
Still buying cool skin? You can do it in 4 steps, don't knead the dough and don't wash the dough, a pot in 5 minutes, and you don't have to buy it again!

author:Apocalypse of life

I have eaten a lot of big fish and meat, and my stomach will inevitably become greasy, and I have become a staple food of rice and noodles recently, and I want to eat some special food to increase my appetite. When I was in college, I was in Xi'an, and I basically had to eat a meal of cold skin every day, which was smooth and chewy, spicy and delicious, and I couldn't forget it.

Still buying cool skin? You can do it in 4 steps, don't knead the dough and don't wash the dough, a pot in 5 minutes, and you don't have to buy it again!

▲ Cool skin

When I returned to my hometown after graduation, I bought some online when I wanted to eat, which was not only expensive but also troublesome, but I couldn't help it in order to satisfy my stomach. The smooth texture of the cold skin tendon makes it a popular snack all over the country, which can make people have a great appetite. Nowadays, it is not very convenient to buy online, and it happens that everyone is staying at home, so it is better to do it yourself. The authentic method of Shaanxi Liangpi is more troublesome, and it is necessary to mix the noodles, knead the noodles, and wash the noodles in order to make delicious Liangpi.

Still buying cool skin? You can do it in 4 steps, don't knead the dough and don't wash the dough, a pot in 5 minutes, and you don't have to buy it again!

▲ Cool skin

Do it yourself, the simpler the better, today I will teach you a method, super simple, only 4 steps, 5 minutes to make a pot, even if you haven't cooked, you can learn, come and learn from me. The ingredients are simple, prepare some flour, cornstarch, salt, oil, edible alkali. (1) Prepare 2 bowls of flour and 1 bowl of starch, pour them into a large bowl, add an appropriate amount of salt and edible alkali, and stir well with chopsticks.

Still buying cool skin? You can do it in 4 steps, don't knead the dough and don't wash the dough, a pot in 5 minutes, and you don't have to buy it again!

▲ Stirring surface glue

(2) Pour in an appropriate amount of water, stir in a circle with chopsticks, stir into a viscous batter, like yogurt, and set aside for 5 minutes. (3) Take a flat bottom plate, brush a thin layer of oil on the bottom of the plate, stir the batter again, pour some into the plate, shake the plate to evenly spread the batter all over the plate. (4) Pour water into the pot and bring to a boil, put the hot water on the plate and steam for 2 minutes. After steaming, take out the plate, immediately put it in cold water and ice it for a while, peel off the cold skin and cut it into strips.

Still buying cool skin? You can do it in 4 steps, don't knead the dough and don't wash the dough, a pot in 5 minutes, and you don't have to buy it again!

▲Pour the batter into the plate and steam

Whether the taste of the cold skin is good or not, the key depends on the sauce! This is also the soul of all coleslaw! Prepare a cucumber, a carrot, 5 garlic cloves, chili oil, cooked peanuts, light soy sauce, white vinegar, sugar, etc. Take a large bowl, cut the cold skin into strips 1 cm wide and place them in the bowl. Cucumbers and carrots are washed and rubbed into fine strips, garlic cloves are peeled and pounded into garlic with a pestle, cooked peanuts are also mashed, and gluten is soaked and cut into small pieces (gluten is the key to the deliciousness of cold skin).

Still buying cool skin? You can do it in 4 steps, don't knead the dough and don't wash the dough, a pot in 5 minutes, and you don't have to buy it again!

▲ Cool skin that is made

Prepare a small bowl, pour in the garlic paste, add an appropriate amount of white vinegar, light soy sauce, chili oil, and sugar and stir well. Put some cucumber shreds, carrot shreds, gluten on the cold skin, pour in the juice, add a spoonful of oil and spicy seeds, sprinkle some crushed peanuts, stir well with chopsticks, and a bowl of spicy and refreshing cold skin is ready.

Still buying cool skin? You can do it in 4 steps, don't knead the dough and don't wash the dough, a pot in 5 minutes, and you don't have to buy it again!

If you want to be delicious, there are two seasonings that you can't miss, one is oil and spicy, and the other is sesame paste.

Still buying cool skin? You can do it in 4 steps, don't knead the dough and don't wash the dough, a pot in 5 minutes, and you don't have to buy it again!

▲ Washbasin

If you want to learn the traditional method of cool skin, it will be more troublesome, but it doesn't hurt to do it at home, the method will teach you. Although the traditional method is troublesome, it has a smoother texture than the simple method, so don't worry about it if you want to eat well. Prepare some high-gluten flour, add an appropriate amount of salt and stir well, pour in an appropriate amount of water and stir into a dough, start to form a smooth dough, cover with plastic wrap and make noodles for half an hour.

Still buying cool skin? You can do it in 4 steps, don't knead the dough and don't wash the dough, a pot in 5 minutes, and you don't have to buy it again!

▲ Batter

Prepare a large basin, put the dough into the basin, pour half a basin of water, and knead the dough in the water with your hands, like rubbing clothes, until the gluten is washed out. The remaining flour water is stirred and let stand for 3 hours, and when the batter settles, the upper layer of water is poured out, and the bottom batter is the raw material for making cold skin. Prepare a disc, brush with a layer of oil, scoop a spoonful of batter and shake evenly, put it in the pot and steam for 2 minutes. The gluten can't be eaten directly after being washed out, and it also needs to be put into a pot and steamed before eating, steaming for 20 minutes, and it can be stored for a long time after drying.

Still buying cool skin? You can do it in 4 steps, don't knead the dough and don't wash the dough, a pot in 5 minutes, and you don't have to buy it again!

Still buying cool skin? You can do it in 4 steps, don't knead the dough and don't wash the dough, a pot in 5 minutes, and you don't have to buy it again! Super simple cold skin method, have you learned?