
The Yu Li incident has ended, but the former leaders of Southern Medical University have been investigated for corruption, and the official report has been announced

author:Deadwood Kunlun

The Yu Li incident has ended, but the former leaders of Southern Medical University have been investigated for corruption, and the official report has been announced

Dr. Yu Li's matter was like a thunderstorm in the summer, and suddenly Southern Medical University was drenched.

It was once a good place to train medical talents, but now it has become the focus of public opinion.

The Yu Li incident has ended, but the former leaders of Southern Medical University have been investigated for corruption, and the official report has been announced

Southern Medical University is in turmoil: the Yu Li incident has not been settled, and the corruption case has broken out again

Southern Medical University, which was originally a place to train angels in white who saved lives and helped the wounded, has now become the center of a storm of public opinion because of a series of scandals. The Yu Li incident on the front foot has just come to an end, and the corruption case of the former school leader has broken out on the back foot. How many untold secrets are there about these dirty things hidden in the school?

The Yu Li incident has ended, but the former leaders of Southern Medical University have been investigated for corruption, and the official report has been announced

On May 10, Dr. Yu Li was late for class because she was resuscitating a patient, and the school's punishment of her caused a huge controversy. Many believe that she should not be punished so harshly, given that she was late because she was saving people.

The Yu Li incident has ended, but the former leaders of Southern Medical University have been investigated for corruption, and the official report has been announced

However, the school did not respond positively, which allowed the incident to continue to ferment and the reputation of the school to be questioned. Because of this incident, Yu Li was notified of criticism, deducted bonuses, and disqualified from the evaluation, and finally even suspended the clinic. She is the "golden signboard" of the medical industry, and the blow to her from this turmoil can be imagined.

The Yu Li incident has ended, but the former leaders of Southern Medical University have been investigated for corruption, and the official report has been announced

Just when the Yu Li incident had not subsided, on the evening of June 29, the Shantou Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision released a news: Deng Changyuan, the former director of the infrastructure construction department of Southern Medical University, was under disciplinary review and supervision investigation on suspicion of serious violations of discipline and law. As the director of the infrastructure department, Deng Changyuan holds the power of approving and managing the school's infrastructure projects, and has a lot of oil and water. However, this major corruption case once again plunged Southern Medical University into a deeper crisis of confidence.

The Yu Li incident has ended, but the former leaders of Southern Medical University have been investigated for corruption, and the official report has been announced

As soon as the news of Deng Changyuan's investigation came out, public opinion was in an uproar. Some people can't help but wonder if the Yu Li incident is just the tip of the iceberg of the chaos at Southern Medical University? While Yu Li was being punished for being late to save people, corruption within the school was brewing. Does Deng Changyuan's investigation indicate that the corruption problem at Southern Medical University is far more than that?

The Yu Li incident has ended, but the former leaders of Southern Medical University have been investigated for corruption, and the official report has been announced

According to the report of the Shantou Municipal Discipline Inspection and Supervision Department, Deng Changyuan, director of the infrastructure department of Southern Medical University, is under investigation on suspicion of serious violations of discipline and law. The Director of Infrastructure is empowered, responsible for the school's infrastructure and equipment procurement, as well as key aspects of project progress and funding. With a position of great power and little responsibility, coupled with a rich "oil and water", it is no wonder that he is mired in corruption.

The Yu Li incident has ended, but the former leaders of Southern Medical University have been investigated for corruption, and the official report has been announced

The successive exposures of the Yu Li incident and Deng Changyuan's corruption case can't help but remind people of more problems. As a medical university, why does the leadership of Southern Medical University frequently break out problems? Is there more hidden insider information? In the ivory tower of Southern Medical University, how many shady things are still hidden?

The Yu Li incident has ended, but the former leaders of Southern Medical University have been investigated for corruption, and the official report has been announced

"The tree wants to be quiet but the wind does not stop", Southern Medical University has been in trouble recently. Dr. Yu Li's late arrival to save people has aroused widespread public attention and discussion. Many people are unhappy with the school's decision to punish, believing that such a decision is too harsh and unreasonable. However, an even bigger storm is yet to come. Deng Changyuan, the former director of infrastructure at Southern Medical University, was investigated for corruption, which once again pushed the university to the forefront.

The Yu Li incident has ended, but the former leaders of Southern Medical University have been investigated for corruption, and the official report has been announced

Deng Changyuan is not the only problem. Not long ago, Li Jianxin, a vice-president-level leader of Southern Medical University, former member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee and former secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, was also found to have serious violations of discipline and law. Previously, Yang Kaiyong, former secretary of the Party committee and president of Southern Medical University, was also investigated by the organization on suspicion of serious violations of discipline.

The Yu Li incident has ended, but the former leaders of Southern Medical University have been investigated for corruption, and the official report has been announced

This successive corruption cases make people wonder if Deng Changyuan is just a middle-level leader, and if he dares to act so recklessly, is there a stronger "supporting" force behind it? Behind him, is there a bigger "fish" waiting to be revealed?

