
Behind the Sino-Japanese dispute over the Diaoyu Islands: Japan's hidden strategic ambitions and the strategy of substituting offense for territorial defense

author:Social Awa onions

Behind the issue of the Diaoyu Islands between China and Japan lies Japan's unknown strategic ambitions. From the Cairo Declaration of 1943 to the attitude of the post-war United States, everything is not simple.

Behind the Sino-Japanese dispute over the Diaoyu Islands: Japan's hidden strategic ambitions and the strategy of substituting offense for territorial defense

In 1943, World War II was in full swing, and the leaders of the world's great powers gathered in Cairo, Egypt, to discuss what to do with post-war Japan. At this meeting, Chiang Kai-shek of China, Roosevelt of the United States, and Churchill of Britain jointly signed the Cairo Declaration.

Behind the Sino-Japanese dispute over the Diaoyu Islands: Japan's hidden strategic ambitions and the strategy of substituting offense for territorial defense

This document clearly states that Japan should return all territories occupied during the war, including but not limited to Honshu, Hokkaido, Kyushu, and Shikoku, as well as a number of small islands. This was the first time that the international community had clearly defined the territorial boundaries of postwar Japan.

Behind the Sino-Japanese dispute over the Diaoyu Islands: Japan's hidden strategic ambitions and the strategy of substituting offense for territorial defense

However, the situation did not develop in the aftermath of the war as expected by the Cairo Declaration. As the only post-war Japanese occupation regime with a large-scale military station, the United States had a huge influence on Japan.

Behind the Sino-Japanese dispute over the Diaoyu Islands: Japan's hidden strategic ambitions and the strategy of substituting offense for territorial defense

Although the Potsdam Proclamation confirmed the provisions of the Cairo Declaration, the United States adopted a relatively tolerant approach to Japan's territorial ambitions out of its own global strategic considerations. This tolerance did not come without a price, and Japan's coveting of foreign territories in the years that followed did not completely subside.

Behind the Sino-Japanese dispute over the Diaoyu Islands: Japan's hidden strategic ambitions and the strategy of substituting offense for territorial defense

The issue of the Diaoyu Islands, in particular, became the most complicated after the war. Located in the East China Sea, the Diaoyu Islands are extremely geographically important and coveted for their abundant natural resources, making them a key strategic location. According to historical records, these islands were included in China's territory during the Ming Dynasty, but in modern times, Japan has claimed these islands due to its geographical and resource advantages.

Behind the Sino-Japanese dispute over the Diaoyu Islands: Japan's hidden strategic ambitions and the strategy of substituting offense for territorial defense

From the 50s to the 70s of the 20th century, with the deepening of the Cold War, the strategic layout of the United States in Asia promoted its support for Japan. The United States established a major military base in the Ryukyu Islands (now Okinawa Prefecture).

Behind the Sino-Japanese dispute over the Diaoyu Islands: Japan's hidden strategic ambitions and the strategy of substituting offense for territorial defense

It has deepened Japan's desire to control the islands and complicated the issue of the Diaoyu Islands. In 1972, when the Japanese government formally returned the Ryukyu Islands to Japan, it also wanted to strengthen its claim to the Diaoyu Islands.

Behind the Sino-Japanese dispute over the Diaoyu Islands: Japan's hidden strategic ambitions and the strategy of substituting offense for territorial defense

In the 21st century, the international community has called for the settlement of disputes through peaceful dialogue, but Japan's attitude has become increasingly tough. The Japanese government frequently sends patrol vessels to the waters around the Diaoyu Islands and wants to strengthen its control over the islands through domestic legal means.

Behind the Sino-Japanese dispute over the Diaoyu Islands: Japan's hidden strategic ambitions and the strategy of substituting offense for territorial defense

The action provoked a strong reaction from the Chinese government. China adheres to a position based on history and international law, and demands that Japan respect the facts and stop all actions to change the status quo.

Behind the Sino-Japanese dispute over the Diaoyu Islands: Japan's hidden strategic ambitions and the strategy of substituting offense for territorial defense

At the same time, China has also strengthened the protection of its maritime rights and interests. The Chinese government has actively expounded its position on international occasions and has also strengthened the building of its naval forces to ensure that it can effectively safeguard the country's maritime rights and interests. This dual tactic, military and diplomatic, is the most direct response to Japan's behavior.

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