the scientific spirit of the Song Dynasty.

The Song Dynasty's foreign exchange was an important embodiment of its open and innovative social environment, and it was also a key factor in promoting economic prosperity and cultural integration. During this period, the Maritime Silk Road flourished unprecedentedly, and trade and cultural exchanges between China and its neighboring countries, as well as as as the Middle East and Africa, reached new heights.

The people of the Song Dynasty were not bound by tradition and had the courage to innovate, how did this open social environment come about?

The prosperity of maritime trade in the Song Dynasty was first reflected in the rise and development of port cities. As an important hub of trade in the South China Sea, Guangzhou ushered in new development opportunities during the Song Dynasty. During the reign of Emperor Taizong of the Song Dynasty, the imperial court set up a city department in Guangzhou to manage overseas trade. The establishment of this system not only regulates the trade order, but also promotes the development of trade. According to historical records, hundreds of merchant ships from Arabia, Persia, India and other places docked at the port of Guangzhou in the Song Dynasty every year, and the commodities traded included spices, pearls, ivory and other rare items.

In addition to Guangzhou, Quanzhou also became an important foreign trade port in the Song Dynasty. During the Southern Song Dynasty, Quanzhou surpassed Guangzhou to become the largest port. The prosperity of Quanzhou Port is not only reflected in the scale of trade, but also in its degree of internationalization. In Quanzhou, an international community of diverse cultures has been formed. Arab merchants, Persian merchants, Indian merchants, etc., settled here, established mosques, Buddhist temples and other religious sites, forming a unique cultural landscape.

The prosperity of maritime trade in the Song Dynasty was also reflected in the expansion of trade routes. In addition to the traditional Guangzhou-Southeast Asia-Indian Ocean route, the Song Dynasty also opened direct routes to Japan and Korea. The opening of these routes has not only promoted economic exchanges, but also cultural exchanges. For example, the Japanese monk Eisai came to the Song Dynasty many times to study and brought tea and tea culture back to Japan, which had a profound impact on the formation of the Japanese tea ceremony.

It is worth noting that the prosperity of maritime trade in the Song Dynasty also promoted the progress of shipbuilding and navigation technology. The invention of watertight compartment technology in the Song Dynasty greatly improved the safety of ships and made it possible to sail to the ocean. At the same time, special navigation guides also appeared in the Song Dynasty, such as Zhu Yu's "Pingzhou Can Talk", which recorded in detail the route from Guangzhou to the Arabian Peninsula and the customs along the way, providing an important reference for ocean navigation.

Another important feature of the Song Dynasty's foreign exchanges was the frequent exchange of official envoys. The Song Dynasty maintained close diplomatic relations with neighboring countries and often exchanged envoys. For example, during the reign of Emperor Zhenzong of the Song Dynasty, the famous diplomat Cho Zongdao made many envoys to Goryeo, and he not only completed his diplomatic mission, but also brought the culture and system of Goryeo back to China, compiling the "Goryeo Tujing", which provided valuable information for future generations to understand Goryeo.

Foreign exchanges in the Song Dynasty were not limited to neighboring countries, but also extended to further regions. For example, during the reign of Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty, Zheng He's ancestor Zheng Gang led a delegation to visit the Arab region. The visit not only promoted trade exchanges, but also cultural exchanges. Zheng Gang brought back a large number of exotic treasures and artifacts, including precious astronomical instruments that had an important impact on the development of astronomy in the Song Dynasty.

The people of the Song Dynasty were not bound by tradition and had the courage to innovate, how did this open social environment come about?

The prosperity of foreign exchange during the Song Dynasty was also reflected in the activities of foreign envoys and merchants in China. Many foreign envoys and merchants lived in China for a long time, and they were not only engaged in trade activities, but also participated in the social life of China. For example, the Arab merchant Pu Shou Geng settled in Quanzhou and eventually became the governor of Quanzhou City. Pu Shougeng's experience not only reflects the openness of Song Dynasty society, but also demonstrates the important role of the Maritime Silk Road in promoting cultural integration.

The prosperity of foreign exchanges in the Song Dynasty also promoted the spread of science and technology. For example, Arabic astronomical knowledge was introduced to China through the Maritime Silk Road, which had an important impact on the development of astronomy in the Song Dynasty. At the same time, China's four great inventions also spread to the rest of the world through the Maritime Silk Road. Among them, after the art of papermaking was transmitted to the Arab world, it was transmitted to Europe through Arabia, which played a role in promoting the rise of the European Renaissance.

The prosperity of foreign exchanges in the Song Dynasty was also reflected in the exchange of religion and ideas. Buddhism continued to spread to Southeast Asia and Japan by sea during this period. At the same time, Islam was also introduced to China through the Maritime Silk Road, forming a Muslim community in the coastal areas. The blending of these different religions and cultures enriched the cultural life of Song Dynasty society and laid the foundation for the cultural development of later generations.

Foreign exchanges in the Song Dynasty not only promoted economic development, but also promoted cultural prosperity. Through the Maritime Silk Road, Chinese porcelain, silk and other items were exported overseas and became important export commodities. At the same time, foreign spices, jewelry and other luxury goods were also imported into China in a steady stream, meeting the growing consumer demand of Song Dynasty society. This two-way material exchange not only promotes economic development, but also enriches people's lives.