
The United States has a headache, NASA has not received an invitation from the Chinese space agency, and it cannot get lunar samples

author:Colorful magpie vkCsTe

Oh, speaking of which, isn't the moon hanging in the sky and shining on everyone? But there's a lot of story behind it. Unexpectedly, our Chang'e-6 got a handful of soil from the far side of the moon this time, which is not a small matter! The whole world wants to touch it, but it doesn't call the United States, no, NASA can't sit still.

The United States has a headache, NASA has not received an invitation from the Chinese space agency, and it cannot get lunar samples

The moon, the heavenly girl who has been opposed by poetry since ancient times, actually has many secrets that we don't know. You say, these big guys on our earth have probed all the corners and corners of the ground, how can they let go of the girls in the sky? As a result, all kinds of spacecraft, probes, and so on, rushed up like a gathering.

In particular, in 2019, China's Chang'e-4 probe landed on the far side of the moon for the first time, which is the first time in the history of aerospace of all mankind. But this time, we're talking about Chang'e 6, this kid not only went, but also dug up a cart of soil for us from the far side of the moon, which is a big deal.

The United States has a headache, NASA has not received an invitation from the Chinese space agency, and it cannot get lunar samples

Do you think, the earth is so big, who else went to the far side of the moon to get soil earlier than us in China? No, Chang'e-6 is like planting a big five-star red flag on the moon, which is both shocking and eye-catching.

After this soil came back, the Chinese space agency was not a stingy person, and openly said, come on, scientists all over the world, you want to study the lunar soil, we can give you some samples. This is a big deal, scientists all over the world seem to smell honey, and they are gearing up to do this.

The United States has a headache, NASA has not received an invitation from the Chinese space agency, and it cannot get lunar samples

But just when everyone was about to move a small bench to watch, they suddenly found that NASA was so stiff-faced? It turned out that this time in the invitation letter issued by the China Space Agency, the United States was not on the mailing list.

This is a bit interesting, because it stands to reason that in addition to the fierce technical competition in aerospace, everyone still needs to learn from each other. NASA is also a big brother in this regard, and although we had a little friction in the past, it was not to the point where we had to quarrel. So why did you leave the United States behind this time?

The United States has a headache, NASA has not received an invitation from the Chinese space agency, and it cannot get lunar samples

After all, it all started in 2011. At that time, the U.S. Congress passed a gadget called the Wolf Amendment, which stipulated that NASA in the United States could not have direct official contact and cooperation with China. Originally, it was the United States' own house rules, but this is a bit embarrassing in the international arena, because it makes the formal cooperation between the two sides particularly troublesome.

Going back to Chang'e-6, it's not just about digging the earth. China cooperates with the European Space Agency, France, Italy, and Pakistan. Not only do they exchange technologies, but they also support each other in the study of the moon. In particular, Russia is discussing a big plan to build a nuclear power plant on the moon from 2033 to 2035.

The United States has a headache, NASA has not received an invitation from the Chinese space agency, and it cannot get lunar samples

Behind this is not only the exchange of science and technology, but also the establishment of culture and trust. When so many countries can sit together and discuss the secrets of the moon, the United States is the only one who stands outside the door because of the rules it has set in the past.

If this matter is put in the eyes of our people, it may be a sentence, "Isn't this self-inflicted?" "But for researchers, every international cooperation is precious. They may have to miss out on first-hand information about the far side of the moon, which is definitely a big loss for scientific work.

Therefore, the soil of Chang'e-6 is back this time, not only as simple as soil, but also with the story of international cooperation and competition, with the progress of science and technology and the subtlety of international politics. All this, in the soil of the moon, quietly tells us that the exploration of the universe is far more complicated than what we see.

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