
"The Shenzhong Passage Expressway was surprised by a strange illegal parking: Xiaomi SU7 owners personally made a show to sit on a camping chair!"

author:Book from the sky

Recently, a shocking video went viral on social media. In the video, the owner of a Xiaomi SU7 luxury sedan deliberately parked illegally on the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Passage Expressway, which not only affected the normal traffic order, but also surprised other drivers. There was also a camping chair on the car, and the owner even posed for a selfie, which caused strong anger and condemnation from many netizens.

"The Shenzhong Passage Expressway was surprised by a strange illegal parking: Xiaomi SU7 owners personally made a show to sit on a camping chair!"

The incident occurred on the Shenzhong Passage Expressway, and according to eyewitnesses, there was a lot of traffic at the time, and the owner of this Xiaomi SU7 chose the most inappropriate place to park illegally. He parked his car on the emergency stop strip, completely ignoring the safety of other vehicles around him.

Seeing that he didn't plan to leave, he even took out his mobile phone, turned his head and started taking a selfie, as if he didn't care about the impact of his actions on others. Not only that, but there was also a camping chair on the car, which reminded him that he was enjoying this "privilege" of illegal parking. This irresponsible behavior caused the anger of many car owners, and they immediately uploaded the video through social media, hoping to attract the attention of the relevant departments.

"The Shenzhong Passage Expressway was surprised by a strange illegal parking: Xiaomi SU7 owners personally made a show to sit on a camping chair!"

The behavior of this Xiaomi SU7 owner is truly incredible. Not only did it violate road traffic regulations, but it also caused great trouble to other drivers. Not only that, but his behavior is extremely demonstrative, which may trigger others to imitate it, causing a greater negative impact on the entire traffic environment.

For such violations, it is not only necessary for relevant departments to increase law enforcement efforts and seriously deal with illegal parking users, but also for the majority of netizens and all sectors of society to work together to create a good traffic order and civilized travel environment.

"The Shenzhong Passage Expressway was surprised by a strange illegal parking: Xiaomi SU7 owners personally made a show to sit on a camping chair!"

At the same time, we also call on car owners to raise their awareness of traffic safety and consciously abide by traffic rules. Driving is a serious matter that involves everyone's life safety and should be cherished. No matter what kind of vehicle it is, you should not indulge yourself because you have some kind of privilege and affect the safety of others.

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