
After marrying a wealthy family for 6 years, she couldn't give birth to children, and after remarrying, she gave birth to 2 children in a row, and the "abandoned woman of a wealthy family" directly slapped her ex-husband in the face

author:Kaka said the world
After marrying a wealthy family for 6 years, she couldn't give birth to children, and after remarrying, she gave birth to 2 children in a row, and the "abandoned woman of a wealthy family" directly slapped her ex-husband in the face
Please use your golden finger to make a fortune, like and take a walk, get rich forever, pay attention to the like, it is difficult to get rich if you don't want to
After marrying a wealthy family for 6 years, she couldn't give birth to children, and after remarrying, she gave birth to 2 children in a row, and the "abandoned woman of a wealthy family" directly slapped her ex-husband in the face

In the bright entertainment industry, there is such a star, and her life trajectory is like a roller coaster, which is eye-catching. She is Chen Fala who was once known as the "sweetest" Hua Dan in the Hong Kong circle.

At the age of 32, Chen Fala was suddenly labeled as a "wealthy abandoned woman", and her six-year marriage ended in failure. This once beautiful actress left the scene in the whirlpool of public opinion.

Fate always likes to surprise people.

Just ten years later, the 40-year-old Chen Fala has transformed into a Hollywood upstart. Not only that, but she was also happy with her precious son, giving birth to two children in one fell swoop, achieving a double harvest of career and family.

After marrying a wealthy family for 6 years, she couldn't give birth to children, and after remarrying, she gave birth to 2 children in a row, and the "abandoned woman of a wealthy family" directly slapped her ex-husband in the face

From "marrying into a wealthy family for six years and failing to give birth" to "remarrying and having a second child", Chen Fala used her life experience to give a resounding slap in the face to those who once questioned her.

Let's walk into the story of Chen Fala together, uncover the life code of this legendary woman, and see how she transformed from a wealthy abandoned woman to a winner in life, and performed a realistic version of Cinderella fairy tale.

The story of Chen Fala began in Chengdu, a city with a long history. Here, she spent a carefree childhood, bathed in the leisure and warmth unique to Rongcheng.

The hand of fate always inadvertently changes the trajectory of life. Due to family reasons, the young Chen Fala had to bid farewell to his familiar hometown and embarked on a long journey to Atlanta, USA.

After marrying a wealthy family for 6 years, she couldn't give birth to children, and after remarrying, she gave birth to 2 children in a row, and the "abandoned woman of a wealthy family" directly slapped her ex-husband in the face

When it comes to a foreign country for the first time, many people may feel lost and lonely in the face of an unfamiliar environment and language barriers. But Chen Fala has shown remarkable adaptability and perseverance.

She quickly integrated into local life, and her academic performance was even more impressive. This experience not only exercised her independence, but also laid a solid language foundation for her future acting career.

With his outstanding academic performance, Chen Fala was successfully admitted to Emory University in the United States, which is known as the "Harvard of the South". In the hall of this prestigious university, she not only focuses on academic research, but also actively participates in various social practice activities.

She struggled to balance her studies and part-time work, gaining valuable experience for her future career.

After marrying a wealthy family for 6 years, she couldn't give birth to children, and after remarrying, she gave birth to 2 children in a row, and the "abandoned woman of a wealthy family" directly slapped her ex-husband in the face

Fate always likes to play a joke on those who are prepared. While studying at Emory University, Chen Fala happened to participate in the Miss International Chinese beauty pageant. With her fresh and refined temperament and intelligence, she won the runner-up in one fell swoop, and was highly praised by Andy Lau, a bigwig in the entertainment industry.

This unexpected experience not only gave her self-confidence, but also opened the door to the world of showbiz.

From a Chengdu girl to an American student, to an international beauty pageant runner-up, Chen Fala's life trajectory is full of dramatic turns. This experience not only shaped her unique personal charm, but also laid the foundation for her future development in the entertainment industry.

Her school experience fostered her hard-working spirit, and the beauty pageant gave her her first taste of the spotlight.

After marrying a wealthy family for 6 years, she couldn't give birth to children, and after remarrying, she gave birth to 2 children in a row, and the "abandoned woman of a wealthy family" directly slapped her ex-husband in the face

It is these rich life experiences that allow Chen Fala to control various roles with ease in his future acting career. Her international background and multicultural experience also laid the groundwork for her future career in Hollywood.

From Chengdu to Atlanta to Emory University, every step of the way was an important stage in Chen's growth and transformation, paving the way for her future success.

With her outstanding performance in the Miss International Chinese beauty pageant, Chen Fala successfully signed a contract with TVB and officially stepped into the entertainment industry. Although she did not come from a professional background and did not speak Cantonese, her freshness and sweet smile quickly won the hearts of the audience.

In the golden age of TVB, Chen Fala created a number of classic roles that were deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. In "The Princess Marryed", she played the beautiful and moving maid "Situ Yinping", and her gentle and lovely image was deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

After marrying a wealthy family for 6 years, she couldn't give birth to children, and after remarrying, she gave birth to 2 children in a row, and the "abandoned woman of a wealthy family" directly slapped her ex-husband in the face

In "The House of the Heart Storm", she challenged the mute girl "Ah Qing" with a huge contrast in personality, and interpreted the inner world of the character with a delicate performance. In "Soaring to the Clouds 2", she is incarnated as a heroic pilot, showing a completely different charm.

