
Sun Simiao: If you are full at night, you will lose your life!

author:Kelsey Emotional
Sun Simiao: If you are full at night, you will lose your life!

Sun Simiao once said that "a full meal at night will lose a day's life", that is, eating a meal at night is detracting from a day's lifespan, so it is advisable to eat less at dinner as a way to maintain health.

Dinner is known as "ghost food", although it is a bit exaggerated, but there is no lack of truth, dinner is not eaten well, causing a lot of diseases, planting countless bombs on the body......

01 Dinner should not be too rich

The "four highs" are all eaten.

High blood lipids, high cholesterol, high blood sugar, high uric acid

"I usually have to eat lighter", "Why don't you avoid eating when I tell you", "You, it's all eaten".

In fact, most of these diseases are caused by substances that have not been completely digested or transformed.

Why can't the modern human body digest and transform? One is that I eat too much, and the other is that the spleen and stomach function is weak. The decline in spleen and stomach function is due to long-term poor diet.

"The Yellow Emperor's Neijing" says that eating and drinking is self-doubling, and the stomach hurts, and it is also said that feasting hurts the spleen. That's it.

The stomach and intestines are not afraid of blockage, and they are not afraid of hunger, and they are healthier when they are hungry

There was a diabetic patient, when talking about the impact of diet on her disease, she said with certainty: I have paid attention to it, I eat very little breakfast and lunch, and I eat more for dinner.

But she thought wrong and ate wrong. The doctor told her that the human body's digestive function is the worst at night, and the yang energy is astringent and hidden, and the richer the nutrients you eat, the more you can't transform it, and the rest is garbage, which can easily lead to diseases.

Of the three meals a day, eating the least amount of dinner is the way to maintain health

The patient was still worried and said, "I am weak, I must eat enough for dinner, and the horse has no night grass and no fat." If I don't eat enough at night, I'll wake up hungry in the middle of the night.

Actually, where would it be? Remember: our stomachs are not afraid of congestion, not hungry. Half-hungry and half-full, people are brisk and energetic, and their stomachs are bulging when they eat, but they are tired and tired. More nutrition is not always better, just right is the best.

Just like ploughing a field, the fertilizer should be light, and if it is a little too thick, it will burn the roots of the plant. That's why the ancients said, "It's too much." When we eat, we should rather stay hungry than be full!

A full night meal will cost you a day's life

Later, the diabetic patient above reduced his dinner to half full, and the biggest benefit was that he used to be prone to panic, but after halving the amount of food, his heart stopped panicking.

It can be seen that panic is not necessarily a lack of qi and blood, for contemporary people, it is more caused by overeating, gallbladder and stomach, and blockage in the middle. In fact, as long as you keep your mouth shut and keep your half-satiety state, so that the six organs remain ethereal, and the five organs are not stressed, the heart will not panic.

In the meridian theory of traditional Chinese medicine, the heart and the small intestine are on the outside. The energy of small intestinal food comes from the heart, and the small intestine is blocked, which will increase the burden on the heart. Therefore, for people whose heart function is not strong enough, the diet should not only not be supplemented by a large amount, but also a small amount of food, and it is necessary to pay attention to moderation and not let the small intestine be blocked and blocked.

The elderly are especially like this, most of the elderly heart function has been reduced, gastrointestinal motivation is not enough, too much food, the heart and small intestine are damaged, must quit! Many old people die after feasting, especially when they are full for dinner, and they go unknowingly in their sleep.

Sun Simiao's sentence "A full meal at night will damage a day's life", that is, to eat a meal at night is to reduce a day's life, so it is advisable to eat less at dinner as a way to maintain health.

Modern cooking is infused with the characteristics of "clean, thin, light and little".

The "disease of wealth" also found young people

The "four highs" disease is no longer the patent of middle-aged and elderly people, and now more and more young people are seen in cardiovascular and cerebrovascular and endocrine specialties.

Most of the young people work from 9 to 5, fighting for work, breakfast and lunch, hastily doing things, only after work, can they make dinner richer, and there are more socials at night, not drunk or full, and some people still have the habit of eating supper all year round.

Young people's heart and stomach function is better, so they don't feel much about being full for a while, but "a thousand miles of embankment, collapse in the anthill", after a long time, the spleen and stomach are injured, and the problems are found, which is inseparable from the misunderstanding of modern food culture.

Here is recommended Li Xin's views on food, for reference, food can be divided into thick, thin, clear, and turbid characteristics, clear and thin: most vegetables, non-greasy cooking methods.

In the modern cooking habits that attach importance to sensory stimulation, inject the characteristics of "clear, thin, light and less", and avoid the orientation of "thick, turbid, heavy, more and miscellaneous", which is more beneficial to health, especially for dinner, At this time, the human body is slowly shutting down and entering a state of charging and resting.

Eat seven points full, and live healthy to old age

Folk and traditional Chinese medicine have always had a saying that "every meal is seven points full, and you live to old age in good health". Is this true?

"Eat seven points full" is very correct from a scientific point of view!

The life experience of many long-lived elderly people and the folk concept of health preservation involve the phenomenon of 'seventy percent full' in moderation and moderation, which is very interesting. For example, my grandmother is 96 years old this year, and she controls the amount of food at every meal and never eats too much.

What does it feel like to be full?

Seven-point satiety is a feeling that varies from person to person, and it is a bit abstract and difficult to measure. Experts believe that satiety can be measured in the following way:

The stomach is not full, but the enthusiasm for food has decreased, and the speed of active eating has slowed down significantly, but habitually I still want to eat more, but if I withdraw the food and change my attention, I will soon forget to eat.

There is a criterion to keep in mind, that is: if the meal time is relatively regular and fixed, and the meal is seven minutes full, you will not be hungry before the second meal. In other words, if you are hungry in advance, it means that you have not eaten until you are full, and you can increase the amount of food appropriately.