
Zhang Lan: My grandson Xiao Linlin must study for a doctorate, and Da S has suffered a loss of not studying until today

author:Little Flower Women's Volleyball Talk

Text: Xiaohua Women's Volleyball Team Talk

Editor|Xiaohua Women's Volleyball Talk

In a recent video, Zhang Lan, a well-known entrepreneur, sent a clear signal: she hopes that her grandson Xiaolinlin will be able to study for a doctorate in the future, and emphasized that Da S has encountered all kinds of difficulties today because he has not been able to continue his studies.

This remark quickly sparked heated discussions on social media, with different opinions from all sides, and netizen comments came one after another.

Zhang Lan, a strong woman in the business world, is known for her resolute personality and unique business vision.


In the video, she revealed her ardent expectations for her grandson Xiao Linlin's future, Zhang Lan mentioned: "Xiao Linlin must study for a doctorate when he grows up."

Zhang Lan is not just empty talk, she has already planned the future path for Xiao Linlin.

Starting with basic education, Zhang Lan plans to let Xiao Linlin receive the best quality educational resources, including choosing top international schools, hiring private tutors, and even paving the way for her to study abroad in advance.

Zhang Lan: My grandson Xiao Linlin must study for a doctorate, and Da S has suffered a loss of not studying until today

Zhang Lan firmly believes that such an investment in education will lay a solid foundation for Xiaolinlin's future career and personal development.

As a mother, Da S obviously has her own considerations for her child's future planning.

Although Big S did not clearly respond to Zhang Lan's remarks, she obviously will not give up the cultivation of her children easily.

Zhang Lan: My grandson Xiao Linlin must study for a doctorate, and Da S has suffered a loss of not studying until today

Big S has a rich and colorful experience in the entertainment industry, and she may pay more attention to cultivating children's comprehensive quality, not just academic performance.

Whether Big S will compromise because of Zhang Lan's high-pressure policy and let his children live with his grandparents in Beijing has become the focus of everyone's attention.

Zhang Lan: My grandson Xiao Linlin must study for a doctorate, and Da S has suffered a loss of not studying until today

In the video, Zhang Lan also mentioned that Big S "suffered the loss of not studying".

This sentence sparked curiosity and discussion.

As a well-known artist, Da S's career and life have always attracted much attention.

Does Zhang Lan's remarks hint at some of Da S's career difficulties or unsatisfactory personal life? This interpretation sparked heated discussions among netizens.

Zhang Lan: My grandson Xiao Linlin must study for a doctorate, and Da S has suffered a loss of not studying until today

In fact, Big S has always occupied a place in the entertainment industry with his beauty and talent.

Zhang Lan's remarks seem to suggest that Big S may have been restricted in some respects due to his low academic qualifications.

Zhang Lan: My grandson Xiao Linlin must study for a doctorate, and Da S has suffered a loss of not studying until today

Netizens have said, is such an evaluation too harsh? After all, everyone's path to success is different, and a high degree is not the only pass.

Zhang Lan not only hopes that Xiao Linlin can study for a doctorate, but also mentions that she hopes that he can inherit the family business.

This statement is reminiscent of the succession of family businesses.

Zhang Lan: My grandson Xiao Linlin must study for a doctorate, and Da S has suffered a loss of not studying until today

Many netizens said that as the heir to the family business, Xiao Linlin shoulders great responsibilities and expectations.

Some people are worried that this stress will have a negative impact on a child's development? At the same time, some people believe that receiving a good education and family edification will make Xiaolinlin more competitive and responsible.

Zhang Lan: My grandson Xiao Linlin must study for a doctorate, and Da S has suffered a loss of not studying until today

At the same time, some netizens raised a sensitive question: "Will Ma Xiaomei and Wang Xiaofei's children compete with Xiaolinlin for family property in the future?" Once the stepmother gives birth to a child, the child of Big S will not go, and the grandmother will not be close, and there will really be nothing to inherit in the future."

Some netizens mentioned: "Sister Lan said: If the child does not come to Beijing, he will only be given living expenses in the future, and he will not have the right to inherit."

Zhang Lan: My grandson Xiao Linlin must study for a doctorate, and Da S has suffered a loss of not studying until today

Xiaofei is already married, and she will definitely have a third child, so Da S is a little anxious, so he asks the child to go to Beijing to see his grandparents.

The issue is clearly controversial, and the complex relationships within the family and the issue of succession often become the focus of media and public attention.

Zhang Lan: My grandson Xiao Linlin must study for a doctorate, and Da S has suffered a loss of not studying until today

In this family story full of controversy and challenges, every choice and decision of Zhang Lan, Da S, Wang Xiaofei and Xiao Linlin is a family drama full of drama and realistic significance.

In this journey of family inheritance, everyone is looking for their place and answers.

Whatever the outcome, this story will become a classic case of family, education and inheritance, and it will provoke more thought and discussion.

What do you think about this? Feel free to leave a message in the comment area!

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