
What clothes did the ancients wear in summer? You think it's conservative, but it's actually more open to dressing than modern people

author:Sweet water

What clothes did the ancients wear in summer? You think it's conservative, but it's actually more open to dressing than modern people

After thousands of years of historical vicissitudes, the Chinese nation has undergone earth-shaking changes in both clothing and lifestyle. How did the ancient people skillfully cope with the scorching heat during the hot summer months?

As we all know, we tend to think that the ancients were too conservative and acted more traditionally. But this is not the case, and if we open the historical archives, we will find that the thinking and lifestyle of the ancients were even more open than that of modern people.

What clothes did the ancients wear in summer? You think it's conservative, but it's actually more open to dressing than modern people

As early as 4,700 years ago, the industrious and intelligent Chinese people had mastered the technology of silk breeding and weaving. They found that silk was not only light and cool, but also extremely noble in making clothes. So in the prosperous dynasty, these silk thin shirts became a must-have luxury outfit for the magnates in the summer.

And for ordinary people, although they can't afford expensive silk fabrics, they also want cool clothes. So they came up with a brilliant way to make Mai out of kudzu hemp. By boiling kudzu in boiling water, the fibers are extracted and woven into clothing, which is comfortable and cool, but also relatively cheap and affordable.

What clothes did the ancients wear in summer? You think it's conservative, but it's actually more open to dressing than modern people

By the Tang Dynasty, people's minds were more emancipated, especially in the aesthetics of women's clothing. The unprecedented bold fashion of "topless clothing" appeared, and began to spread from court ladies to ordinary people. It can be seen that even in the feudal period, the lifestyle and clothing aesthetics of the ancients were far more open and avant-garde than we imagined.

From the perspective of historians, it is not difficult for us to find that the clothing culture of the Chinese nation is constantly changing and enriching with the changes of the times. From the early silk cocoon clothes to the later Ge Ma Mai, and then to the Tang Dynasty's chest clothes, all reflect the wisdom and creativity of the Chinese people in resisting the scorching heat.

What clothes did the ancients wear in summer? You think it's conservative, but it's actually more open to dressing than modern people

Nowadays, we may not be able to experience the lives of the ancients firsthand, but through an in-depth understanding of history, we can always discover some unexpected and interesting facts, so that we can better recognize and understand our cultural roots. Let's walk into the ancient Chinese summer fashion and feel the charm of the wisdom of our predecessors.

What clothes did the ancients wear in summer? You think it's conservative, but it's actually more open to dressing than modern people

Continuing to explore the summer life of the ancients, it is not difficult to find that they have a variety of ways to escape the heat.

What clothes did the ancients wear in summer? You think it's conservative, but it's actually more open to dressing than modern people

In addition to relying on light, cool silk fabrics and linen products to regulate body temperature, the ancients also had some other ingenious methods. For example, it is recorded that princes and nobles would choose to go to summer resorts in the cool mountains. The fresh air and shade will undoubtedly help them escape the heat of the city.

What clothes did the ancients wear in summer? You think it's conservative, but it's actually more open to dressing than modern people

Although ordinary people can't enjoy such a luxurious "summer life", they also have their own set of tips to beat the heat. Some farmers choose to wear ultra-short pants when they work, which not only facilitates movement but also minimizes body temperature. In addition, they will make some homemade cold drinks to quench their thirst from the heat.

What clothes did the ancients wear in summer? You think it's conservative, but it's actually more open to dressing than modern people

It can be said that whether it is a nobleman or a commoner, the ancient Chinese had a wealth of wisdom to cool off. They made full use of the resources of the time and successfully coped with the challenges of the summer heat in a variety of innovative ways. This spirit of courage to try and be good at innovation has undoubtedly become a part of Chinese culture.

What clothes did the ancients wear in summer? You think it's conservative, but it's actually more open to dressing than modern people

Nowadays, when we look back and study these historical details, we can not only gain insight into the living conditions of the ancients, but also draw valuable wisdom from them. Whether it is ancient or modern, Chinese and foreign, people's needs for summer escape are the same. Only when we take the initiative to learn from and learn from the experience of our predecessors can we better cope with the challenges of life today.

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