The Yu Li incident has ended, but the former leaders of Southern Medical University have been investigated for corruption, and the official report has been announced

Southern Medical University, once known for its medical education and research, has now gained notoriety due to a series of scandals. The Yu Li incident and Deng Changyuan's corruption case have revealed serious problems within the school. As a public service organization, the leadership of Southern Medical University should put the interests of the people first and provide quality services to teachers, students and society as much as possible. However, judging from this incident, it is clear that the school's management and service awareness needs to be greatly improved.

The Yu Li incident has ended, but the former leaders of Southern Medical University have been investigated for corruption, and the official report has been announced

A netizen pointed out that if it weren't for this doctor's incident, the director might not have been investigated. He believes that there are problems with the management of the school and that stricter supervision measures are needed.

The Yu Li incident has ended, but the former leaders of Southern Medical University have been investigated for corruption, and the official report has been announced

Another netizen suspected that the issue of the Director of Infrastructure might involve economic aspects. He vividly compared it, calling it "pulling out the radish and bringing out the mud", suggesting that the investigation may bring out more behind-the-scenes figures, which makes people look forward to the subsequent development.

The Yu Li incident has ended, but the former leaders of Southern Medical University have been investigated for corruption, and the official report has been announced

Some netizens said that a thorough investigation must be carried out into this matter, and that only "small fish" are currently caught, and "'big fish' has not yet emerged". He believes that only by digging deep and thoroughly can we see the truth.

The Yu Li incident has ended, but the former leaders of Southern Medical University have been investigated for corruption, and the official report has been announced

Some netizens made suggestions on how to deal with Southern Medical University. For example, some netizens suggested that in addition to investigating the director of infrastructure, the doctor involved should also be dealt with and let her return to her original unit. This is in response to the public's call for a reasonable explanation and solution from the school.

The Yu Li incident has ended, but the former leaders of Southern Medical University have been investigated for corruption, and the official report has been announced

Another netizen asked why leaders at all levels have not come forward to publicly express their stance on the incident for so long. He believes that the silence of the leaders will only increase the public's doubts, and calls on the leaders to come forward to explain as soon as possible.

The Yu Li incident has ended, but the former leaders of Southern Medical University have been investigated for corruption, and the official report has been announced

In addition, some netizens supported the thorough investigation of Southern Medical University, saying that it should be "strictly investigated and severely punished" to set an example and maintain the reputation of the university and the trust of the public.

The Yu Li incident has ended, but the former leaders of Southern Medical University have been investigated for corruption, and the official report has been announced

Some netizens pointed out that Southern Medical University should have been rectified a long time ago, how excellent and respectable the school was before, but now there are so many problems, which is regrettable. The netizen's comment showed his nostalgia for the school's past glory and dissatisfaction with the current situation, hoping that the school would be restored to its former glory through rectification.

The Yu Li incident has ended, but the former leaders of Southern Medical University have been investigated for corruption, and the official report has been announced

Another netizen praised Teacher Yu Ping's behavior, pointing out that as a teacher, Teacher Yu Ping knows that saving people is the first, teaching is the second, and Teacher Yu Ping is a respectable teacher. This netizen's comment highlights the right decision made by Teacher Yu Ping in an emergency, and calls on everyone to give more respect and understanding to the teacher's dedication.

The Yu Li incident has ended, but the former leaders of Southern Medical University have been investigated for corruption, and the official report has been announced

Some netizens emphasized that the primary duty of a doctor is to save lives and help the wounded, and the duty of a teacher is to teach and solve doubts, both of which are equally important, but in an emergency, saving lives and helping the injured should be given priority. The netizen's comment further highlighted the importance of professional ethics and career priorities, calling for everyone to be able to understand and support the decisions of medical staff and teachers in the face of similar situations.

The Yu Li incident has ended, but the former leaders of Southern Medical University have been investigated for corruption, and the official report has been announced

In addition, some netizens mentioned that the arrogance of power has broken the hearts of ordinary people, and these people have forgotten their original intentions. The netizen's comments revealed the problem of the current abuse of power by the management, calling on these people to reflect on their own actions and re-examine their original intentions.

The Yu Li incident has ended, but the former leaders of Southern Medical University have been investigated for corruption, and the official report has been announced

Finally, a netizen said that doctors are benevolent, and if doctors can't even do the most important duty of saving people, then doctors are not qualified. The netizen's comment further emphasized the professional ethics and duties of medical staff, hoping to ensure that medical staff can better perform their duties through strict requirements.

The Yu Li incident has ended, but the former leaders of Southern Medical University have been investigated for corruption, and the official report has been announced

It is hoped that the relevant departments can conduct an in-depth investigation into this matter, completely eliminate the corrupt elements within the university, and rebuild the reputation of Southern Medical University. At the same time, it is also hoped that Nanjing Medical University can seriously reflect, strengthen internal management, improve service quality, and provide better education and medical services for teachers, students and society.

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