
Niu Li: Married an "ordinary man" Liu Yadong at the right time, and had three happy sons after marriage

author:Xiaoyi seeks knowledge
Niu Li: Married an "ordinary man" Liu Yadong at the right time, and had three happy sons after marriage
Please use your golden finger to make a fortune, like and walk, get rich forever, pay attention to it, and like it, it's hard to get rich if you don't want to
Niu Li: Married an "ordinary man" Liu Yadong at the right time, and had three happy sons after marriage

Every year on the Lunar New Year, when the curtain of the CCTV Spring Festival Gala opens, the audience can always see a pair of tacit partners on the stage - Niu Li and Guo Donglin.

Their superb acting skills and humorous performances always elicit laughter and applause from the audience. Over the years, the pair has created a deeply rooted CP image on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, so much so that many viewers mistakenly think that they are a loving couple.

However, what few people know is that Niu Li, who is radiant in front of the stage, has another happy marriage in her life. When the lights on the stage went out, she took off her star halo and returned home to play the role of wife and mother.

Behind her, there is a man who silently supports her, and that is her husband Liu Yadong.

Niu Li: Married an "ordinary man" Liu Yadong at the right time, and had three happy sons after marriage

Niu Li has appeared on the stage of CCTV Spring Festival Gala eight times, including three times with Guo Donglin. Every wonderful performance impressed the audience, and also made the duo of "Niu Li Guo Donglin" a frequent visitor to the Spring Festival Gala.

However, when the camera turns behind the scenes, we see an untold story: every festive season, there is always a man who waits alone at home, waiting for his wife Niu Li to return.

This true story is far more moving than the performance on stage. It tells the story of how a successful actress finds a balance between career and family, and how a husband who quietly gives supports his wife in pursuing her dreams.

Let's unveil the mystery of Niu Li's married life and walk into the real life of this powerful actress together.

Niu Li: Married an "ordinary man" Liu Yadong at the right time, and had three happy sons after marriage

Niu Li's childhood dream was to become a good actor. However, the arrangement of fate is often unexpected. As she grows up, an unexpected opportunity takes her to the shooting team.

Here, Niu Li showed extraordinary perseverance and concentration, and achieved excellent results in competitions many times, and even won national awards.

However, just when Niu Li thought she was going to make a big splash in the field of shooting, fate played a joke on her again - the shooting team was suddenly disbanded. Faced with this sudden change, Niu Li fell into confusion for a while, not knowing where to go.

It was at this critical moment that Niu Li's mother gave her new direction and encouragement. The mother understands her daughter's inner love for acting and encourages her to pursue her childhood dream of being an actress.

Niu Li: Married an "ordinary man" Liu Yadong at the right time, and had three happy sons after marriage

Her mother's words were like a beacon that illuminated Niu Li's way forward.

With her love for acting and her mother's expectations, Niu Li embarked on the arduous road of study. She has taken the exams of the Chinese People's Liberation Army Art Academy (military art) and the Beijing Film Academy (Northern Opera).

However, it backfired, and neither school opened its doors to her. This defeat made Niu Li disheartened for a while, and even cried at home.

However, setbacks did not break Niu Li. Once again, her mother was her strong support, inspiring her to regain her confidence with the phrase "Where did you learn to shoot go?"

Niu Li: Married an "ordinary man" Liu Yadong at the right time, and had three happy sons after marriage

This sentence was like a shot in the arm, which made Niu Li regain her strength and resolve to try again.

The hard work paid off, and Niu Li's persistence finally paid off. A teacher Huang of the military arts has a discerning eye, discovers Niu Li's potential, and takes her into his disciples.

When she learned the news that she was admitted, Niu Li's heart was full of joy, and a beautiful picture of becoming a movie queen in the future came to her mind.

In this way, Niu Li finally embarked on the road of acting she dreamed of. From the shooting range to the stage, she used her persistence and hard work to prove that as long as she doesn't give up her dreams, she will definitely be able to achieve them.

Niu Li: Married an "ordinary man" Liu Yadong at the right time, and had three happy sons after marriage

This experience not only exercised Niu Li's will, but also laid a solid foundation for her future success in the entertainment industry. Niu Li's story teaches us that the road of life is not always easy, but as long as we maintain enthusiasm and perseverance, we can find our own bright future in the face of adversity.

Interestingly, just two days before attending this party, Niu Li had a wonderful dream. In the dream, someone proposed to her with a rose in his hand. After waking up, the vague figure lingered in her mind.

At that time, Niu Li thought that this was just the fantasy of the girl Huaichun, but she didn't know that this was an ingenious arrangement of fate.

When they met for the first time, Liu Yadong left a deep impression on Niu Li. He is about eight years older than Niu Li, with a calm and introverted personality, easy-going and calm. Unlike Niu Li's glamorous entertainment industry, Liu Yadong is an ordinary Beijing businessman.

