
"If you can resist not playing with your mobile phone, you have already stepped into a key university with one foot"

author:Kelsey Emotional
"If you can resist not playing with your mobile phone, you have already stepped into a key university with one foot"

"I must have been lucky to be admitted to Tsinghua University, but the main reason is that I didn't play with my mobile phone for three years in high school, which few people in the school can do."

"I also had a stage where I couldn't help but want to watch short videos, and then I thought of a lot of ways to overcome the waterfall. Otherwise, you may not have a chance with Peking University. ”

In the face of the "too easy to obtain happiness" of smartphones, human self-control always seems to be so fragile -

A global survey shows that if the daily awakening time is calculated as 16 hours, people need to look at their mobile phones 150 times a day.

But luckily, there are always people who can get out of the "time black hole" of their phones and focus on more valuable things.

How do these people do it?

Next, we will ask the students of Qingbei who we interviewed to show up and give practical advice on "not being kidnapped by mobile phones".

"If you can resist not playing with your mobile phone, you have already stepped into a key university with one foot"

Cute pets, cool dramas, games, food, movie commentary, funny jokes...... With a slight swipe of your finger, a huge number of short videos that match your interest tags will continue to pour in.

I myself studied computer science at Tsinghua University, and I know how powerful the "information to find people" algorithm is, it only takes a few minutes to pinpoint your personal preferences, and then stealthily suck your time and energy.

This dopamine reward is difficult for children under the age of 14 to resist.

"If you can resist not playing with your mobile phone, you have already stepped into a key university with one foot"

I recommend that children under the age of 14 use the iPad as an online learning tool, and if there is a need for daily communication, then it is enough to use the old man's machine .

"If you can resist not playing with your mobile phone, you have already stepped into a key university with one foot"

As for smartphones, it's not too late to introduce them after the age of 14 (I didn't start using smartphones until I went to university).

"If you can resist not playing with your mobile phone, you have already stepped into a key university with one foot"

Children over the age of 14 can start using smartphones, but there are also some "gentlemen's agreements" that need to be made.

Like what:

The cumulative time spent playing with mobile phones per day should not exceed 1 hour;

Segmented management, a single time to play the mobile phone does not exceed 20 minutes;

Do not play with your mobile phone when eating, walking, or going to the toilet;

Don't play with your phone 2 hours before bedtime

Do not play with your mobile phone when writing homework or reviewing;

If you exceed this usage time every day, it belongs to "playing with mobile phones", not "people playing with mobile phones", and you should establish a sense of resistance to the "feeding" of the algorithm when you are a teenager.

"If you can resist not playing with your mobile phone, you have already stepped into a key university with one foot"
"If you can resist not playing with your mobile phone, you have already stepped into a key university with one foot"

Android phones and HarmonyOS phones have a "App and Service Limit" function, which allows you to set a limit on the usage time of each APP.

If you accidentally brush it out for a timeout, a reminder will pop up, which can effectively make people sober up from dopamine.

"If you can resist not playing with your mobile phone, you have already stepped into a key university with one foot"

The iPhone has an app called one sec, which can set restrictions on the opening of specific apps, and there will be a black screen before opening a specific app, and ask you why you want to open it.

It is equivalent to giving you a "cooling-off period" before swiping your phone, and making you think again about "whether I really need to click on this APP".

These methods can help you quit some irrelevant messages, meaningless notification pushes, and useless blowing in the circle of friends.

"If you can resist not playing with your mobile phone, you have already stepped into a key university with one foot"

As a medical student, I have limited time for entertainment, and I don't necessarily get to the cinema once a year, so to compensate for myself, I like to watch the kind of "3-minute explainer movie" videos, and I stupidly think it will save time.

Later, I found that not only was my patience gone, but my concentration was almost gone, and I realized how pitted it was.

"If you can resist not playing with your mobile phone, you have already stepped into a key university with one foot"

For short video withdrawal, I have a personal test and effective method I would like to recommend to you, which is to set the phone to "black and white mode".

"If you can resist not playing with your mobile phone, you have already stepped into a key university with one foot"

People are visual creatures and are naturally more interested in colorful things, and when the original color screen is only black and white, the appeal will be greatly reduced.

After the setting is successful, your screen will become an "ink screen", and if you swipe a short video or something, it will not be fragrant in an instant.

But it doesn't affect you to read e-books, documents, and papers.

