
Chief designer of Chang'e-6: China has no problem going to the moon and returning, and it will definitely plant the national flag there

author:Entertain the world


In that distant childhood, how many children ever looked up at the starry sky and fantasized about flying to the Moon Palace and dancing with Chang'e? Now, this dream is gradually being drawn closer by a group of aerospace dreamers, one of whom is the chief designer of the Chang'e-6 mission - Hu Hao.

His story is the epitome of China's aerospace from dream to reality, and a romantic poem to explore the unknown universe.

Chief designer of Chang'e-6: China has no problem going to the moon and returning, and it will definitely plant the national flag there

Hu Hao: The road builder of the aerospace dream

The trajectory of education and growth

Hu Hao, the "dream maker" in the aerospace industry, has a career like a wonderful science fiction novel.

Since his college days, he has formed an indissoluble bond with the sea of stars.

From the study of basic theories to the day and night struggle in the laboratory, and then to the practical exploration of aerospace engineering, every step has left his love and dedication to the aerospace industry.

Chief designer of Chang'e-6: China has no problem going to the moon and returning, and it will definitely plant the national flag there

Hu Hao's growth path seems to be paving an invisible bridge for the moon, leading us step by step towards that mysterious land.

Chief designer of Chang'e-6: China has no problem going to the moon and returning, and it will definitely plant the national flag there

A double play of challenge and mission

Becoming the chief designer of the Chang'e-6 mission is both an honor and a burden for Hu Hao.

Faced with unprecedented technical challenges, such as how to make the probe jump over the lunar surface more lightly, or how to ensure the safe return of precious samples to Earth, Hu Hao and his team are like a group of explorers pioneering on the far side of the moon, every step requires caution and courage.

With wisdom and sweat, they overcome difficulties little by little and make the impossible possible.

Chief designer of Chang'e-6: China has no problem going to the moon and returning, and it will definitely plant the national flag there

Chang'e-6: A symphony of technology and courage

Technological leaps and challenges

The journey of Chang'e-6 is like a space version of the "extreme challenge".

Not only does it use a new type of fuel to give the rocket wings to the sky, but it also cleverly designs the orbit to achieve a space ballet of precise landing and return.

Although the drilling mission encountered a "hard bone" - a solid rock under the moon, this is the norm of exploring the unknown, and every attempt is a test of human wisdom and courage.

Chief designer of Chang'e-6: China has no problem going to the moon and returning, and it will definitely plant the national flag there

The light of innovation, lighting up hope

Every technological innovation of Chang'e-6 is like a seed of science and technology sown on the surface of the moon, an efficient communication system makes the "whisper" between the earth and the moon no longer far away, and the energy management system is the lifeline of the probe in the harsh environment of the moon, and they together draw a blueprint for the future lunar base.

Chief designer of Chang'e-6: China has no problem going to the moon and returning, and it will definitely plant the national flag there

China Aerospace: The voyage plan of the sea of stars

The 4th batch of astronauts: the galaxy warriors of the new era

Selecting astronauts is like looking for the brightest stars in the vast sea of people.

The fourth batch of astronauts is not only physically capable, but also a combination of psychological quality and professional skills.

They are the forerunners of future trips to the moon, and every drop of sweat is paving the way for that unknown place.

Chief designer of Chang'e-6: China has no problem going to the moon and returning, and it will definitely plant the national flag there

Moon Strategy: From Dream to Reality

China's space strategy on the moon is like a well-planned interstellar journey, with each stage of the goal embodying the country's ambitions and the people's expectations.

From unmanned exploration to manned landing on the moon, every step is steadily moving towards the sea of stars.

Collaboration and Sharing: A New Chapter in Space Exploration

China's figure on the international stage

China is not alone in the vast exploration of the universe.

Through international cooperation, China's aerospace industry is extending a hand of friendship to the world and inviting astronauts from all over the world to write a new chapter in space exploration.

This is not only an open gesture, but also a practice of the concept of a community with a shared future for mankind.

Chief designer of Chang'e-6: China has no problem going to the moon and returning, and it will definitely plant the national flag there

A journey of both challenges and opportunities

Unlock the code of the universe

Long-term "drifting" in space is not only a physical challenge, but also a lonely marathon in the boundless sea of stars.

