
The confinement ate cabbage, and the wife was so angry that she wanted to divorce, but her husband said: 150,000 bride price will be returned to me

author:It's loose

Marriage Truth: Some injuries can't be healed for a lifetime!

Have you ever heard of the phrase "the hatred of the confinement and the day"? At first glance, it sounds like poisonous chicken soup, which specializes in trapping women. But it exposes a brutal family truth: if a woman is not treated well by her husband and in-laws during her most vulnerable confinement, she is not destined to be happy in her future married life.

Let's take a look at the story of Xiaoli and Xiaolong. The newlyweds were supposed to be immersed in sweetness, but because of an accidental miscarriage and a bad confinement experience, the marriage hit a rock. What's going on? Why did Xiaoli hide back to her parents' house after only two months of marriage? Let's uncover the truth about this marriage together.

The confinement ate cabbage, and the wife was so angry that she wanted to divorce, but her husband said: 150,000 bride price will be returned to me

In order to marry a daughter-in-law, Xiaolong's family borrowed foreign debts to make up a dowry of 150,000 yuan. They thought the money would be enough to prove their sincerity. Can money really buy happiness? As it turns out, no.

After Xiaoli had a miscarriage, she should have been carefully cared for by her husband and in-laws. But what she faces every day is the same cabbage tofu. When she asked for something else, her mother-in-law continued to go her own way. This is raising a daughter-in-law, it's simply torturing people!

The confinement ate cabbage, and the wife was so angry that she wanted to divorce, but her husband said: 150,000 bride price will be returned to me

What's even more infuriating is that instead of standing up for his wife, Xiaolong sneered at her: There are no children now. This kind of mean words are simply pouring salt on Xiaoli's heart! Could it be that in Xiaolong's eyes, his wife is just a fertility tool?

Some netizens commented: Eating cabbage and tofu during confinement, is this trying to starve people to death? No wonder Xiaoli wants to run back to her parents' house! Some people also said: Since the Xiaolong family can come up with a 150,000 dowry, why can't they spend more money to make up for their daughter-in-law's body? This is clearly deliberate mistreatment!

The confinement ate cabbage, and the wife was so angry that she wanted to divorce, but her husband said: 150,000 bride price will be returned to me

But it didn't end there. When Xiaoli couldn't bear to express her dissatisfaction, Xiaolong actually did something to her! Just ask, what woman can endure such treatment? When Xiaoli's father learned of this, he was so angry that he scolded and vowed never to let his daughter return to this home.

Xiaolong's family is still quibbling: We have also made fish for her, fried meatballs, and scrambled eggs with garlic sprouts, why didn't she say this? But the question is, can these sporadic goodness offset the cabbage tofu day after day? Can it make up for Xiaolong's rough treatment?

The confinement ate cabbage, and the wife was so angry that she wanted to divorce, but her husband said: 150,000 bride price will be returned to me

Some people may say: newlyweds will inevitably have a run-in period, and they should tolerate each other. But may I ask, is a man who is prone to violence against his wife worth tolerating? Is a husband who sneers at his wife when she needs love the most, worthy of forgiveness?

Xiaoli's experience can't help but remind people of the sentence: The daughter who marries out, spills the water. But why should a woman swallow her anger after getting married? Why do you have to endure the humiliation of your husband and the cruelty of your in-laws after a miscarriage?

The confinement ate cabbage, and the wife was so angry that she wanted to divorce, but her husband said: 150,000 bride price will be returned to me

This story teaches us that marriage is not a safe haven for women, and sometimes it is the beginning of a nightmare. Xiaoli finally chose to leave, although painful, but undoubtedly wise. Because some injuries, once inflicted, can never heal.

To all the newlyweds in the world, I want to say: cherish your significant other, especially when she is at her most vulnerable. Because what you do will determine the fate of your marriage.

The confinement ate cabbage, and the wife was so angry that she wanted to divorce, but her husband said: 150,000 bride price will be returned to me

For women who are about to get married, I would like to say: keep your eyes open and see each other for what they are. Don't be blinded by the bride price, because true love is embodied in the little things of life.

Finally, I would like to ask everyone: if you were Xiaoli, what would you do? What do you think is the most important thing in marriage? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section. Don't forget to like and follow, and we'll see you next time!

The confinement ate cabbage, and the wife was so angry that she wanted to divorce, but her husband said: 150,000 bride price will be returned to me