"If you can resist not playing with your mobile phone, you have already stepped into a key university with one foot"
"If you can resist not playing with your mobile phone, you have already stepped into a key university with one foot"

If your "time black hole" is not on videos, but on all kinds of social media, then there is an easy way to increase the threshold of your mobile phone.

It is to go to System Settings - Language & Region here, and set the phone to a different language.

You can choose a language you're not familiar with, so that the apps you use on your phone will be hard to read when you open them (I chose German).

"If you can resist not playing with your mobile phone, you have already stepped into a key university with one foot"

Those gossip news, celebrities' melons...... It's like gibberish, and I can't understand it at all, so it's naturally boring.

With less information in disarray, you'll be able to regain your long-lost attention.

"If you can resist not playing with your mobile phone, you have already stepped into a key university with one foot"

It may be difficult to "completely quit" short videos in one step, so you might as well quit gradually.

For example, turn off the sound of the short video and set it to "pantomime" mode, and consciously reduce its attractiveness.

For another example, when you really can't help but want to watch, you can log out of the login account of a certain sound and use the guest mode without logging in to browse short videos.

In this way, the algorithm can't capture your interest tags, and there is no way to push them accurately, and it is very likely that you will brush up on short videos that you don't want to watch at all and are not interested in, so you will naturally turn it off.

The second is that if you swipe a few times, it will pop up a prompt and let you log in, which will play a role in sobering you up, realizing that you have spent a lot of time on the short video, and it's time to fork it off.

"If you can resist not playing with your mobile phone, you have already stepped into a key university with one foot"

After coming to Tsinghua University to study, the more students I got to know, the more I felt that concentration is not something that is "practiced", but a cognitive problem.

One is to realize that most of the information in this world is not worthy of my attention, and it doesn't matter if I miss it.

The second is to realize that the mobile phone is just a tool to provide information, it can only respond to me when I need it, and it can't just bother me at other times.

"If you can resist not playing with your mobile phone, you have already stepped into a key university with one foot"

I also learned from the mobile phone usage habits of the top students, that is, to use all apps as search engines, and only use them when "people are looking for information".

"If you can resist not playing with your mobile phone, you have already stepped into a key university with one foot"

As for the push and push of the APP, it has nothing to do with us, there is no need to drown in it, it is important to concentrate on doing your own thing.

"If you can resist not playing with your mobile phone, you have already stepped into a key university with one foot"

In the summer vacation after the college entrance examination, my parents bought me a new smartphone, I took it into the bedroom, and I searched for travel guides while lying in bed, but half of the vacation passed, and I hadn't decided where to go, and I didn't do a single page of the guide.

Lying in bed and playing with your phone is really too delaying.

So I decided to leave my phone and other electronic devices in the living room and not bring them into the bedroom. As for the alarm clock, it is enough to buy an electronic alarm watch for a dozen yuan.

"If you can resist not playing with your mobile phone, you have already stepped into a key university with one foot"

If you are bored before going to bed, read a paper book, and the quality of sleep is good.

"If you can resist not playing with your mobile phone, you have already stepped into a key university with one foot"

One of the good things about Tsinghua Bauhinia Apartment is that there will be a living room in the middle of every two dormitories. During the final review, under the leadership of the old cadre dormitory, our dormitory put the mobile phone in the living room, and everyone focused on the grades.

I think it's working.

When we study or work in the future, we can also try to leave our mobile phones in the next room. If it is inconvenient to put it in the so-called next door room due to space limitations, let's get a drawer and lock it up.

Although this method is simple and crude, it can effectively prevent your attention from being sucked away by your phone, especially for final exam preparation and pre-DDL papers.

"If you can resist not playing with your mobile phone, you have already stepped into a key university with one foot"

The essence of mobile phone addiction is that there are only virtual sources of happiness in life to choose from, and a more effective way to get rid of mobile phone dependence is to provide children with more sources of happiness based on real relationships.

"If you can resist not playing with your mobile phone, you have already stepped into a key university with one foot"

For example, playing board games with friends, visiting bookstores with parents, doing handicrafts with classmates, going to the suburbs, visiting parks, and visiting museums.

Real life is always more vivid than virtual, and real social relationships are always more vivid than electronic friends.

If children can find more sources of happiness in their lives, they will not regard mobile phones and games as "lifesavers".

"If you can resist not playing with your mobile phone, you have already stepped into a key university with one foot"

Exercise is a good medicine for everything, the better the physical fitness, the more focused people will be, and it is not easy to be sucked away by fragmentary information, which has been confirmed by many scientific researches.

