
Falsification admitted? The head of NASA suddenly revealed a shocking remark: "Will land on the moon before China"!

author:Brush strokes floating dust

In 1969, Apollo 11 astronaut Armstrong left the first historic step on the surface of the moon, ushering in a new era of human space exploration. To this day, the feat of landing on the moon still shocks and impresses the whole world. However, the authenticity of the Apollo moon landings has been debated.

Falsification admitted? The head of NASA suddenly revealed a shocking remark: "Will land on the moon before China"!

Recently, NASA Administrator Nelson suddenly announced in a high-profile manner that "the United States will take precedence over China in landing on the moon." This remark is no less than a slap in the face, once again putting the question of the authenticity of the Apollo moon landing on the table, setting off a heated discussion around the world.

Behind Nelson's remarks, it seems to reveal some hidden worries and anxieties in NASA's heart. Over the past 50 years, China's space industry has advanced by leaps and bounds, the lunar exploration project is progressing steadily, and Chang'e-5 has gradually started various preparations. In contrast, NASA has not made significant progress for many years, and its ambitions to "return to the moon" are fading.

Falsification admitted? The head of NASA suddenly revealed a shocking remark: "Will land on the moon before China"!

China's potential is unlimited, the United States is unable to return to its shortcomings, and the situation has reversed, and NASA is unwilling. Nelson's remarks were interpreted as a psychological defense line and morale maintenance, and an attempt to dispel domestic fears of a breakthrough in China.

More importantly, Nelson's declaration of "landing on the moon before China" inadvertently ignited the fuse of the controversy over the authenticity of the Apollo moon landing. Coincidentally, at this time, some voices questioning the Apollo moon landing rose again.

Falsification admitted? The head of NASA suddenly revealed a shocking remark: "Will land on the moon before China"!

Some commentators believe that if the Americans really landed on the moon, why would they still emphasize "ahead of China" in such a high-profile manner 50 years later, which is self-contradictory and full of doubts. There is also a point of view that the technical conditions of 50 years ago were extremely limited, and whether the United States really had the ability to land on the moon back then is worth re-examining.

In the face of doubts, NASA has not responded positively, but once again reaffirmed that the United States has the determination and ability to ensure that the moon landing can be achieved again. But this is by no means a long-term solution, and "delaying tactics" will not dispel doubts. In fact, more and more people are beginning to realize that in order to truly understand the journey to the moon, we must adopt a scientific and rigorous attitude, rather than one-sided praise and blind hype.

Falsification admitted? The head of NASA suddenly revealed a shocking remark: "Will land on the moon before China"!

Of course, there is no conclusive evidence to disprove the authenticity of the Apollo moon landing. But there is no 100% ironclad proof that it is true. In the absence of a clear conclusion, a one-sided conclusion by either party is irresponsible. So, in this matter, we need to maintain a rational and scientific attitude.

Whether the Apollo moon landing is real or not, China's dream of landing on the moon has never stopped. In the journey of space exploration, China has always followed its own path, and many breakthroughs have been completed independently. We don't care who lands on the moon first, because every country's space exploration promotes the progress of human civilization. China's space industry is not aimed at competition, but to make greater contributions to mankind.

Falsification admitted? The head of NASA suddenly revealed a shocking remark: "Will land on the moon before China"!

In the future, when the footprints of Chinese astronauts are imprinted on the moon, we will welcome more countries to join. The concept of a community with a shared future for mankind will be best embodied in the starry space.

The international cooperation of the space station and the joint construction of the lunar base are both important steps in the exploration of the unknown. China's space station has been opened to all countries, demonstrating China's commitment to the peaceful use of space.

Falsification admitted? The head of NASA suddenly revealed a shocking remark: "Will land on the moon before China"!

In this regard, China has both an open mind and a firm pace. We will not let the rhetoric of other countries drag our own pace, but we also welcome all sincere international cooperation. On the road of space exploration, there is no end, only infinite possibilities. Let us work together to open up a broader world for mankind.

In today's world, peaceful development is the main theme, and win-win cooperation is the mainstream. China and the United States should not repeat the mistakes of the past and repeat the Cold War "space race". We have reason to believe that one day in the future, American astronauts will join China's space station, and Chinese and American scientists will go hand in hand, which will be a very beautiful picture.

Falsification admitted? The head of NASA suddenly revealed a shocking remark: "Will land on the moon before China"!

The wisdom and courage of human beings should not become the capital of competition with each other, but should become the wealth that we all guard. When we look up at the Milky Way sky, we will find that the boundaries do not exist in the first place. Let's open our minds and watch over this vast universe together. #头条创作挑战赛#

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