
Why does the lack of qi and blood worsen in summer? Netizens said: Hypocrisy! It's pretended!

author:Warm sun mood station

Hello friends! The topics shared today are:

Why does the lack of qi and blood worsen in summer?

Why does the lack of qi and blood worsen in summer? Netizens said: Hypocrisy! It's pretended!



I often feel weak and don't want to talk. If you can lie down, you don't sit, if you can sit, you don't stand, and if you walk for a while, you feel like you're going to faint. Especially in the summer, it is groggy and tired, sweating all over the body when I move a little, and often have headaches, shortness of breath, palpitation, difficulty falling asleep, as long as I wake up, I can't continue to sleep, I can't sleep night after night, I can't sleep steadily, I get up in the morning, and I feel sore. These are all manifestations of a lack of qi and blood.

Some netizens said that according to their own experience, they must add exercise and exercise! Others can only be auxiliary.

You don't have to choose a strenuous sport, the one that suits you is the best. In addition to running, brisk walking, doing some yoga appropriately, walking, or practicing Baduanjin, perseverance will reap the effect.

Of course, not everyone is suitable for exercise, so you should still ask your doctor for advice before exercising, and don't blindly choose to follow the trend of exercise.

Please take a look at what other netizens have to say

Why does the lack of qi and blood worsen in summer? Netizens said: Hypocrisy! It's pretended!

The material comes from the Internet


Why does the lack of qi and blood worsen in summer? Netizens said: Hypocrisy! It's pretended!

The material comes from the Internet


Why does the lack of qi and blood worsen in summer? Netizens said: Hypocrisy! It's pretended!

The material comes from the Internet


Why does the lack of qi and blood worsen in summer? Netizens said: Hypocrisy! It's pretended!

The material comes from the Internet


Why does the lack of qi and blood worsen in summer? Netizens said: Hypocrisy! It's pretended!

The material comes from the Internet


Why does the lack of qi and blood worsen in summer? Netizens said: Hypocrisy! It's pretended!

The material comes from the Internet


Why does the lack of qi and blood worsen in summer? Netizens said: Hypocrisy! It's pretended!

The material comes from the Internet


Why does the lack of qi and blood worsen in summer? Netizens said: Hypocrisy! It's pretended!

The material comes from the Internet


Why does the lack of qi and blood worsen in summer? Netizens said: Hypocrisy! It's pretended!

The material comes from the Internet


Why does the lack of qi and blood worsen in summer? Netizens said: Hypocrisy! It's pretended!

The material comes from the Internet


Why does the lack of qi and blood worsen in summer? Netizens said: Hypocrisy! It's pretended!

The material comes from the Internet


Why does the lack of qi and blood worsen in summer? Netizens said: Hypocrisy! It's pretended!

The material comes from the Internet


Why does the lack of qi and blood worsen in summer? Netizens said: Hypocrisy! It's pretended!

The material comes from the Internet


Why does the lack of qi and blood worsen in summer? Netizens said: Hypocrisy! It's pretended!

The material comes from the Internet


Why does the lack of qi and blood worsen in summer? Netizens said: Hypocrisy! It's pretended!

The material comes from the Internet


Why does the lack of qi and blood worsen in summer? Netizens said: Hypocrisy! It's pretended!

The material comes from the Internet


Why does the lack of qi and blood worsen in summer? Netizens said: Hypocrisy! It's pretended!

The material comes from the Internet


Why does the lack of qi and blood worsen in summer? Netizens said: Hypocrisy! It's pretended!

The material comes from the Internet


Why does the lack of qi and blood worsen in summer? Netizens said: Hypocrisy! It's pretended!

The material comes from the Internet


Why does the lack of qi and blood worsen in summer? Netizens said: Hypocrisy! It's pretended!

The material comes from the Internet


Why does the lack of qi and blood worsen in summer? Netizens said: Hypocrisy! It's pretended!

The material comes from the Internet


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