At the same time, basking in the sun is also good medicine, and nature is even more so, so going to nature to bask in the sun for exercise is the most recommended way.

You can create a weekly exercise plan and spend a few times a week running, playing ball, or cycling with your child, or arranging a day on the weekend to climb, row, or fly a kite.

"If you can resist not playing with your mobile phone, you have already stepped into a key university with one foot"

Deep reading is a "therapy" that helps people regain their ability to concentrate and think.

Once the human brain adapts to the fast, high-intensity dopamine stimulation of short videos, it will turn on the "energy-saving mode" and become lazy to think and do anything that costs its brain.

The solution is to update the brain memory and replace the original short video memory in the brain with deep text - to read those non-short, information-dense, emotionally touching paper books.

I recommend a few books I like to you: "You Should Be Like a Bird Flying to Your Mountain", "My Genius Girlfriend", "A Thousand Splendid Suns", Liu Cixin's Science Fiction Series......

You can also refer to the borrowing list given by the Tsinghua/Peking University Library to select books~

Tsinghua Peking University Library borrowing list

The 10 books with the highest degree of overlap

1 "Imaginary Country" Plato
2 Walden Thoreau
3 "Ordinary World" Lu Yao
4 "The Devotion of Suspect X" Keigo 东野
5 The Fifteenth Year of Wanli Huang Renyu
6 "Rural China" Fei Xiaotong
7 The Count of Monte Cristo Alexandre Dumas
8 The Three-Body Problem Liu Cixin
9 General History of the World Stavrianos
10 Principles of Economics Mankiw
"If you can resist not playing with your mobile phone, you have already stepped into a key university with one foot"

In fact, I always knew that if I read a paper book before going to bed, I could fall asleep faster.

But the allure of mobile phones is too great, and I don't lie in bed and play with my mobile phone every day before going to bed, and I feel sorry for myself who is so tired of studying for a double degree.

But in fact, it is more tiring after brushing, and I often sleep later and later, resulting in a lack of energy for the whole day of the next day.

"If you can resist not playing with your mobile phone, you have already stepped into a key university with one foot"

My solution is to use some "hard methods" to get rid of the bad problem of looking at the phone before going to bed:

First, don't bring your phone to bed, but put it in a position where you need to get out of bed and walk a distance to get there;

Second, turn off your phone before you get into bed.

"If you can resist not playing with your mobile phone, you have already stepped into a key university with one foot"

Once the first thing I do when I get up in the morning is to play with my mobile phone, the state of the whole day is often as if I didn't wake up, extremely drifting.

I asked my parents to supervise this matter at home, and I asked my roommates to supervise me at school, consciously controlling myself, and not looking at my phone when I woke up.

After 3 months, I quit completely.

"If you can resist not playing with your mobile phone, you have already stepped into a key university with one foot"

After participating in some club activities, I found that group messages often interrupted my learning rhythm, and every time my thoughts were interrupted, it would be delayed for a long time to continue.

For this reason, I set myself a fixed "reply time" every day, and I only reply to all messages during this time of the day.

Of course, this is also based on full communication with classmates and teachers, and I will say hello to them in advance: I will definitely read the messages you send me every once in a while, and I will definitely reply on the same day, and I will not be delayed, but I will not reply in seconds.

After implementing it for a while, I found that there was really nothing worth replying to in seconds, and replying to messages in days was really enough.

"If you can resist not playing with your mobile phone, you have already stepped into a key university with one foot"

After the advent of smartphones, some people often feel that this is an era of more and more temptations.

It is undeniable that even if we are no longer willing to face the trend of emerging technologies and algorithms, we still can't stop it.

The seniors who give advice in this article do not want to blame the algorithm, but want to explore with you how to control it.

Admittedly, there is a lot of non-nutritious content on short video platforms, but there are also a lot of teachers and science bloggers who can be a good help for our self-improvement - it all depends on how we use it.

I hope every reader can find their own way to get along with mobile phones and algorithms. For the happiness that is too easy to obtain, always maintain a certain degree of vigilance, and encourage each other~

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"If you can resist not playing with your mobile phone, you have already stepped into a key university with one foot"

How long do you actually use your phone per day?

How long are you going to scale it down?

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"If you can resist not playing with your mobile phone, you have already stepped into a key university with one foot"

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