
CCTV host Fang Jing: Unmarried and childless in his life, but dying in a foreign country, it has become the pain of his parents for the rest of his life

author:Xiaoyi seeks knowledge
CCTV host Fang Jing: Unmarried and childless in his life, but dying in a foreign country, it has become the pain of his parents for the rest of his life
Please use your golden finger to make a fortune, like and walk, get rich forever, pay attention to it, and like it, it's hard to get rich if you don't want to
CCTV host Fang Jing: Unmarried and childless in his life, but dying in a foreign country, it has become the pain of his parents for the rest of his life

In the late autumn of 2015, in the ward of a hospital in Taiwan, a once glorious CCTV host quietly passed away. She is Fang Jing, only 44 years old.

The news shocked the entire Chinese media circle like a bombshell.

Let's step into Fang Jing's story and uncover the truth behind this tragedy, as well as the endless thoughts and pain she left behind for her parents.

Fang Jing's life is like a gripping symphony, showing extraordinary talent at the beginning. From an early age, she was remarkable for her amazing talent for languages. Parents often half-jokingly say that as long as Fang Jing works a little harder, the whole family doesn't need to watch TV, just listening to her read aloud can enjoy a literary feast.

CCTV host Fang Jing: Unmarried and childless in his life, but dying in a foreign country, it has become the pain of his parents for the rest of his life

However, the gears of fate quietly turned when she was 5 years old. The famous singer Guo Lanying fell in love with this talented little girl at a glance, opening the door to art for Fang Jing.

In the following four years, Fang Jing received a systematic artistic enlightenment education under the guidance of Guo Lanying. This experience not only allowed her to master professional singing and dancing skills, but more importantly, it stimulated her latent artistic talent and performance charm.

These valuable accumulations laid a solid foundation for her to become an excellent announcer in the future.

Fang Jing's talent is not limited to the field of art. She also excelled academically, especially in foreign languages. Seeing that she was about to be sent to Beijing University of Foreign Studies Chinese for further study, a chance change the trajectory of her life.

CCTV host Fang Jing: Unmarried and childless in his life, but dying in a foreign country, it has become the pain of his parents for the rest of his life

She found herself interested in broadcasting. As a result, Fang Jing made a decision that surprised many people: she gave up her foreign language major and resolutely chose Beijing Broadcasting Institute to chase her broadcasting dream.

In 1994, Fang Jing, who had a dream, stepped into the door of CCTV. Although she was at risk of being eliminated because of her lack of outstanding appearance, she finally won the favor of CCTV with her extraordinary foreign language talent and extraordinary broadcasting talent.

Here, Fang Jing is like a fish in water, whether it is a news report or a commentary program, she is fully committed to constantly improving her professional level.

In order to create a unique image, Fang Jing also deliberately grew long flowing hair, presenting the audience with a novel and unique image of a CCTV female anchor. Her efforts quickly paid off.

CCTV host Fang Jing: Unmarried and childless in his life, but dying in a foreign country, it has become the pain of his parents for the rest of his life

In 1997, at the important historical moment of Hong Kong's return to the motherland, Fang Jing brilliantly completed the reporting task and achieved an important breakthrough in her career.

However, Fang Jing did not stop there. She maintains a thirst for knowledge, constantly improving her English and expanding her international perspective. She even pursued a PhD in her spare time to enrich her academic attainments.

This unremitting pursuit of excellence made her soon grow into a senior anchor of CCTV.

Fang Jing's story is an inspirational legend of talent and dreams. She used her strength to prove that as long as she has enough enthusiasm and persistence, she can stand out in the highly competitive media industry and realize her life value.

CCTV host Fang Jing: Unmarried and childless in his life, but dying in a foreign country, it has become the pain of his parents for the rest of his life

In June 2009, a blog post that shocked the Internet was like a hammer, pushing Fang Jing into the darkest moment of her career. The article, entitled "A Famous Host Is Suspected of Infiltrating Espionage Activities and Getting Involved in the Security Intelligence of the Mainland," went so far as to accuse Fang Jing of participating in espionage activities while hosting military programs and collecting and cracking important military secrets on the mainland.

This baseless rumor spread rapidly on the Internet like wildfire, instantly pushing Fang Jing into the whirlpool of public opinion. The reputation and public trust she had worked so hard to build over the years took a serious blow in this storm.

Faced with overwhelming doubts and accusations, Fang Jing's heart was full of shock and grievances.

However, as a professional journalist, Fang Jing was not knocked down by this sudden blow. She responded quickly with a solemn statement firmly denying the ridiculous allegation.

CCTV host Fang Jing: Unmarried and childless in his life, but dying in a foreign country, it has become the pain of his parents for the rest of his life

At the same time, she expressed her willingness to fully cooperate with any form of investigation and firmly stated that she would defend her innocence with legal weapons.

Fortunately, the truth was soon revealed. Rumor-monger Zhou Yijun retracted the defamatory blog post just a few days later and publicly apologized to Fang Jing. It turned out that Fang Jing was completely an innocent victim of this farce.

Although the rumors were quickly cleared up, the damage caused by the turmoil to Fang Jing's career is incalculable. Once public trust is lost, it is difficult to fully rebuild it.

Since then, Fang Jing has never had the opportunity to host an important column such as "Focus Interview", but has gradually been adjusted to a relatively secondary channel.

CCTV host Fang Jing: Unmarried and childless in his life, but dying in a foreign country, it has become the pain of his parents for the rest of his life

This groundless rumor not only hurt Fang Jing's career, but also deeply hurt her heart. Once confident and radiant, she began to become reticent and often sleepless at night.

She couldn't understand why she was subjected to such ridiculous accusations. This grievance and pain became a wound in her heart that was difficult to heal.

