
Bi Fujian's daughter took a recent photo, 27-year-old Bi Ling is sturdy, shaved his hair on both sides like a tomboy

author:Poetic little red flower
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Hey, friends, do you remember Bi Fujian? The host who once brought us countless laughs on the screen.

Now, his daughter Bi Ling has set off a lot of turmoil! The 27-year-old recently posted a set of recent photos, which was really shocking, and she couldn't help but want to take a few more looks.

This girl, with a strong body, has shaved hair on both sides, and is becoming more and more like a tomboy! Let's take a look at what is going on with this second-generation star.

Bi Fujian's daughter took a recent photo, 27-year-old Bi Ling is sturdy, shaved his hair on both sides like a tomboy
Bi Fujian's daughter took a recent photo, 27-year-old Bi Ling is sturdy, shaved his hair on both sides like a tomboy

Having said that, Bi Ling, a child, has lived under the public attention since he was a child.

After all, my dad is a celebrity, and his every move naturally can't escape everyone's eyes.

However, she has always been low-key, rarely sharing selfies, and more posting her artworks.

It seems that this girl is a talented master, unlike some second-generation stars, who only know how to rely on the aura of her parents to gain popularity.

Bi Fujian's daughter took a recent photo, 27-year-old Bi Ling is sturdy, shaved his hair on both sides like a tomboy

No, Bi Ling recently updated a set of photos on social media, which instantly attracted countless netizens to watch.

In the photo, hey, that's really full of personality! His hair was shaved on both sides, he wore large earrings on his ears, a large ring on his hands, and a thick necklace around his neck.

This punk-style dress is simply eye-catching.

However, some people say, isn't this look a little too "alternative"? After all, most of the girls we usually see are gentle and gentle, and it is really rare to see such a "tomboy" style.

Bi Fujian's daughter took a recent photo, 27-year-old Bi Ling is sturdy, shaved his hair on both sides like a tomboy

In addition to the eye-catching shape, Bi Ling's figure has also become a hot topic of discussion.

After all, this girl's size, well, how to put it, is indeed a bit "strong".

Some netizens suggested to her, is it time to lose weight appropriately? After all, it's the health that counts.

However, some people say that Bi Ling is born with a large skeleton, and there is no need to deliberately pursue a thin figure.

Oh, this figure thing, it's really turnip greens have their own love, let's not talk about it.

Bi Fujian's daughter took a recent photo, 27-year-old Bi Ling is sturdy, shaved his hair on both sides like a tomboy

Don't look at Bi Ling's usual dress up like a "tomboy", she is a delicate girl.

In the photo, she is close to her friends, vacationing together, laughing together, and looking very happy.

She doesn't care about those gender boundaries, with her friends, the most important thing is to be happy.

This kind of free and easy character is really enviable.

Bi Fujian's daughter took a recent photo, 27-year-old Bi Ling is sturdy, shaved his hair on both sides like a tomboy

However, then again, Bi Ling's pants, well, are they a little tight? Doesn't this girl have to think about buying some new clothes? After all, wearing well-fitting clothes is the best way to show your personality.

Bi Fujian's daughter took a recent photo, 27-year-old Bi Ling is sturdy, shaved his hair on both sides like a tomboy

This time, Bi Ling also shared a rare high-definition selfie.

In the photo, she seems to have a hint of shyness, and there is a sense of uncertainty in her eyes.

Heck, it seems that even a "tomboy" has her gentle side.

This selfie really makes people know a little more about her.

Bi Fujian's daughter took a recent photo, 27-year-old Bi Ling is sturdy, shaved his hair on both sides like a tomboy

Bi Ling's appearance has aroused widespread discussion among netizens.

Some people say that her appearance is simply a star face! Look at those facial features, how three-dimensional and exquisite.

Some people also say that her style is so individual, it is simply a breath of fresh air in the fashion industry.

However, some people have reservations about her "tomboy" style, thinking that the girl should still be a little girly.