Our Chinese astronauts are like space explorers wearing high-tech equipment, naughty in the face of a weightless environment, and the psychological awkwardness caused by long-term isolation, but they are not so easy to defeat!

Chief designer of Chang'e-6: China has no problem going to the moon and returning, and it will definitely plant the national flag there

In order to deal with these "interstellar troubles", the Chinese aerospace team has come up with the ability to take care of the house - scientific and technological innovation, just like a magician conjuring a rabbit out of a hat, one by one black technology takes turns to escort astronauts.

For example, the special "space gym" allows astronauts to enjoy the fun of exercise in the interstellar space and maintain their muscles without "taking leave"; There is also the highly intelligent psychological counseling system, which has become a small harbor for the astronauts' minds, ensuring that they are bright and sunny in the center of their long journey.

Chief designer of Chang'e-6: China has no problem going to the moon and returning, and it will definitely plant the national flag there

As for building a base on the moon, it is even more difficult, comparable to building a five-star hotel in the middle of the desert.

But what we Chinese pay attention to is that "there is nothing difficult in the world, only afraid of people with hearts".

Scientists are busy studying how to use lunar soil, a native product of the moon, to print out "moon palaces".

Doesn't that sound a bit like a science fiction movie? That's right, we're turning science fiction into reality!

Chief designer of Chang'e-6: China has no problem going to the moon and returning, and it will definitely plant the national flag there

Speaking of which, we have to mention those "energy supply stations" - continuous investment of funds and resources.

They are like gold coins in Super Marie, helping us on our space journey all the way, allowing the dream spaceship to continue to refuel and move forward bravely.

Every investment is a commitment to the future space home, making this long road to space more firm and powerful.

Chief designer of Chang'e-6: China has no problem going to the moon and returning, and it will definitely plant the national flag there

Dreams illuminate the future

Imagine such a scene, just like the heroic plot in the old movie, the five-star red flag unfolded leisurely on the moon, at that moment, not only put a golden cloak of glory on our country, but also like all mankind shouting at the vast universe: "Hey, we have taken another big step!" ”

Chang'e-6 and her behind-the-scenes hero Hu Hao are like a wonderful opening story just told in our Chinese aerospace family, which makes people shout "One more paragraph!" ”

Chief designer of Chang'e-6: China has no problem going to the moon and returning, and it will definitely plant the national flag there

This is not just a matter of "the important weapon of the country", but more like the exploration energy of you and me when I was a child with a bamboo pole and poked a hornet's nest, but this time it was a "hornet's nest" on the moon.

It tells us that no matter whether you are Xiao Ming in the neighborhood or Xiao Wang who works overtime until late at night, the small flame of exploring the unknown in your heart is always worth igniting.

Chief designer of Chang'e-6: China has no problem going to the moon and returning, and it will definitely plant the national flag there

Dreams, like superheroes hidden in the bottom of your heart, maybe one day you will put on a spacesuit and take you to the sea of stars.

The story of the Chang'e series is like the legend next door that we chatted about after dinner, which makes people listen to it both cordial and exciting.

It not only makes us look up at the sky a little more reverie, but also looks down at the work in our hands, thinking about how we have to work hard for our small goals, even if we get up ten minutes early tomorrow, it can be regarded as worthy of this lofty ambition to explore the universe.

Chief designer of Chang'e-6: China has no problem going to the moon and returning, and it will definitely plant the national flag there

So, no matter how far away your dreams are, as our old saying goes, "a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step".

The story of Chang'e-6 and Hu Hao is the best proof - exploring the sea of stars is never out of reach, as long as you and I dare to take the first step, even if it is a small flower in our own backyard, it is also a way to pay tribute to the infinite universe.

Chief designer of Chang'e-6: China has no problem going to the moon and returning, and it will definitely plant the national flag there


China's aerospace industry is telling us in a down-to-earth and magnificent way: as long as there is a dream in our hearts, the stars and the sea can be reached.

Together, let's look forward to that exciting moment and witness a new era of human exploration of the universe.

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