
It's too thunderous! Netizens asked if you can grow vegetables with lunar soil? CCTV actually responded like this!

author:Ice on entertainment


In this era of the sea of stars, China's aerospace story is like a passionate symphony, and each chapter is blood-pumping.

Just this summer, Chang'e-6 returned with its "lunar specialty", which not only made scientists gear up, but also accidentally ignited the imagination of the majority of netizens - lunar soil, can this thing grow vegetables?

It's too thunderous! Netizens asked if you can grow vegetables with lunar soil? CCTV actually responded like this!

1. Chang'e-6's interstellar journey and the mysterious return of lunar soil

Hey, guys, let's talk about that flying event! Chang'e-6, the superstar of space travel, lived up to expectations by returning home with 1,935.3 grams of precious lunar soil from the South Pole-Aitken Basin on the far side of the Moon.

Don't underestimate this less than two kilograms of soil, it has spanned 380,000 kilometers in space and hides the secrets of the moon for billions of years!

It's too thunderous! Netizens asked if you can grow vegetables with lunar soil? CCTV actually responded like this!

Why the far side of the moon? It is like the "back textbook" of the moon, without so much interference from the solar wind, and it preserves more primitive information, like a bottle of old wine that has been sealed for too long, waiting for us to uncover its mellow aroma.

The feat of Chang'e-6 not only played a technical drift, but also brought us one step closer to the secret of the moon.

It's too thunderous! Netizens asked if you can grow vegetables with lunar soil? CCTV actually responded like this!

2. Growing vegetables? The brains of netizens are bigger than the sky

Our Chinese's feelings for the land are as deep as digging a well, and when we see the soil, we want to plant something.

So, as soon as Chang'e-6 landed, netizens exploded: "Can this lunar soil grow alien vegetables?" "Lunar potatoes to understand?" It's true that people live on food, and outer space is no exception.

It's too thunderous! Netizens asked if you can grow vegetables with lunar soil? CCTV actually responded like this!

Behind this, it is not only the nature of foodies that is exposed, but also everyone's concern about food safety and the yearning for a self-sufficient life.

Imagine an astronaut planting some grains on the moon and having a picnic on the moon in his spare time. Some netizens are worried about the problem of lunar pests, I'm afraid that if it's not the little bugs on the moon, they will also have an interstellar crossing!

It's too thunderous! Netizens asked if you can grow vegetables with lunar soil? CCTV actually responded like this!

3. CCTV's scientific "vegetable planting" guide

In the face of this wave of brain-opening questions, the veteran driver of CCTV couldn't sit still, and gave everyone a serious lesson: "Dear friends, although the lunar soil is good, it does not contain organic matter!" ”

To put it simply, the lunar soil is a dry, inorganic "beauty without makeup", want to grow vegetables? You have to put on some makeup and add some organic fertilizer to her.

It's too thunderous! Netizens asked if you can grow vegetables with lunar soil? CCTV actually responded like this!

Not to mention, scientists have used improved lunar soil to grow green lettuce on the earth, which is simply the first experience of "interstellar farming"! CCTV's response not only satisfied everyone's curiosity, but also popularized knowledge, which is really a trick!

It's too thunderous! Netizens asked if you can grow vegetables with lunar soil? CCTV actually responded like this!

Fourth, the battle for lunar soil and national pride in the eyes of the world

No, as soon as Chang'e-6 landed with the native products of the moon, the necks of the whole world were stretched like giraffes, especially in some countries, the little eyes flashed, envy, jealousy and hatred three consecutive beats, just like watching other people's children get full marks in the exam.

This is not just the return of a handful of lunar soil, it is simply that the Chinese aerospace community has danced a gorgeous space waltz on the international stage, so that we Chinese can walk with our own BGM, and the waist pole is as hard as if we have just eaten ten perfect tonic pills.

It's too thunderous! Netizens asked if you can grow vegetables with lunar soil? CCTV actually responded like this!

Netizens are excited, "It's amazing my country" on the circle of friends and Weibo is like brushing it like not wanting money, and the national pride is hotter than the summer noon sun, which makes people's hearts warm.

The beauty in the hearts of our people is like their own children suddenly becoming school bully, and they feel light on their faces when they go out.

But then again, the aerospace thing, the road is still long, it's like upgrading and fighting monsters, the back levels are more difficult than the other, and on the journey of the stars and the sea, challenges and opportunities are waiting for us hand in hand.

It's too thunderous! Netizens asked if you can grow vegetables with lunar soil? CCTV actually responded like this!

We have to work steadily, step by step, just like climbing a mountain, although tired, but the scenery on the top of the mountain, thinking about it makes people feel excited, isn't it?

Chang'e 6 this time is to give us all a boost, refuel, the next road, we have to continue to roll up our sleeves and work hard, after all, the universe is so big, we Chinese also want to see, right?

It's too thunderous! Netizens asked if you can grow vegetables with lunar soil? CCTV actually responded like this!

The infinite possibilities of lunar soil and the inexhaustible motivation for exploration

Our Chang'e-6 is not just a simple "walk around the sky" this time, it is simply a cosmic-level SF brother who has successfully "packaged" a wave of mysterious lunar soil from the moon!

This is not only to bring back some "alien sustenances", but also to throw a big pebble into the pond where we explore the universe, arousing layers of curious ripples.

It's too thunderous! Netizens asked if you can grow vegetables with lunar soil? CCTV actually responded like this!

Speaking of which, someone jokingly asked: "Can you grow some cabbage or something on the soil on the moon?" "Doesn't that seem funny at first glance? But don't say it, it really ignites a small flame of curiosity and exploration of that unreachable world.

Imagine, one day in the future, let's build an "interstellar version of Happy Farm" on the moon, and the vegetables grown may also have their own "moonlight buff", which is fresh and green, so it is called an "extraterrestrial survival master"!

It's too thunderous! Netizens asked if you can grow vegetables with lunar soil? CCTV actually responded like this!

Sure, the idea sounds like a sci-fi movie, but who's to say that the future won't come true? After all, we have dreamed of "running to the moon" since ancient times, and now we are also stepping into this dream into reality.

This trip to Chang'e-6 is like a step on the future "interstellar farmers", telling us: the universe is so big, we not only have to take a look, but also think about how to take root and live there!

It's too thunderous! Netizens asked if you can grow vegetables with lunar soil? CCTV actually responded like this!

This journey into space is not only a triumph of technology, but also a great leap of imagination and curiosity.

Although we ordinary people can't go to heaven in person, every time we explore like this, we are one step closer to the dream of that sea of stars.

Who knows, maybe one day in the future, one of us will actually be able to taste that organic lettuce from the moon, and proudly say, "Well, this taste, authentic!" ”

It's too thunderous! Netizens asked if you can grow vegetables with lunar soil? CCTV actually responded like this!


In this space adventure, the Chinese astronauts have interpreted the pride and ambition of "daring to go to the moon for nine days" with practical actions, and the love for the land and the desire for the unknown are the driving force that drives us forward.

Let us hope that with the continuous leap of space technology, the use of lunar soil will bring us more surprises, and the space dream belonging to all mankind will become a reality step by step.