Niu Li: Married an "ordinary man" Liu Yadong at the right time, and had three happy sons after marriage

This contrast makes Niu Li feel fresh and reassured.

Liu Yadong did not adopt a gorgeous pursuit method, nor did he use luxury goods to curry favor with Niu Li. On the contrary, he expresses his love in the most simple way - whenever Niu Li encounters difficulties, he always silently accompanies her, giving her unlimited support and encouragement.

Late one night, Niu Li walked alone on the dimly lit street after finishing her heavy work, and she couldn't help but feel deep fear in her heart. She subconsciously dialed Liu Yadong's phone.

At that time, Liu Yadong was watching TV at home, and after receiving Niu Li's request for help, he drove over without saying a word.

Niu Li: Married an "ordinary man" Liu Yadong at the right time, and had three happy sons after marriage

When Liu Yadong's car appeared on the street, Niu Li was relieved and threw herself into his arms. After learning that Niu Li was wronged in the crew, Liu Yadong gently comforted: "Don't be afraid, when you become famous, those people will naturally look at you differently."

It was such a simple but powerful word that gave Niu Li infinite courage and strength.

In the days of falling in love, Liu Yadong proved with his actions that he was a man worth relying on. His empathy and silent dedication deeply touched Niu Li.

In 1997, when Niu Li's career had not yet reached its peak, the two resolutely decided to join hands in the palace of marriage and started their happy life.

Niu Li: Married an "ordinary man" Liu Yadong at the right time, and had three happy sons after marriage

This marriage is not only a union of two people, but also a commitment to support each other and grow together. Liu Yadong has become a strong backing for Niu Li's career, and Niu Li has gradually emerged in the entertainment industry with the support of her husband.

Their love story illustrates what it means to be truly close to each other, and also lays the foundation for Niu Li to find a balance between career and family in the future.

After marriage, Niu Li seemed to be favored by the goddess of luck, and soon received countless invitations to perform, and appeared on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala many times. However, with the booming career, how to balance work and family has become a problem that Niu Li has to face.

On the eve of the Spring Festival in 2003, an unexpected phone call disrupted Niu Li's plans. Originally, she was going to go back to her hometown with her husband Liu Yadong for the New Year, but she received an invitation from the director of the Spring Festival Gala.

Niu Li: Married an "ordinary man" Liu Yadong at the right time, and had three happy sons after marriage

When the director informed her that she would participate in the Spring Festival Gala performance, Niu Li was so excited that she even subconsciously pinched her face to confirm that it was not a dream.

However, in addition to the excitement, Niu Li was also in a dilemma. Participating in the Spring Festival Gala means that you can't accompany your husband home for the New Year. Just when she hesitated, Liu Yadong's attitude moved her.

"Lily, don't worry, I'll go back to my hometown to spend the holiday with my parents, and then we'll watch your wonderful performance together." The support of her husband allowed Niu Li to relieve her psychological burden and devote herself to the intense rehearsal.

As her career grew, Niu Li had to leave home often, sometimes not seeing her husband for months. This situation has caused her mother to worry about whether there will be problems in their marriage.

Niu Li: Married an "ordinary man" Liu Yadong at the right time, and had three happy sons after marriage

However, Niu Li is confident in her marriage. She firmly believes that what is truly her own, others can never take away from her.

In 2007, Niu Li ushered in an important turning point in her life - her first daughter was born. The joy of becoming a first-time mother made Niu Li deeply aware of the importance of family.

She found that she could no longer devote herself to her work as fully as she used to, and she always cared about her daughter's smiling face in her heart.

This change made Niu Li start to re-examine her life. She secretly decided that she didn't want her daughter to repeat her mistakes and embark on a difficult road to acting. However, her husband Liu Yadong gave a different suggestion: "Then, let her try to be a director."

Niu Li: Married an "ordinary man" Liu Yadong at the right time, and had three happy sons after marriage

This kind of tolerance and understanding once again made Niu Li feel the warmth of the family.

In 2013, at the age of 40, Niu Li realized that if she did not devote herself to her daughter, she might miss out on her most precious time of growth. Although the director of the Spring Festival Gala sent an invitation again, Niu Li still decided to postpone her withdrawal from the showbiz for a year and devote more energy to family life.

The decision was not an easy one, but Niu Li understood that nothing was more important to her than family. She has demonstrated how to find a balance between career and family with practical actions, and has become a role model for many women.

Although she faded out of the mainstream stage, Niu Li did not completely give up the acting career she loved. She began to select some film and television works and continued her acting career in the form of cameos.

Niu Li: Married an "ordinary man" Liu Yadong at the right time, and had three happy sons after marriage

This choice allowed her to maintain her love for acting while still having plenty of time to spend with her family.

