
"Forerunner" reveals the operation mode of Japanese spies, do you know which one is the most powerful?

author:Shu Jun 谈


The spy war drama "The Forerunner" is a very wonderful spy war drama, if I rank this spy war drama, I will rank this drama in the first echelon, on a par with classic spy war dramas such as "Before Dawn", "Cliff" and "Latent".

"The Forerunner" tells the story of the intricate struggle between the underground party of the Chinese Communist Party in Shanghai, the Kuomintang Fuxing Society, the Kuomintang Police Station, the French Concession Patrol House and the Japanese secret service in the thirties of the last century. The rhythm of the play is very tight, interlocking, and exciting. The play has a lot to reminisce and taste, such as the plot, such as music, such as character images, etc., and there will be opportunities to unfold them one by one in the future. Today, I want to talk about the stoic, long-term and long-lasting operation of Japanese spies in the play. The most representative is the beautiful Lu Yi in the play, the ace strategic spy carefully created by the Japanese spy agency.

Three modes of Japanese espionage operations

In the 20s and 30s of the last century, when the times were turbulent, in order to provide comprehensive intelligence support for Japan's aggressive activities, Japanese spy agencies were rampant in China, and their operations were extremely complex and delicate, and there were three main modes, as follows:

The first is the establishment of a specialized intelligence agency. This is the most important force of Japanese spies against China. Japan has set up a large number of large-scale, well-equipped intelligence agencies in China, such as the puppet Manchukuo Security Bureau, the Intelligence Section of the Staff Headquarters of the Dispatch Army in North, Central China, and South China, the Gendarmerie Corps, and the Special High Division of the Police Department.

At the same time, Japan has also set up various spy agencies in the name of "organs" and "public offices," such as the Pine Organs, the Bamboo Organs, the Plum Organs, and the Orchid Organs. These agencies are under the direct control and command of the Japanese spy organs, or cooperate with local forces such as the headquarters of Wang's puppet agents, the Intelligence Bureau of the North China Political Affairs Committee, and the Investigation Department of the Central Headquarters of the Xinmin Association, to wantonly collect intelligence and carry out sabotage activities.

In the play, the Sakai Mansion is the secret intelligence agency of the Japanese side in the Shanghai concession, and it is the intelligence center of the Japanese side in Shanghai, and the head of the mansion is Sakai Eiichi, a big Japanese spy, a China expert, who recruited Pei Ruhai, and successively organized, planned and implemented a large number of conspiracy activities, causing huge losses to the underground party of the Communist Party of China and the Kuomintang Fuxing Society.

"Forerunner" reveals the operation mode of Japanese spies, do you know which one is the most powerful?

The second is to plot rebellion and use the Chinese to become "Japanese spies." This kind of person is a traitor and a traitor, who comes from an important position in various fields such as politics, military, economy, and secret services, and they become traitors and provide a large amount of high-value information to the Japanese secret services, and the harm is extremely great.

In the play, there are two big traitors who are typical of the Japanese rebellion. One is Pei Ruhai (played by Huo Qing), and the other is Yu Duxing (played by Zhang Fan).

Pei Ruhai is a person who can't be more bad. He was originally one of the main leaders of the Shanghai underground party of the Communist Party of China, but after his arrest, he defected and joined the Kuomintang Fuxing Society, and later defected to the Kuomintang, took the initiative to defect to the Japanese invaders, and became an out-and-out traitor. Pei Ruhai is a genius agent, he is proficient in makeup, hypnosis, poisoning, escape and sniping and other agent methods, and he is even more scheming and vicious. Coupled with his suspicious nature and cautious behavior, he escaped many pursuits. His two defections brought huge losses to both the Shanghai underground party organization of the Communist Party of China and the Kuomintang Fuxing Society.

"Forerunner" reveals the operation mode of Japanese spies, do you know which one is the most powerful?

Yu Duxing was the head of the Shanghai Police Department of the Kuomintang, who followed Wang Jingwei and was an eight-sided figure. Later, with the change of the current situation, he became a political victim of Wang Chiang's party struggle and was thrown back to the battlefield of front-line agents in Shanghai as a "secret observer". In Shanghai, he faced multiple threats from the Fuxing Society, Pei Ruhai and the Japanese, and finally, in a desperate situation, Pei Ruhaice turned to the Japanese and became another big traitor and traitor. Yu Duxing's defection inflicted heavy blows and losses on the Shanghai underground party organization of the Communist Party of China and the Kuomintang Fuxing Society.

"Forerunner" reveals the operation mode of Japanese spies, do you know which one is the most powerful?

The third is to establish a large number of specialized spy schools. This is the most long-term and forbearant place in Japan. In 1901, 30 years before the "918 Incident", the Japanese established a spy school in Shanghai, specially selecting Japanese children to China for spy training. After completing their studies, they will be integrated into all strata and important places in Chinese society through various channels, carrying out all kinds of covert espionage activities, and becoming "dark mines" that can explode at any time, which is extremely harmful.

In the play, Lu Yi (played by Han Xue) should be these ace spies trained by the Japanese spy school in China, because she is proficient in Chinese, familiar with Chinese culture, and good at human feelings. She is a greater threat than Pei Ruhai and Yu Duxing, because she is always in the dark, which makes people unguardable.

Lu Yi, a beautiful woman with a gentle appearance and seemingly weak and helpless, is actually a high-ranking Japanese spy whose real name is Keiko Tachibana. In order to obtain the priceless information of the "Confession", she was sent to Shanghai by Eiichi Sakai on a mission seven years ago. After Bier's death, she took over the foreign company and the opium business, and then carefully planned, through caring to help Fan Yaluo and forge the burns on her arm, she won Fan Yiting's trust, and finally became the mistress of Fan's mansion, a stone's throw away from the "Confession".

Lu Yi is not only beautiful and gentle, but also more thoughtful and deep, coupled with a femme fatale, ruthless means, an authentic beautiful snake. She stole and passed on information to Pei Ruhai, she assassinated Guan Xue'an, and she almost succeeded in obtaining the "Confession", but in the end, she died under Fan Yiting's gun.

"Forerunner" reveals the operation mode of Japanese spies, do you know which one is the most powerful?


Historically, Japan has invaded China many times, the most famous of which are the Ming Dynasty's Japanese Rebellion, the First Sino-Japanese War, the 918 Incident and the Lugou Bridge Incident, each of which brought profound harm and disaster to China.

The Japanese have always been forbearant and long-lasting, and the Japanese layout of spy schools is the most obvious manifestation of this. Looking at the news on the Internet, in today's China, Japanese schools are everywhere, and various textbooks also have Japanese culture from time to time, etc., which is extremely controversial.

If this is normal, then, are Chinese schools everywhere in Japan? Do Japanese textbooks also have a lot of Chinese culture? If so, it is understandable that the two sides are blending, and if it is only one-sided, then it is worth pondering: why is this so?

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