Each role showcased her excellent acting skills and versatile expressiveness.

However, the road to acting has not been easy. Due to his many scheming supporting roles in the early days, Chen Fala's image in the audience's minds was not satisfactory. Some viewers equated her with the character and labeled her a "scheming girl".

In addition, her relationship with the wealthy prince Xue Shiheng was exposed, and she was labeled as a "gold worshipper" by some people.

After marrying a wealthy family for 6 years, she couldn't give birth to children, and after remarrying, she gave birth to 2 children in a row, and the "abandoned woman of a wealthy family" directly slapped her ex-husband in the face

In the face of these doubts and criticisms, Chen Fala was not discouraged. Instead, she worked harder on her acting skills and trained hard in Cantonese day after day. She knows that only by speaking with strength can she win the recognition and respect of the audience.

Her efforts were not in vain, and with the increasing improvement of her acting skills, the audience's evaluation of her gradually improved.

This period in TVB is not only the starting point of Chen Fala's acting career, but also an important stage of her personal growth. She learned how to stay true to herself in the spotlight and how to hold on to her dreams in the face of doubt.

These valuable experiences have laid a solid foundation for her future development in Hollywood.

After marrying a wealthy family for 6 years, she couldn't give birth to children, and after remarrying, she gave birth to 2 children in a row, and the "abandoned woman of a wealthy family" directly slapped her ex-husband in the face

Although Chen Fala later chose to leave TVB and pursue a broader stage, this experience is undoubtedly the most precious asset in her acting career. It not only honed her acting skills, but also shaped her tenacious character, fully preparing her for the turning point in her life in the future.

From a fledgling newcomer to a high-profile Hua Dan, Chen Fala's growth in TVB is full of challenges and opportunities. With her own efforts and talents, she has gained a firm foothold in the highly competitive entertainment industry and laid the foundation for her future career development.

This experience has also become an important spiritual pillar for her to face setbacks in life in the future.

While Chen Fala's acting career is booming, her love life has also become the focus of public attention. After his love affair with Hong Kong's top billionaire Xue Shiheng was exposed, this seemingly fairytale love story sparked a frenzy of media chasing.

After marrying a wealthy family for 6 years, she couldn't give birth to children, and after remarrying, she gave birth to 2 children in a row, and the "abandoned woman of a wealthy family" directly slapped her ex-husband in the face

Behind the shining aura, there are hidden hardships that no one knows.

Xue Shiheng tried his best to win Chen Fala's heart. He did not hesitate to play the role of an infatuated suitor, not only giving away expensive luxuries, but also making bento boxes full of love with his own hands.

These actions undoubtedly touched Chen Fala's heart, and the two finally entered the palace of marriage hand in hand.

Surprisingly, however, the six-year-long marriage is little known. It wasn't until 2019 that Xue Shiheng personally revealed the secret. It turned out that in order not to affect Chen Fala's acting career, the two have been deliberately concealing the fact of their marriage.

After marrying a wealthy family for 6 years, she couldn't give birth to children, and after remarrying, she gave birth to 2 children in a row, and the "abandoned woman of a wealthy family" directly slapped her ex-husband in the face

Although this decision protected Chen Fala's career, it also brought invisible pressure to the relationship between the two.

On the surface, Chen Fala seems to have realized the dream of "marrying into a wealthy family" that many people dream of. But the reality is not so rosy. Wealthy life brings not only luxury, but also invisible pressures and constraints.

She not only has to endure doubts and criticism from the outside world, but also has to deal with disputes within the wealthy family. Especially her wealthy brother-in-law, who maliciously leaked her personal privacy many times, which made her feel troubled.

What's even more regrettable is that in the past six years of marriage, Chen Fala has not been able to conceive and have children. This not only brought her huge psychological pressure, but also made her position in the wealthy family more and more embarrassing.

After marrying a wealthy family for 6 years, she couldn't give birth to children, and after remarrying, she gave birth to 2 children in a row, and the "abandoned woman of a wealthy family" directly slapped her ex-husband in the face

Rumors from the outside world continued, and the label of "abandoned woman from a wealthy family" began to be quietly attached to her body.

Faced with these predicaments, Chen Fala did not choose to compromise or give up. She always insists on pursuing the realization of self-worth and refuses to be a "canary" in a wealthy family.

This spirit of independence also laid the groundwork for her future life transition.

In the end, this seemingly glamorous but actually stressful marriage came to an end. Although the divorce brought a lot of blows to Chen Fala, it also made her re-examine her life and prepare for the next counterattack.

After marrying a wealthy family for 6 years, she couldn't give birth to children, and after remarrying, she gave birth to 2 children in a row, and the "abandoned woman of a wealthy family" directly slapped her ex-husband in the face

The experience of this wealthy marriage made Chen Fala deeply realize that money and status do not bring true happiness. It also strengthened her determination to pursue self-worth, laying the foundation for her future career transformation and personal growth.