Niu Li's story tells us that success is not only about the glory of your career, but also about finding your own happiness in life. Her choice may make some people feel sorry, but for Niu Li, being able to accompany her family at the most important moment is the most precious treasure in her life.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, Niu Li and Liu Yadong's marriage has gone through 25 spring and autumn. In the past quarter century, Liu Yadong has been silently nourishing this marriage with his deep and sincere love, making it more beautiful and full of warmth.

Contrary to many people's imagination, Niu Li's husband is not a prominent and wealthy man, but just an ordinary office worker. Although their incomes are relatively good, their daily lives have always been rustic.

Niu Li: Married an "ordinary man" Liu Yadong at the right time, and had three happy sons after marriage

Whenever Liu Yadong has free time, the couple will go out to enjoy the scenery together and feel the charm of nature. Sometimes, they will also go to the vegetable market with great interest to pick fresh ingredients, cook delicious dishes together, and enjoy their own small happiness.

This kind of ordinary and warm life is what Niu Li cherishes the most. She deeply understands that marriage is not a one-sided effort, but requires both parties to give back to each other with absolute trust.

It is this mutual understanding and tolerance that makes their feelings last for a long time.

In the past 25 years, Liu Yadong has always been Niu Li's strong backing. Whenever Niu Li needs to run for work, he always silently takes on the responsibility of taking care of the family.

Niu Li: Married an "ordinary man" Liu Yadong at the right time, and had three happy sons after marriage

Especially during the Spring Festival, when Niu Li is busy performing at the Spring Festival Gala, Liu Yadong will always return to his hometown to accompany his parents to spend the festival together. He never complains, but often records videos for his wife so that she can devote herself to the performance with peace of mind.

This kind of selfless dedication and support makes Niu Li feel warm and happy. She once smiled and asked her husband if he would be jealous because of the tacit understanding between her and her partner Guo Donglin on stage.

Liu Yadong's answer was both humorous and rational: "Do you want me to be jealous?" Or should I be jealous? This understanding and trust is the cornerstone of their long-term and stable marriage.

Today's Niu Li, although she no longer frequently appears on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, still occasionally accepts invitations to some film and television works. Most of the time, she spends her time with her family and enjoys her own happy time.

Niu Li: Married an "ordinary man" Liu Yadong at the right time, and had three happy sons after marriage

She and Liu Yadong raised three children together, and their family life is happy.

In this entertainment industry full of temptations and challenges, Niu Li and Liu Yadong's marriage is undoubtedly a warm harbor. They have used 25 years of mutual affection to interpret what true love is, and also show us the true meaning of happiness in ordinary life.

Looking back, Niu Li feels that she is lucky. She not only realized her dream of acting, but also gained a happy marriage. In her view, true happiness does not lie in fame, fortune and status, but in being able to appreciate the innocent smiles of children and accompany them to grow up healthily.

Niu Li's life experience tells us that mutual trust and understanding are crucial, whether in career or marriage. The relationship between her and her husband Liu Yadong is built on such a deep foundation.

Niu Li: Married an "ordinary man" Liu Yadong at the right time, and had three happy sons after marriage

Even at the busiest time of her career, she never forgot the importance of her family, and Liu Yadong always responded to his wife's efforts with unconditional support.

For Niu Li, marriage is not a luxurious feast, but a mutual companionship day after day. She cherishes every ordinary moment with her husband, whether it's visiting the market together or cooking at home.

These seemingly ordinary daily lives constitute her most precious happy memories.

In her career, Niu Li firmly believes in the power of hard work and perseverance. From a shooting athlete to a well-known actress, she used her own experience to prove that as long as you don't give up on your dreams, you can definitely achieve them.

Niu Li: Married an "ordinary man" Liu Yadong at the right time, and had three happy sons after marriage

At the same time, she also knows how to adjust her life direction in a timely manner, and resolutely chooses to spend more time with her family when her career reaches its peak, and this wise choice is also an important part of her life philosophy.

Niu Li's story shows how to find a balance between a busy career and a loving family. She used her own experience to explain what "happiness in the ordinary" is, and also provided us with a life attitude worth learning from.

In her opinion, true success is not only about career brilliance, but also about being able to find your own happiness in life.

Today's Niu Li, although she no longer appears on the screen frequently, her life is still full and happy. She enjoys every moment with her family, which is perhaps her most precious wisdom in life - knowing how to cherish the happiness in front of her, live in the moment, and be kind to those around her.

Niu Li: Married an "ordinary man" Liu Yadong at the right time, and had three happy sons after marriage

Niu Li's philosophy of life inspires us that no matter what situation we are in, we should maintain our love for life and hope for the future. Her story tells us that happiness is not far away, but all around us; Success is not only a personal halo, but also a beautiful life woven with loved ones.

This may be the most precious life inspiration that Niu Li left us.

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