Bi Fujian's daughter took a recent photo, 27-year-old Bi Ling is sturdy, shaved his hair on both sides like a tomboy

We all know that Bi Ling grew up abroad.

She speaks English fluently, which is a well-informed master.

Today, she's working in art and design, and she's very talented.

After all, she graduated from the Ontario College of Art and Design, and her grades are still very good.

It seems that this girl not only has a personality, but also has real talents.

Bi Fujian's daughter took a recent photo, 27-year-old Bi Ling is sturdy, shaved his hair on both sides like a tomboy

Speaking of which, Bi Ling's personality and style are becoming more and more assertive.

She doesn't seem to care about the eyes of the outside world, and just walks her own path with determination.

This kind of courage and self-confidence is really admirable.

After all, in this complex world, it is not easy to assert yourself.

Bi Fujian's daughter took a recent photo, 27-year-old Bi Ling is sturdy, shaved his hair on both sides like a tomboy

Looking at Bi Ling's current appearance, and thinking about what she looked like when she was a child, it is really emotional.

Back then, she was still an 8-year-old girl, so she moved to Canada with her mother.

At that time, she was still an innocent little girl, but now she has grown into a "tomboy" with a full personality.

This time flies, but it is really fast.

Bi Fujian's daughter took a recent photo, 27-year-old Bi Ling is sturdy, shaved his hair on both sides like a tomboy

Although Bi Ling and his father Bi Fujian were separated by their parents' divorce in their early years, their father-daughter relationship has always been very good.

Look at the photo Bi Ling posted on social media, the father and daughter are next to each other, smiling brightly.

It seems that this blood relationship is really severed.

Bi Fujian's daughter took a recent photo, 27-year-old Bi Ling is sturdy, shaved his hair on both sides like a tomboy

Today, Bi Ling is 27 years old.

She used her own way to live her own wonderful life.

She didn't care what the outside world saw, she just walked her own path with determination.

This courage and self-confidence made her shine in the crowd.

Perhaps, this is her unique charm.

Bi Fujian's daughter took a recent photo, 27-year-old Bi Ling is sturdy, shaved his hair on both sides like a tomboy

Let's take a look at Bi Ling's social media, which is full of life.

She shares her artwork, records happy times with friends, and shows her daily routine from time to time.

This kind of authentic and unpretentious style really makes people want to give her a thumbs up.

Bi Fujian's daughter took a recent photo, 27-year-old Bi Ling is sturdy, shaved his hair on both sides like a tomboy

Speaking of which, Bi Ling's talent has been evident since childhood.

I think back then, because her father was the host, she appeared on a lot of TV shows.

"Avenue of Stars" and "I Take My Family to the Avenue", these shows are her "show".

Now, she has put her talent to work and has become an excellent designer.

This girl has a bright future!

Bi Fujian's daughter took a recent photo, 27-year-old Bi Ling is sturdy, shaved his hair on both sides like a tomboy

Looking at Bi Ling's current appearance, and thinking about what she looked like when she was a child, it is really emotional.

She has grown from an innocent little girl to a "tomboy" with a full personality.

This change is both surprising and gratifying.

After all, everyone has their own growth trajectory, and Bi Ling's growth is undoubtedly full of color and vitality.

Bi Fujian's daughter took a recent photo, 27-year-old Bi Ling is sturdy, shaved his hair on both sides like a tomboy

In general, Bi Ling, a girl, is really loved and hated.

She has a personality, talent, and self-confidence, and has lived her own wonderful life.

Her figure may be a little "strong", her style may be a little "alternative", but this is her, unique and irreproducible.

Let's bless this girl to continue to shine in her own way in the days to come!

Bi Fujian's daughter took a recent photo, 27-year-old Bi Ling is sturdy, shaved his hair on both sides like a tomboy

After all, in this complex world, it is not easy to assert yourself and live your true self.

Bi Ling, you have done a good job! Keep up the good work, use your talent and self-confidence to conquer more challenges! Let's wait and see, and look forward to more surprises and touches from you!

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