
Beware of "heavy use and light protection, heavy travel and light literature"

author:Practice media integration

In recent years, there has been an increase in the number of cultural heritage tours to heritage parks and museums. According to data released by a platform in May, since the beginning of this year, the number of bookings for domestic tourist museum tickets has increased by 104% year-on-year compared with last year; During the Dragon Boat Festival holiday, visiting historical museums, experiencing intangible cultural heritage, and checking in historical and cultural scenic spots have become popular travel methods.

However, under the boom, there are also people who come on the way but fail to return with the fun. Some tourists set off with great expectations, but they were embarrassed to find that "the imagination is very beautiful, and the reality is very skinny": there are homogeneous formats everywhere, and the same handicrafts are sold in scenic spots around the country, and the commercial atmosphere is too strong and the cultural taste is insufficient.

I can't help but ask, what is the problem and what is the root cause? Under the general trend of deep integration of culture and tourism, how should we grasp the relationship between culture and tourism, so as to achieve "cultural plastic tourism, tourism and culture"?

Beware of "heavy use and light protection, heavy travel and light literature"

Source: Visual China


Due to various reasons such as the lack of conceptual understanding and the deviation of methods and methods, a small number of places have a tendency to "emphasize the use of light protection, heavy tourism over culture" in the process of cultural tourism development, paying too much attention to tourism development and pursuing commercial value, while ignoring the protection of cultural heritage itself and the excavation of cultural connotation. There are several common manifestations.

Commercially led, reinvented. In a few places, excessive commercial development of historical districts, famous villages and towns has been carried out, and drastic "plastic surgery" transformation has destroyed the original style of cultural heritage, resulting in the loss of its original charm and heritage, and it is difficult for tourists to feel the profound historical and cultural value carried by cultural heritage. Last year, it was revealed that a certain place spent a lot of money to repair the cultural preservation courtyard, and some of the buildings suffered a "makeover", and there were also Japanese restaurants and other places, which were complained about as "destructive rescue".

Demolish the real and build the fake, demolish the old and build the new. In some localities, they do not have a sufficient understanding of cultural relics and other cultural resource endowments, mistakenly regard their advantages as a burden, mistake "gold" for "yellow sand", and arbitrarily tear down old cities, destroy ancient ruins, demolish old buildings, and replace them with "fake antiques" such as antique streets and buildings, causing irreparable losses. According to the statistics of the third national census of cultural relics, more than half of the more than 40,000 immovable cultural relics that have disappeared in the mainland in the past 30 years have been destroyed by various construction activities.

It is the same as "bumping shirts" and being the same. Many tourists feel the same way: when they come to the historical districts of different places, the landscapes they see are familiar, which makes people aesthetically tired. This is because some places are in a hurry to achieve success, taking "copy and paste" as a shortcut, blindly imitating the mature development model, simply "transplanting" the current Internet celebrity format, following the trend of snack bars, Internet celebrity milk tea shops, etc., with similar layouts, doing whatever traffic has, and ignoring the excavation and display of their own characteristics and advantages.

The content is empty and lacks connotation. In some scenic spots, the cultural characteristics and story themes are not clear and moving, and the tour guide lacks depth, which makes people unable to have the impulse of "coming and wanting to come". What's more, there are many typos and some obvious common-sense errors in the introduction of the scenic spot and the text on the wall, which is inevitably laughable and generous. In order to attract tourists, some places have launched vulgar, vulgar, and kitsch content, and even distorted history, spoofed classics, and ridiculed heroes, and unscrupulous means.

Beware of "heavy use and light protection, heavy travel and light literature"

Pedestrian streets all over the country are selling Internet celebrity old yogurt Source: "Guangming Theory" WeChat public account


According to the estimates of UNESCO and the World Tourism Organization, nearly 40% of the world's tourism industry is driven by culture, and cultural resources themselves are important tourism resources. In recent years, cases such as the explosion of Xi'an cultural tourism brought by Datang Sleepless City have illustrated this point.

Despite this, there are still some localities that are still following the "old path" of "emphasizing use over security, and emphasizing travel over culture." Specifically, what is the crux of the matter? The author sorted out several reasons.

Profit-driven leads to short-sightedness. A small number of places only focus on development and ignore protection, and easily demolish cultural relics and historic districts, believing that only in this way can they make room for new tourism facilities and scenic spots, and only then can the tourism economy develop. As everyone knows, because of the disorderly constructive and exploitative destruction, it may be devastating to the precious local cultural resources.