The end of a marriage may be an end for many, but for Chen, it has become a new beginning. Faced with the trough of her life, she did not choose to give up on herself, but made an unexpected decision - to give up TVB's high salary and go to the ocean for further study.

This decision undoubtedly requires great courage. Chen Fala not only had to face financial pressures, but also had to overcome language and cultural barriers. However, she firmly believes that only by constantly improving herself can she make a greater breakthrough in her acting career.

During this period of "cultivation", Chen Fala devoted himself to his studies. She strives to improve her acting skills and professionalism, and does not miss any opportunity to learn.

After marrying a wealthy family for 6 years, she couldn't give birth to children, and after remarrying, she gave birth to 2 children in a row, and the "abandoned woman of a wealthy family" directly slapped her ex-husband in the face

Her diligence and talent paid off, culminating in a successful master's degree in acting. This experience not only enriched her experience, but also opened a new door for her future acting career.

Chen Fala, who returned from school, returned to the showbiz with a new attitude. This time, her goal is no longer limited to Hong Kong, but to the wider Hollywood stage.

With solid acting skills and unique oriental charm, Chen Fala quickly made a name for himself in Hollywood.

In "Godzilla vs. King Kong 2", Chen Fala successfully won a role, although there were not many scenes, but her performance left a deep impression on the audience.

After marrying a wealthy family for 6 years, she couldn't give birth to children, and after remarrying, she gave birth to 2 children in a row, and the "abandoned woman of a wealthy family" directly slapped her ex-husband in the face

In the series "Do Nothing", her acting skills were further shown. And in the Marvel blockbuster "Shang-Chi", she successfully created an impressive role.

These Hollywood works not only allowed Chen Fala's acting skills to be recognized by more people, but also allowed her to gain more exposure opportunities on the international stage. She used her strength to prove that she is not only an "abandoned woman from a wealthy family", but also an excellent actor with talent and potential.

This experience not only brought Chen Fala to the next level in her career, but also allowed her to regain her self-confidence and direction in life. She used practical actions to tell the world that a woman's worth should not be defined by her marriage, but by her own talent and hard work.

From TVB Hua Dan to a rising Hollywood star, Chen Fala's transformation is full of challenges and opportunities. Her story tells us that as long as we have the courage to face setbacks and have the determination to pursue our dreams, we will be able to shine on the stage of life.

After marrying a wealthy family for 6 years, she couldn't give birth to children, and after remarrying, she gave birth to 2 children in a row, and the "abandoned woman of a wealthy family" directly slapped her ex-husband in the face

Her story is not only a personal success, but also a valuable inspiration for many people who are facing life transitions.

While his career is booming, Chen Fala's personal life has also ushered in a new chapter. She meets her true destiny – a brilliant political and business genius.

Although the wealth of the new partner cannot be compared with the 1.3 billion family assets of his ex-husband Xue Shiheng, he is young and promising, and his personal assets are as high as tens of millions of dollars. However, what really touched Chen Fala was this relationship based on mutual understanding and respect.

The new partner not only wholeheartedly supports Chen Fala in her career development, but also gives her plenty of space to pursue her dreams. This relationship of equality and mutual assistance has allowed Chen Fala to find true happiness and security.

After marrying a wealthy family for 6 years, she couldn't give birth to children, and after remarrying, she gave birth to 2 children in a row, and the "abandoned woman of a wealthy family" directly slapped her ex-husband in the face

Soon, the two entered the palace of marriage hand in hand, opening a new stage of life.

Today's Chen Fala is thriving in Hollywood, and at the same time, he can devote himself to the growth of his children. Her face was more youthful and energetic than in her early years, as if she had been reborn.

This perfect balance between career and family is the ideal state that many working women dream of.

From leaving her six-year marriage at the age of 32 with the label of "abandoned woman from a wealthy family", to her career and family in her 40s, in just ten years, Chen Fala has completed a gorgeous life counterattack.

After marrying a wealthy family for 6 years, she couldn't give birth to children, and after remarrying, she gave birth to 2 children in a row, and the "abandoned woman of a wealthy family" directly slapped her ex-husband in the face

She used her own experience to prove that a woman's worth should not be defined by marriage, but by her own efforts and talents.

Chen Fala's story has undoubtedly given many people inspirational strength. Her experience tells us that no matter how bumpy life is, as long as we keep a clear mind and insist on the realization of self-worth, we will eventually usher in our own happiness.

As her friend Chung Ka Yan said, Chen Fala has always been a person who is very aware of her inner needs, and this self-knowledge has enabled her to make the right choices at all stages of her life.

Today's Chen Fala has not only achieved success in his career, but also reaped full happiness in his family life. Her story is not only a personal victory, but also a valuable inspiration for many people who have faced setbacks in their lives.

After marrying a wealthy family for 6 years, she couldn't give birth to children, and after remarrying, she gave birth to 2 children in a row, and the "abandoned woman of a wealthy family" directly slapped her ex-husband in the face

I believe that in the future, she will continue to shine in her acting career and family life, and write a more wonderful chapter in her life.

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