
From July 4th, the rainy season will end! And yet it's coming again......

author:Dragon City Anecdotes

Since the beginning of the plum,

Menacing heavy rainfall has swept through our city continuously.

This made many citizens ask soul torture:

When will this rain stop?

As of 8 a.m. on July 1,

In the past 24 hours, moderate to heavy rain has fallen in the city.

Heavy rain in southern Changzhou and central and southern Liyang,

The maximum rainfall is:

Changzhou Xueyan Town 75.4 mm,

Jintan refers to the former town of 26.6 mm,

Liyang Shezhu Town 92.4 mm,

The maximum hourly rainfall intensity is

Changzhou Xueyan Town 36.9 mm

(June 30 at 15-16 o'clock).

From July 4th, the rainy season will end! And yet it's coming again......

According to the latest weather situation analysis,

Until July 3, there was still a lot of precipitation in our city.

Moderate rainfall on the 2nd, locally heavy rain.

From July 4th, the rainy season will end! And yet it's coming again......

From 4 July,

With the strengthening of the subtropical high,

The end of the heavy rainfall process,

Our city will usher in a series of sunny and good weather.

From July 4th, the rainy season will end! And yet it's coming again......

In the coming week, the weather in our city is:

On the 2nd, it was cloudy with showers or thunderstorms, moderate rainfall, locally heavy rain, southwest wind level 5 with gusts of 6 to 7, 26~29 °C;

On the 3rd, it was cloudy with showers or thunderstorms, southerly wind level 4 to 5, 26~31 °C;

It was cloudy on the 4th, with a southwest wind of 4 to 5, 26~35 °C;

It will be cloudy on the 5th, with southerly winds of level 4 to 5, 28~35 °C;

On the 6th, it was cloudy to clear, with southerly winds of level 4 to 5, 28~36 °C;

On the 7th, it was cloudy to clear, with a southwest wind of 3 to 4 levels, 29~35 °C.

As soon as the sun is on, the temperature rises.

The highest temperature from the 5th to the 7th

Up to 35°C—36°C,

Preventing heatstroke and cooling down has become a top priority again.

Take this heatstroke prevention and cooling tips!

From July 4th, the rainy season will end! And yet it's coming again......
From July 4th, the rainy season will end! And yet it's coming again......

In addition, on a hot summer day,

The car is parked outdoors like a "small stove".

Some small items that are stored carelessly

It is likely to become an "explosive and flammable" product.

If you have these things in the car,

Be sure to clean it up in time.

1. Lighter.

2. Power bank.

3. Liquid perfume.

4. Mineral water bottles and glasses.

5. Canned spray.

6. Carbonated drinks.

7. Products containing lithium batteries.

8. Disinfectant alcohol.

Source: Changbao New Media Changzhou Meteorology China Weather