
The security guard had an argument with the owner and hid back in the security room several times, and the owner did not give up and lost his life

author:Enthusiastic dumplings

Text: Enthusiastic dumplings

Edit: Enthusiastic dumplings


When it comes to conflicts between neighbors, they are really endless. Especially in the community, everyone lives together, and some conflicts will inevitably destroy the harmonious atmosphere between neighbors. Recently, the tragedy of a neighborhood dispute in Fangchenggang, Guangxi, was a tragedy because of a trivial matter. What the hell is going on?!

The security guard had an argument with the owner and hid back in the security room several times, and the owner did not give up and lost his life

1. Neighborhood conflicts living next to each other

I believe everyone watched a TV series called "Adjacent Dogs and Wolf Cubs" when they were children, which tells the conflict between two neighbors, which is full of jokes, but it also shows the friendship between neighbors. As the saying goes, "those who are close to Zhu are red, and those who are close to ink are black", and the contradictions between neighbors are often more difficult to reconcile than the contradictions between relatives.

The security guard had an argument with the owner and hid back in the security room several times, and the owner did not give up and lost his life

This incident occurred in a small community in Fangchenggang, Guangxi, and caused a lot of uproar. It is reported that most of the people living in this community are young people, and the parking spaces in the community are a little nervous.

On June 28th, it was another hot summer day, and everyone was fine in the morning, but in the afternoon, because a car was parked in the wrong place, there was a big conflict.

The security guard had an argument with the owner and hid back in the security room several times, and the owner did not give up and lost his life

It turned out that the car was a small couple decorating in the community, and they did not park the car in the designated parking space when they parked, which angered the owners next to them, and felt that it was very inconvenient, so they found the security brother and wanted to lock the car.

Second, the argument angered the security guards

However, the owner did not move the car as required, but directly found the security guard, wanting to unlock the car, speaking of which, the work of the security brother is still quite difficult, they need to maintain the order of the community while taking into account the emotions of the owner, sometimes it is really passive.

The security guard had an argument with the owner and hid back in the security room several times, and the owner did not give up and lost his life

This time, the security brother also wanted to communicate with the owner well, but unexpectedly, as soon as the owner's emotions came up, he began to reason with the security brother, and called their company to complain, saying that the security brother's service attitude was problematic.

The security guard had an argument with the owner and hid back in the security room several times, and the owner did not give up and lost his life

This can provoke the security guard, he feels that he is working so hard to maintain the order of the community, but when he encounters such a thing, the grievances in his heart are also quite large, plus the attitude of the owner has not been very good, the security guard is angry, he impulsively wants to do it, and directly picks up the guy who is placed next to him.

The security guard had an argument with the owner and hid back in the security room several times, and the owner did not give up and lost his life

3. The tragedy occurred

This time, the owner was frightened, he quickly hid back, but the security guard brother had lost some control, he threw the guy towards the owner, this time it was good, the guy hit the owner directly, he felt a sharp pain at the time, and never stood up again.

The security guard had an argument with the owner and hid back in the security room several times, and the owner did not give up and lost his life

When his wife saw this, she was frightened, she quickly shouted for help, and wanted other neighbors to help, but everyone was looking for the wind, and no one dared to go up.

But it was too late, and although the owner was taken to the hospital and survived, his wife was afraid and did not find out that she had a problem until the next morning, and finally did not survive and left this world.

The security guard had an argument with the owner and hid back in the security room several times, and the owner did not give up and lost his life

Such a tragedy is really embarrassing, and it also makes everyone deeply aware that the contradictions in life really need to be faced well, and they can't ruin their own future and harm others because of a momentary impulse.

The security guard had an argument with the owner and hid back in the security room several times, and the owner did not give up and lost his life


Seeing such an event, everyone must be in a bad mood, after all, such a tragedy is not far from us. Therefore, I hope that everyone, no matter what kind of contradictions you encounter, you must learn to tolerate and understand others.

I also hope that everyone can be full of hope in life, not put too much pressure on themselves, and don't stumble over the contradictions in life, so that you can live a happier life, right?