
It's wonderful! Another costume drama with two male protagonists is finalized, and the scale of the trailer is staggering


As we all know, many of the current costume dramas with two male protagonists are actually adapted from Tanmei's novels.

For example, the hit "Chen Qingling" in 2019 is adapted from the author's Tanmei novel "Demon Ancestor".

The hit "Shanhe Ling" in 2021 is adapted from the author Priest's Tanmei novel "Tianyake".

It's just that the two dramas "Chen Qing Ling" and "Shanhe Ling" omitted the Tanmei elements in the original novel when adapting, and made the relationship between the two male protagonists into a "brotherhood" that the audience can watch, so this kind of drama is also called a Tangai drama by netizens.

It's wonderful! Another costume drama with two male protagonists is finalized, and the scale of the trailer is staggering

Originally, the Dangai drama was a very popular and popular theme with the audience, but since 2021, with the change of film and television policies, the Dangai drama has been completely banned, some of the filmed Dangai dramas are difficult to broadcast, and some of the prepared Dangai dramas have also been terminated.

Dramas such as "Jixing Gaozhao", "Mountains and Rivers", "Beacon Flowing Gold", "Haoyi Xing" and other dramas that have been filmed are almost impossible to broadcast.

However, the fact that domestic filming cannot be broadcast does not mean that Sino-Thai co-productions cannot be broadcast.

No, based on the novel of the same name by the author Shui Qiancheng, the two-male protagonist costume drama "Flowers Are Sometimes Decadent and Silent" has been officially announced to be broadcast on July 11.

It's wonderful! Another costume drama with two male protagonists is finalized, and the scale of the trailer is staggering

"Flowers Bloom Sometimes Decadent and Silent" is a costume drama with two male protagonists produced by Bigsuperstar in Thailand, directed by Chen Yiyu, and starring Li Le and Wang Yunkai.

The plot mainly tells the story of: Jin Xiaobao, the dashing young master of the Jin family, is also funny and considerate although he is greedy for beauty, and he always longs for a good relationship. And on a dark and windy night of the month, this beloved man came before him!

Unexpectedly, Miss Huaien, who has a peerless beauty and a temperament that is as cold as an iceberg, is falling into a murderous disaster, how can Xiaobao let go of the opportunity for heroes to save beauty! But this move, not only did he fail to marry a beauty to be his young lady as he wished, but he lost himself!

This "beauty" is not only a mystery of gender, but even has a constant relationship with the Jin family...... When Xiaobao and Huaien recognize each other, can they still have the courage to renew their relationship.

Jin Xiaobao, the young master of the Jin family in the play, is played by newcomer actor Wang Yunkai, which is also Wang Yunkai's first film and television work.

It's wonderful! Another costume drama with two male protagonists is finalized, and the scale of the trailer is staggering

"Beauty" Zong Zheng Huaien is played by newcomer actor Li Le, who has participated in many film and television dramas such as "Sword Network 30,000 Flowers Little Doctor Fairy", "Divine Doctor and Poisonous Concubine is Not Easy to Mess with", "I Love Long Summer" and so on.

It's wonderful! Another costume drama with two male protagonists is finalized, and the scale of the trailer is staggering

Although the appearance of these two newcomer actors looks average, the character settings and lines in the play are very large, and just looking at the trailer is already staggering.

At the beginning of the trailer, Jin Xiaobao met a "beauty" and threatened not to marry her. The incident quickly reached the ears of others, and he was reminded that he had provoked people who should not be provoked, fearing that the whole family would be implicated.

It's wonderful! Another costume drama with two male protagonists is finalized, and the scale of the trailer is staggering

At the same time, the "beauty" Zongzheng Huaien, who was rescued by Jin Xiaobao, already knew that Jin Xiaobao was the identity of the leader of the Money Gang, so he began to approach Jin Xiaobao and use Jin Xiaobao.

The innocent and kind-hearted Jin Xiaobao didn't know the identity of Zongzheng Huaien, and told him frankly about his love.

It's wonderful! Another costume drama with two male protagonists is finalized, and the scale of the trailer is staggering

Perhaps moved by Jin Xiaobao's innocence, in the process of getting along day by day, Zong Zheng Huaien also slowly fell in love with Jin Xiaobao.

It's wonderful! Another costume drama with two male protagonists is finalized, and the scale of the trailer is staggering

In the atmosphere of knowing and loving each other, the two also spent a very happy and harmonious time.

However, concealment always comes at a cost. Zongzheng Huaien's identity was still known to Jin Xiaobao, which also led to the destruction of the Jin family, and Jin Xiaobao was also caught and tortured by the bad guys.

Since then, misunderstandings have continued between Jin Xiaobao and Zongzheng Huaien.

It's wonderful! Another costume drama with two male protagonists is finalized, and the scale of the trailer is staggering

In order to clarify the misunderstanding and prove his true love for Jin Xiaobao, Zong Zheng Huaien did not hesitate to give up his life to save Jin Xiaobao, and even disturbed the world for Jin Xiaobao.

"He runs, he chases, he can't fly!" is concretized in this drama.

Judging from the lines of the trailer, this drama can be described as large-scale.

Zong Zheng Huaien said to Jin Xiaobao: "Xiaobao, why can't you understand, I only want you." "My life is yours."

It's wonderful! Another costume drama with two male protagonists is finalized, and the scale of the trailer is staggering
It's wonderful! Another costume drama with two male protagonists is finalized, and the scale of the trailer is staggering

Jin Xiaobao said to Zong Zheng Huaien: "Isn't the daughter-in-law just used to hurt? "I can forgive you for whatever you do."

It's wonderful! Another costume drama with two male protagonists is finalized, and the scale of the trailer is staggering
It's wonderful! Another costume drama with two male protagonists is finalized, and the scale of the trailer is staggering

In short, it's a whole piece of flesh that is numb.

Not only the lines, but the scale of stills from this drama is also very large.

The two male protagonists are looking at each other affectionately, and they are gripping and forcing love, and the atmosphere is directly full.

It's wonderful! Another costume drama with two male protagonists is finalized, and the scale of the trailer is staggering
It's wonderful! Another costume drama with two male protagonists is finalized, and the scale of the trailer is staggering

The final photo even staged a wave of "face-to-face killing", is this scale really in China?

It's wonderful! Another costume drama with two male protagonists is finalized, and the scale of the trailer is staggering

Sensible netizens should have seen that "Flowers Bloom Sometimes Decadent and Silent" is a real Tanmei drama, which is why the scale is so amazing.

It's just that such a drama naturally can't be broadcast in China, and the current broadcast platform is iQiyi International Station, and netizens who like it can watch it.

So, what do you think about the Tangai drama and the Tanmei drama?