
Pierced in the heart: the vast majority of people believe because they see it! Jack Ma: So there are very few people who succeed

author:Liang Xiansen said
Pierced in the heart: the vast majority of people believe because they see it! Jack Ma: So there are very few people who succeed

We have always been "kind" to remind: "Don't daydream!" "There will be no pie in the sky! "Don't believe in any luck! ”……

But in today's article, I want to defy this "good-intentioned" reminder, and instead appeal to everyone: sometimes, you really have to believe that "pie in the sky" is often the only way that good things can really happen.

No, Jack Ma agrees with me. (just kidding)

Pierced in the heart: the vast majority of people believe because they see it! Jack Ma: So there are very few people who succeed

Ma Yun said that the vast majority of people believe because they see, and only a small number of people see because they believe, so there are very few successful people.

The most important attitude an entrepreneur should have is to stick to what you believe and believe in what you insist on!

It is precisely because of this that Jack Ma's success has been achieved. If other successful people have a certain element of luck, Ma Yun definitely brings himself the "good luck" of success because he insists on believing and persevering.

He took the exam for three years before he was admitted to middle school, and three years before he was admitted to university. Countless failures in entrepreneurship, constant rejection, being teased, being deceived, and experiencing the hardships that most ordinary people can't bear, he still persevered, and finally achieved great success.

Lei Jun said: If you want to do a great thing, you must be a long-termist, greatness is boiled out, when we see a lot of excellent companies, when we envy others, I say you look at people have survived for more than 30 years. For us, it takes time to precipitate and accumulate.

In the same way, adhering to long-termism must also be supported by the belief that "I firmly believe that I will succeed".

Liu Qiangdong said, I never know how to succeed, and I will never be able to teach you how to succeed, but I can tell you that if you really want to succeed, you should not be afraid, you should not be confused, you just need to be able to keep what you believe in every day, keep moving forward, always upward, and never stop, then your dream will eventually come true.

Entrepreneurial bigwigs firmly believe that they will succeed, believe that they have "good luck", calmly deal with failures again and again, and survive difficulties again and again, and God will reward them with success.

Pierced in the heart: the vast majority of people believe because they see it! Jack Ma: So there are very few people who succeed

On the day of "6.18", Xiao Li came home after being busy outside, it was already more than ten o'clock in the evening, she couldn't wait to open the tablet as soon as she entered the house, she said, a brand of art paint is engaged in the 6.18 lottery, I want to try my luck in the last hour.

"Yo, I won 888 yuan." After a while, Xiao Li exclaimed.

But Xiao Li was not satisfied, and she insisted on participating, because the koi had not yet been produced that night.

There was less than half an hour left, and some netizens in the live broadcast room complained that the koi didn't come out all night, is it a lie, and some people even gradually withdrew from the live broadcast room.

"Hahaha, it's me again!" Xiao Li was a carnival again, saying that this time the koi prize was directly less than 3,000 yuan.

Previously, Xiao Li had won the koi prize and won a round-trip ticket for two people in Munich.

During the trip, she participated in a raffle at the Paris Tourist Board and won the first prize, a night cruise on the Seine River and dinner package for two......

Shortly after returning from Europe, Xiao Li won two more airlines to go to any flight.

Later, Apple's official event was held, and Xiao Li also won an Apple XR......

Therefore, a friend gave Xiao Li the name: "Koi Ben Li"!

That's the lucky thing that happens to me, and sometimes, we really have to believe, believe that "pie in the sky can really fall".

If you don't believe it at all, you won't participate, you won't act, then good luck won't come to you yourself.

Pierced in the heart: the vast majority of people believe because they see it! Jack Ma: So there are very few people who succeed

There was a little girl who was on our side for an internship before, and she was ready to expire, she said that she would not renew her visa, and she would go back to take the recruitment (induction) exam in the town, which was close to home and could take care of her grandmother.

We ask how many people are recruited for that position? She said she would only hire one person.

We kindly remind you that you still don't have so much hope, this kind of recruitment exam is generally "filling in the pit", and it is difficult for you to pass others.

Although we tried hard to persuade her to take the unit in the city, after all, some positions recruit a few people, and those with strength can really seize the opportunity.

As a result, the little girl was stunned and reported to the town, but she didn't expect to be admitted in the end, and she was the first in the written test and interview.

So, under no circumstances should we lose hope in life and believe that "miracles" will really happen.

For most people, life is not easy, it is precisely because it is not easy, we can not live life into a pool of stagnant water, or a little fantasy, to have a little fun, from time to time in the ordinary life to dig out a few easter eggs.

Pierced in the heart: the vast majority of people believe because they see it! Jack Ma: So there are very few people who succeed

Well, if I don't want anything else, I want to become rich and become a rich man, so can that be realized?

Japanese psychological counselor Rennosuke Konoya really wrote a best-selling book called "How to Live Without Worrying About Money for a Life".

The book suggests that everyone should abandon the stereotype that "only hard work can earn money", and point out that earning and accumulating wealth is not based on hard work, but on thinking. It is said that he has helped thousands of people to understand their deep selves and discover the infinite possibilities of life.

He emphasized that don't always think that you don't have money, don't always think that you don't deserve so much wealth, in fact, the state of money and wealth is the same as the state of air, you just need to have this kind of thought. Money has always existed, wealth has always existed, and it can function normally without effort or accumulation, please believe in this idea, although you can't see it, but it must "exist".

As long as you stick to this idea, wealth will come from places you don't expect, that is, from "somewhere you don't know what". He said that things like this keep happening around him, live like a rich man, and you will eventually become a rich man too.

Similarly, Rhonda Byrne's "Secrets" book series, which proposes the most famous "Law of Attraction".

According to the Law of Attraction in The Secret, the universe will respond to your requests, and it doesn't know what you're thinking, it can only be judged by words. If you say too much, the universe will confirm that it is your request and give you a gift package of what you have said.

It is said that "pie will not fall from the sky", yes, you have been sitting and waiting, you can't wait for the pie to fall. Most people also don't believe in the "pie in the sky" nonsense.

But if everyone says it's impossible, and you don't believe in evil, don't accept the bad status quo, and try to do something about it, the pie doesn't wait, but there may be a big easter egg waiting for you.

It's the same with belief, if you believe and stick to it, you may get what you have in mind.

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