
Samsung plans to introduce a 64-hour work week, netizens: Where did you learn it?

author:Sport Alpine 8Z6m

In today's competitive tech industry, companies often take a variety of steps to increase productivity in order to stay ahead of the curve. A recent decision by South Korean tech giant Samsung has sparked widespread controversy. According to reports, Samsung plans to introduce a 64-hour work week, a move that not only exceeds the 52-hour limit stipulated by South Korea's labor law, but also causes heated discussions around the world.

Samsung plans to introduce a 64-hour work week, netizens: Where did you learn it?

What is it that makes Samsung extend the working hours of its employees at the risk of violating labor laws? It turns out that this is related to Samsung's increasing competition in the OLED (organic light-emitting diode) market. It is reported that in the latest round of Apple iPad Pro OLED orders, Samsung only received a 35% share, while its main competitor LG won 65%.

What makes Samsung feel even more pressure is that China's BOE, Tianma and other companies have also risen rapidly in this field and have become dark horses that cannot be ignored.

Samsung plans to introduce a 64-hour work week, netizens: Where did you learn it?

Faced with such a market situation, Samsung seems to believe that the only way to stay competitive is to upgrade its technology, which requires more time and effort from employees. As soon as this decision was announced, it immediately sparked a heated discussion on the Internet.

Some netizens bluntly asked, "Where did you learn this?" Let you learn, not let you surpass! Behind this slightly ironic statement is a concern about the culture of overwork. Working more than 9 hours a day all day a week, such a work intensity makes people wonder: is it to be a "cow and horse" when entering the top 500 enterprises?

Samsung plans to introduce a 64-hour work week, netizens: Where did you learn it?

Some netizens have set their sights on the Chinese market, pointing out that Samsung's market share in China is not as good as before. Someone joked: "It is said that many employees are now working 64 hours a week, but they are still far from working two shifts with us!" This self-deprecating comparison reflects the differences in work culture between different countries and regions, and also suggests that overwork may have become a global problem.

There are also people who look at the issue from another angle. Some netizens pointed out that European countries have strong trade union organizations that can effectively protect the rights and interests of workers. At the same time, Europe's industrial structure also supports higher profit margins, which allows them to maintain productivity while also taking care of the work-life balance of their employees. South Korea's competitive culture seems to be more intense, both in the field of work and education, which is known for being "desperate".

Samsung plans to introduce a 64-hour work week, netizens: Where did you learn it?

We have to ask: does this way of working really bring happiness? Overwork can lead to physical and mental health problems, affect family relationships, and may even reduce productivity. Research shows that working long hours does not necessarily lead to higher productivity, on the contrary, proper rest and relaxation can lead to increased productivity and innovation.

Samsung's decision has also sparked thinking about the competitive model of the tech industry. Should the well-being of employees be considered while pursuing technological innovation and market share? Employees are the most valuable asset of the company, and only by ensuring their physical and mental health can the long-term development of the enterprise be truly realized.

Samsung plans to introduce a 64-hour work week, netizens: Where did you learn it?

We have to admit that in today's society, many people's work choices are indeed involuntary. But that doesn't mean we should accept being overworked. We need to rethink what it means to be truly happy and how to find a work-life balance.

Both enterprises and individuals should realize that true competitiveness comes not only from working long hours, but also from efficient and innovative ways of working. Only by pursuing development on the basis of ensuring the physical and mental health of employees can enterprises achieve truly sustainable growth and individuals achieve true happiness.


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