
Tranquility sold Sister Lang's group uniforms online, which was questioned by Yuan Yawei in public, and she gave a domineering explanation

author:Xiao An talks about entertainment


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Do you remember the "Hello, Saturday" show? This issue is really star-studded and dazzling.

On June 29th, the program team was generous and invited the sisters of "Sister Lang 1" and "Sister Lang 5" to start a sparkling contest on the stage.

Tranquility sold Sister Lang's group uniforms online, which was questioned by Yuan Yawei in public, and she gave a domineering explanation

The most exciting thing is the "open bar" quiz game.

Teacher He Jiong is really good at playing, and has set a difficulty level for each star.

Sister Tranquility was labeled as "hell-level", followed by Meng Jia, Wang Feifei and Wu Xin, none of whom were fuel-efficient lamps.

Tranquility sold Sister Lang's group uniforms online, which was questioned by Yuan Yawei in public, and she gave a domineering explanation

At the beginning of the game, Yuan Yawei courageously challenged Tranquility, which was really not a joke.

The two hugged amicably at first, but then Yuan Yawei's question hit Tranquility's soft underbelly.

She asked Tranquility why she put the team clothes on the Internet to sell, and this time she picked up the "group spirit", which made Tranquility's sister very embarrassed.

Tranquility sold Sister Lang's group uniforms online, which was questioned by Yuan Yawei in public, and she gave a domineering explanation

Tranquility's reaction was really big, she was so angry that she pinched her waist, her face was pale, and her movements were exaggerated like the queen of a stage play.

Her "this is my territory" posture is simply intimidating.

The atmosphere at the scene was so tense that it was suffocating, and even Teacher He Jiong had to fan his clothes to cool everyone down.

Tranquility sold Sister Lang's group uniforms online, which was questioned by Yuan Yawei in public, and she gave a domineering explanation

Yuan Yawei was also frightened, screaming and retreating to the corner of the stage, her face full of panic and regret.

The guests and the audience were also shocked by this sudden scene, Ding Chengxin and Qin Xiaoxian hugged each other tightly, Gao Hanyu's mouth was open enough to stuff an egg, and Yang Di had a gloating expression.

Tranquility sold Sister Lang's group uniforms online, which was questioned by Yuan Yawei in public, and she gave a domineering explanation

In the end, Yuan Yawei finally collapsed under the pressure, and sat on the ground with decadence written on her face.

She stretched out her arm and apologized loudly to Serenity, who looked at her with a cold look on her face, her eyes full of disdain.

This scene made everyone present gasp.

Tranquility sold Sister Lang's group uniforms online, which was questioned by Yuan Yawei in public, and she gave a domineering explanation

It was an eye-opener.

The multiple faces of the stars in front of the camera are vividly displayed, which also makes the audience watch it with relish.

And the quiet sentence "Where the sister is, the soul is there."

It won the applause and cheers of the audience, and the atmosphere of the scene was eased at once.

Tranquility sold Sister Lang's group uniforms online, which was questioned by Yuan Yawei in public, and she gave a domineering explanation

Yuan Yawei also shook her head helplessly, saying that "you can't do it" and admit defeat.

Teacher He Jiong also wittily changed the topic and said: "If you can't do it, let's change people."

In this way, this is the end of this sharp contest.

I have to say that this episode of the show is really interesting.

Tranquility sold Sister Lang's group uniforms online, which was questioned by Yuan Yawei in public, and she gave a domineering explanation

In addition to the wonderful showdown of celebrities, the phenomenon of female celebrities participating in the second-hand market was also exposed.

The second-hand market has become a new window for public figures to interact with their fans.

Like Shen Mengchen, he is very active on the second-hand platform.

The store has more than 2 million fans, and although the items sold are sometimes more expensive than the new ones, the fans are happy to pay.

Tranquility sold Sister Lang's group uniforms online, which was questioned by Yuan Yawei in public, and she gave a domineering explanation

However, there are also people like Yi Nengjing who have caused controversy because of the sale of second-hand shoes with "slight abrasions".

In contrast, Zhuzhu's second-hand market is much cheaper, attracting many citizens to Taobao.

And Wu Xin's experience is even more tortuous.

She actually sold the precious plush toys given by Zhong Hanliang at a low price, which was strongly protested by Zhong Hanliang's fans.

Tranquility sold Sister Lang's group uniforms online, which was questioned by Yuan Yawei in public, and she gave a domineering explanation

In the end, in desperation, Wu Xin had no choice but to redeem it at a higher price.

This incident has also sparked heated discussions, and it seems that as a public figure, every choice will receive widespread attention and evaluation.

This episode of the show is really interesting to watch.

The wonderful duel of celebrities and the exposure of the second-hand market have allowed us to see the other side of public figures.

Tranquility sold Sister Lang's group uniforms online, which was questioned by Yuan Yawei in public, and she gave a domineering explanation

It's really exciting to look forward to the next episode.

Tranquility sold Sister Lang's group uniforms online, which was questioned by Yuan Yawei in public, and she gave a domineering explanation

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