
It's really outrageous, the infusion has to pay for the chair, and it has been recognized ↑↑! Netizens said: My store does not charge table fees


Recently, the payment bill of a children's hospital was reported by netizens: the outrageous charging item of "one group of seats" has sparked extensive discussions; This incident not only exposed the gray area of fees, but also triggered people's deep thinking about the nature of medical services.

It's really outrageous, the infusion has to pay for the chair, and it has been recognized ↑↑! Netizens said: My store does not charge table fees

At the heart of the incident was the fact that the hospital in Ningxia charged an extra fee for the chairs used for the infusion. According to the explanation of the hospital staff, the 5 yuan fee includes 2.5 yuan for the use of the seat, and the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region Medical Insurance Bureau confirmed that this charging method is in line with the relevant policy. Far from quelling the controversy, this explanation has raised more questions.

After the incident was reported on the Internet, many netizens participated in the argument in points:

Some netizens are asking: "If I do catering, can I also charge seat fees"?

It's really outrageous, the infusion has to pay for the chair, and it has been recognized ↑↑! Netizens said: My store does not charge table fees

I also agree with this netizen's question: "Can train station seats also be charged"? Should I pay less for a non-seat ticket?

It's really outrageous, the infusion has to pay for the chair, and it has been recognized ↑↑! Netizens said: My store does not charge table fees

The following netizen asked: "Ask him if he goes to the restaurant to eat, does he charge for the table and the table"?

It's really outrageous, the infusion has to pay for the chair, and it has been recognized ↑↑! Netizens said: My store does not charge table fees

From the perspective of legal, patient and international multi-dimensional analysis:

From a legal point of view, the charging items and standards of medical institutions should follow the relevant national and local regulations. The seemingly insignificant charge of "seat fee" touches the basic boundary of medical services. What is the essence of medical care? Should every detail be "monetized"? These are questions worth pondering.

From the patient's point of view, seeing a doctor is already an anxious thing, and the extra charge undoubtedly increases the psychological burden. Especially for patients who are not financially well-off, every penny needs to be carefully calculated. As a public service institution, should hospitals give more consideration to patients' feelings and affordability?

The National Health Insurance Administration and other departments jointly issued the "Opinions on Regulating Medical Charges and Strengthening the Supervision of Medical Charges", which clearly stated that it is necessary to standardize the price items of medical services and strictly prohibit illegal charges. This shows that the national level has been aware of the problems in medical charges and has begun to take measures.

Internationally, different countries also have different approaches to the charging model for medical services. For example, some countries have adopted a lump sum system, where the cost of all basic services is packaged together, avoiding excessive breakdown charges. In other countries, compulsory health insurance covers most of the cost of primary care, reducing the burden on patients. These practices may provide some lessons for the reform of the mainland's medical system.

It's really outrageous, the infusion has to pay for the chair, and it has been recognized ↑↑! Netizens said: My store does not charge table fees

Personally, I think it's important to be transparent.

We also can't ignore the operational pressure of hospitals, the renewal of medical equipment, the salaries of medical staff, and the maintenance of infrastructure all require a lot of financial support. Many patients do not understand the details of medical billing, which can easily lead to misunderstanding and mistrust; How to improve the transparency of medical charges, so that patients can see a doctor clearly and consume clearly, is a problem that hospitals and relevant departments need to think about.

It's really outrageous, the infusion has to pay for the chair, and it has been recognized ↑↑! Netizens said: My store does not charge table fees

In conclusion, although the "seat fee" incident is small, it touches on the essence and boundary of medical services. It reminds us that while pursuing efficiency and benefits, we must not forget the humanistic care of medical care; Hospitals need to be more humane in the details of fees, government departments need to formulate clearer and more reasonable policies, and each of us needs to look at medical costs rationally and jointly maintain a fair and transparent medical environment.

It's really outrageous, the infusion has to pay for the chair, and it has been recognized ↑↑! Netizens said: My store does not charge table fees

In the face of such a situation, what do you think hospitals, governments and patients should each do to ensure the quality of medical care without patients feeling "hurt"? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section.