In the dead of night, Fang Jing would repeatedly think: Why would someone make up such a lie? Why do so many people choose to believe the rumors instead of believing her professional ethics over the years? These questions haunted her like a nightmare, and she couldn't let go.

Although Fang Jing tried hard to rebuild her career and confidence, the shadow of this turmoil always hung over her. She began to doubt herself, about the industry she once loved.

CCTV host Fang Jing: Unmarried and childless in his life, but dying in a foreign country, it has become the pain of his parents for the rest of his life

That once radiant and confident Fang Jing seemed to have disappeared forever in the whirlpool of rumors.

However, fate seems to have dealt this blow hard enough.

In 2014, fate once again played a cruel joke on Fang Jing. Just as she was trying to rebuild her career and confidence, a diagnosis was like a bolt from the blue: Fang Jing was diagnosed with advanced stomach cancer.

This news was like a hammer, completely crushing the 44-year-old Fang Jing. Her heart was filled with despair and fear. Originally, she planned to find true love after a successful career and form a happy family.

CCTV host Fang Jing: Unmarried and childless in his life, but dying in a foreign country, it has become the pain of his parents for the rest of his life

However, this seemingly ordinary wish seems so unattainable at the moment.

On the recommendation of a friend, Fang Jing chose to go to Taiwan to seek medical assistance. After a difficult operation, the tumor was successfully removed. After the operation, Fang Jing was in good condition and rekindled her hope for life.

However, the road to recovery after surgery was extremely difficult. The once energetic host now has to spend long and painful days on his sickbed. Frequent aches and deep exhaustion tormented her, and she had to relearn how to take care of herself and wait patiently for her body to recover gradually.

During this difficult time, Fang Jing began to re-examine her life. Things that were once taken for granted are now precious. She began to cherish every day when she could breathe on her own, and she was grateful to everyone around her who cared about her.

CCTV host Fang Jing: Unmarried and childless in his life, but dying in a foreign country, it has become the pain of his parents for the rest of his life

However, just when Fang Jing thought that she was about to defeat the disease, an even more cruel reality crushed her. In 2015, doctors discovered that the cancer had spread to her liver.

This news was like a hammer, ruthlessly extinguishing the flame of hope that Fang Jing had just ignited.

Fang Jing, who was in tears, dialed the phone at home and told her parents who were far away in the mainland about the unbearable bad news. On the other end of the phone, the mother wept bitterly when she heard the news, while the father swallowed his grief and tried to comfort his wife and daughter.

In the ward in a foreign country, Fang Jing faced the fragility of life alone. She recalled every moment when she was young and fought hard for her career, and recalled those happy times when she hosted CCTV.

CCTV host Fang Jing: Unmarried and childless in his life, but dying in a foreign country, it has become the pain of his parents for the rest of his life

Nowadays, it all seems so distant and illusory.

Tears welled up uncontrollably in her eyes, and her heart was full of unwillingness, but she was helpless to accept this cruel reality.

However, these assumptions can only become eternal regrets.

In November 2015, 44-year-old Fang Jing quietly passed away in a hospital ward in Taiwan. Her departure was as low-key as her last few years, with no hustle and bustle, no farewell, only endless loneliness and regret.

CCTV host Fang Jing: Unmarried and childless in his life, but dying in a foreign country, it has become the pain of his parents for the rest of his life

Fang Jing never married in her life and left no heirs. Her unfulfilled dreams and longings are forever frozen in this late autumn with her departure. Once radiant, she could only say goodbye to this world that once gave her unlimited opportunities but ruthlessly hit her alone.

At the end of her life, will Fang Jing look back on her life? Do you regret putting all your energy into your career? Will you regret not finding your true love sooner? These are questions that will never be answered.

What is left to the world is only the memories of a talented but legendary host who died young. Her story, like an unfinished song, comes to an abrupt end, leaving behind infinite reverie.

Fang Jing's departure is not only a loss to the media industry, but also an incurable wound for her parents, relatives and friends.

CCTV host Fang Jing: Unmarried and childless in his life, but dying in a foreign country, it has become the pain of his parents for the rest of his life

Her life, like a brilliant but short-lived fireworks, suddenly extinguished at the most brilliant moment, leaving only a sigh in the darkness.

Fang Jing's death brought unbearable pain to her elderly parents. Whenever the Qingming Festival or the death day of their daughter comes, the two old men will carefully prepare sacrifices and embark on a heavy journey to the cemetery.

They sat quietly in front of the cold tombstone, confiding in their daughter the bits and pieces of the past year, tears accompanied by endless thoughts, quietly soaking the ground under their feet.

The pain of losing their beloved daughter lingers in their old age. In the middle of the night, mothers often toss and turn because they miss their daughter, and those warm moments spent with her daughter keep flashing in their minds.

CCTV host Fang Jing: Unmarried and childless in his life, but dying in a foreign country, it has become the pain of his parents for the rest of his life

The father often reunites with his daughter in dreams, and when he wakes up, he has to face the cruel reality again, and the transformation from instant joy to despair makes his heart tear apart again and again.

However, despite the grief in their hearts, the two old men still chose to stay strong. They support each other and strive to make every day meaningful. Because they know that this is exactly what their daughter wants to see.

Although Fang Jing's life was short, the love and courage she left to her parents became the force that supported them to continue to move forward.

In this world of losing loved ones, they learned to extend their daughter's life in another way - cherish the moment, be kind to the people around them, and pass on Fang Jing's love.

CCTV host Fang Jing: Unmarried and childless in his life, but dying in a foreign country, it has become the pain of his parents for the rest of his life

This may be the last gift of life to them.

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