Lack of awareness creates imbalances. Tourism and culture are inseparable, but some places have insufficient understanding of the relationship between culture and tourism, grasp inaccurately, ignore the core and soul status of culture, just simply regard cultural resources as the embellishment of tourism development, only for the purpose of "icing on the cake", focus on tourism and commercial development, how to make money, how to make money, can not balance the relationship between culture and tourism, so as to take a detour.

Cultural studies are not deep and thorough. To achieve the deep integration of culture and tourism, it is necessary to conduct solid and in-depth research and excavation of history and culture. However, cultural research, refining and excavation are more difficult, the cost is higher, the "realization" cycle is longer, and by the overall market to pursue hot spots and the limitations of cultural tourism development ideas, some local cultural and tourism departments and development teams are often unwilling to spend time and energy in this link, so that the use of cultural resource elements only stays on the surface of commercial packaging and image building, resulting in low-level development, a large number of precious cultural resources have become "unplayable" treasures.

Beware of "heavy use and light protection, heavy travel and light literature"

Tourists watch the "tumbler" performance in Xi'an Datang Sleepless City Source: Xinhua News Agency


General Secretary Xi Jinping is very concerned about culture and tourism, and has always been in mind. During his work in Zhejiang, Comrade Xi Jinping wrote in an article published in the column "Zhijiang Xinyu": "Ecological resources and human resources are the basis for the development of tourism. ”

Culture and tourism have always been inseparable from each other. How to further promote the in-depth integration of culture and tourism, and embrace a more beautiful "poetry and distance"? The author thought of four sentences.

Chew out the cultural flavor. Tourism activities are essentially spiritual and cultural activities, only talking about tourism without talking about culture is like losing the soul, and tourism without culture can only be reduced to "a trip here". Therefore, it is necessary to give full play to the role of culture in empowering tourism, inject more ideological and artistic connotations into the promotion of scenic spots, product creation, tour guides and other links, and enhance the cultural content of tourism performing arts and cultural and creative products.

In the early planning stage, it is necessary to plan scientifically and make an overall layout, fully investigate its own advantages and characteristics and market environment, especially to deeply explore the unique cultural characteristics and focus on creating a distinctive cultural IP.

Highlight the pyrotechnics. The best taste in the world is pure joy. Nowadays, culture and tourism have become an important part of many people's lifestyles. The reason why Zibo barbecue, Tianshui Malatang, and Xinjiang Altay are popular "out of the circle" is that in addition to the food and beautiful scenery, the original ecological regional characteristics and fireworks folk customs are also fascinating.

There is also Shaoxing Cangqiao Straight Street, in the process of protection and renewal, special attention is paid to retaining the traditional landscapes such as ancient bridges and flowing water, pink walls and tiles, bluestone roads, etc., leaving 80% of the original inhabitants, making useful explorations for the living protection of the ancient city. Here, nostalgia has a "habitat", and the visible, sensible, and touchable Jiangnan charm constitutes its unique attraction.

Implant a youthful state. "Xi Jinping's Footprints in Zhejiang" records that on August 3, 2005, Comrade Xi Jinping came to the site of the second phase of the protection project of Wuzhen Ancient Town. In this investigation, Comrade Xi Jinping walked for nearly three hours and put forward three requirements on the spot, one of which is to do a good job in traditional cultural innovation and implant a modern culture that young people like in the ancient town.

In recent years, the cultural tourism industry in many places has aimed to cultivate a young state, innovating the presentation form and play experience. For example, Wuzhen, on the basis of insisting on the protection of cultural relics and water town scenery, takes the initiative to adapt to the pursuit of new, strange and special characteristics of young people and the demand for quality tourism, and attracts young people. Cultural and tourism activities such as the Wuzhen Theater Festival are "hard to find" every year.

Beware of "heavy use and light protection, heavy travel and light literature"

Tourists learn about Liangzhu culture through AR glasses Source: "Creative Yuhang" WeChat public account

Show the science and technology. With the increasing maturity of cutting-edge technologies such as augmented reality, virtual reality and the metaverse, the field of cultural tourism has also been plugged into "wings", and various activities, experiences, and scenes have more "open ways" to be presented. For example, in the Liangzhu Ancient City Ruins Park, visitors can "travel" to more than 5,000 years ago through AR glasses and experience the life of the ancestors of Liangzhu in an immersive way. In addition, cultural heritage can be protected and restored through digital means so that it can be preserved in perpetuity.

Some people say that no matter how many times you go around, it is not as good as a heart-to-heart trip. In order for cultural tourism to be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, it is necessary to take culture as the soul and make cultural tourism products "genuine" and "treasures", so that the journey will be more "talking", "watching", "playing" and "earning".

Source: Zhejiang Propaganda