
Whether a daughter-in-law should provide for her in-laws or not, make it clear at one time

author:Strive for ABC

Should the daughter-in-law not provide for her in-laws, make it clear at one time - Lu Xun once said: "There is nothing in the world, and mediocrity disturbs itself." In fact, there is no absolute answer to this question, but we need to understand and weigh it with our hearts.

Whether a daughter-in-law should provide for her in-laws or not, make it clear at one time

First of all, we must make it clear that providing for the elderly is not the "obligation" of the daughter-in-law, but the mutual support between family members. Of course, in traditional Chinese culture, filial piety is seen as a virtue, and it is taken for granted that daughters-in-law take care of their in-laws. However, the times are changing, and the concept is also being updated, and we cannot blindly apply the tradition and ignore the development of modern society.

Whether a daughter-in-law should provide for her in-laws or not, make it clear at one time

"Filial piety comes first", this sentence tells us that filial piety is indeed the foundation of human beings. But filial piety does not mean that the daughter-in-law must take on all the responsibilities of her in-laws. In modern society, the issue of old-age care should be a common responsibility faced by a family, rather than a unilateral pressure.

Whether a daughter-in-law should provide for her in-laws or not, make it clear at one time

So, should a daughter-in-law provide for her in-laws? Here are some points for your reference:

1. Family harmony is key. If the daughter-in-law is willing and able to take on the responsibility of her in-laws' pension, it is naturally the best. But if this responsibility becomes the fuse of family conflicts, then it should be carefully considered. After all, a harmonious family atmosphere is more important than any material conditions.

Whether a daughter-in-law should provide for her in-laws or not, make it clear at one time

2. Economic strength to consider. Pension is not an overnight thing, and long-term financial support is required. If the daughter-in-law does not allow her own economic conditions, she forcibly assumes the responsibility of providing for the elderly, which may bring more pressure to the families of both parties. At this time, it may be a good choice to seek other ways, such as social care for the elderly, community care for the elderly, etc.

Whether a daughter-in-law should provide for her in-laws or not, make it clear at one time

3. Respect the wishes of your in-laws. Everyone has their own lifestyle and habits, and retirement is no exception. When considering whether to provide for the elderly, it is necessary to respect the wishes of the in-laws. If the in-laws are willing to live independently, or if there are other relatives who are willing to take on the responsibility of providing for the elderly, the daughter-in-law can consider letting go.

Whether a daughter-in-law should provide for her in-laws or not, make it clear at one time

4. Promote traditional virtues. Although the concept of modern society is changing, we still need to promote the traditional virtue of filial piety. When conditions permit, the daughter-in-law assumes part of the responsibility for the elderly, which is the inheritance and development of traditional virtues.

Whether a daughter-in-law should provide for her in-laws or not, make it clear at one time

5. Legal Protection. The Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of the Rights and Interests of the Elderly clearly stipulates that children have the obligation to support their parents. But this does not mean that the daughter-in-law must take on all the responsibilities of her in-laws. Within the framework of the law, family members should share the responsibility for the elderly.

Whether a daughter-in-law should provide for her in-laws or not, make it clear at one time

In short, there is no unified standard for whether a daughter-in-law should provide for her in-laws. The key is to weigh the pros and cons and make the most suitable choice according to the actual situation of the family. As the Analects says, "Do not do unto others as you would have them do unto you." "When dealing with the issue of elderly care, we should consider from the perspective of family members, respect each other's feelings, and work together to create a harmonious family atmosphere.

Finally, I would like to conclude this article with one sentence: "Providing for the elderly is not the daughter-in-law's business alone, but the common responsibility of the whole family." "Let's work together to create a warm and happy life for the elderly.

Whether a daughter-in-law should provide for her in-laws or not, make it clear at one time