
Professor Chen Wenzhong's Guided Reading of the Annotated Version of "Classic Conversations"

author:Festive Piano 0P

"Classic Conversations" is included in the 8th grade Chinese

"Classics Reading" Required Reading

"Classic Conversations" includes:

"Shuo Wen Jie Zi", "Zhou Yi", "Shangshu", "Book of Songs"

Three "Li", "Spring and Autumn" three biography ("Chinese" attached), four books

"Warring States Policy", "Historical Records", "Book of Han"

Princes, dictionaries, poems, and essays

and other thirteen articles

Professor Chen Wenzhong's Guided Reading of the Annotated Version of "Classic Conversations"

It is a model work for the popularization of traditional Chinese culture


Contemporary Middle School Teachers and Students Reading "Classic Conversations"

There are quite a few dyslexia

Rare characters, common knowledge of traditional culture, quotations from literary language......

To help readers read smoothly

and to supplement relevant cultural knowledge

"Classic Conversations" (Introduction)

Professor of the School of Liberal Arts, Anhui Normal University,

Doctoral supervisor: Mr. Chen Wenzhong

Careful proofreading and guided reading

Clearing the way for Chinese teachers to prepare lessons and students to read on their own

Professor Chen Wenzhong's Guided Reading of the Annotated Version of "Classic Conversations"

"Classics and Conversations" (Guide), written by Zhu Ziqing, annotated by Chen Wenzhong, first edition of The Commercial Press, October 2023


Carefully edited from reliable sources

The text of "Classic Conversations".

Long guide

A summary of each article


Expand your bibliography


Professor Chen Wenzhong's Guided Reading of the Annotated Version of "Classic Conversations"

Table of contents of "Classics and Common Talks" (Introduction).

Long Introduction——

"Classical Sayings" and How to Read Them

Elaborate on what the classics are

Why read the classics

The source of the classics mentioned by Zhu Ziqing, etc

Fundamental question

Analyze the structure of each part of the "Classic Talks".

Writing characteristics, reading methods

Professor Chen Wenzhong's Guided Reading of the Annotated Version of "Classic Conversations"
Professor Chen Wenzhong's Guided Reading of the Annotated Version of "Classic Conversations"

The Chinese textbook proposes three thematic explorations

Professor Chen Wenzhong's guide has achieved full coverage

And expanded

Help teachers, middle school students

Deepen understanding, refine and summarize

Professor Chen Wenzhong's Guided Reading of the Annotated Version of "Classic Conversations"

Thematic inquiry tasks assigned in Chinese textbooks

Each synopsis –

Sort out the hierarchy and summarize the essence

Analyze the structure of each chapter

Pointing out the academic stream

Prompt writing techniques

Grasp the core content of the whole article

Professor Chen Wenzhong's Guided Reading of the Annotated Version of "Classic Conversations"

Notes –

For the common knowledge of ancient culture and literature, quotations from literary language, proper names, rare characters, etc.,

Briefly annotated

Eliminate reading disabilities and accumulate knowledge of literature and history.

Professor Chen Wenzhong's Guided Reading of the Annotated Version of "Classic Conversations"
Professor Chen Wenzhong's Guided Reading of the Annotated Version of "Classic Conversations"

Extended Bibliography –

Classic Selected Books for Secondary School Teachers and Students

Interpretive works of the classics suitable for teachers to study

Guidance on the reading path

Professor Chen Wenzhong's Guided Reading of the Annotated Version of "Classic Conversations"


Zhu Ziqing's "Classic Talks" explains traditional Chinese culture based on Chinese classic ancient books, including "Shuowen Jiezi", "Zhou Yi", "Shangshu", "Shijing", "Three Li", "Spring and Autumn" Three Biography (attached to "Chinese"), Four Books, "Warring States Policy", "Shiji", "Hanshu", Zhuzi, Cifu, Poems, Essays, etc., concisely introducing the essence of Chinese traditional cultural classics and is a model work for popularizing Chinese traditional culture.

Mr. Chen Wenzhong, a professor at the School of Literature of Anhui Normal University, devoted himself to writing a guide, and made a summary and annotation for each article, effectively clearing the reading obstacles and helping to accumulate literary and historical knowledge.

About the Author:

Zhu Ziqing (1898-1948), formerly known as Zihua, was known as Peixian and Qiushi. Originally from Shaoxing, Zhejiang, he was born in Haizhou, Jiangsu Province (now Donghai County). Famous modern essayist, poet, and scholar. He was a professor in the Department of Chinese Literature and Literature at Tsinghua University. He is the author of a collection of personal poems and essays "Traces" and "Back", etc., and has also published "Miscellaneous Notes on European Travel", "London Miscellaneous", "Poetry and Words", "Language Shadow and Others", "New Poetry Miscellaneous", "On the Appreciation of Elegance and Vulgarity", "Standards and Scales", "Chinese Ballads", "Zhu Ziqing Classical Literature Collection", etc., edited "Chinese New Literature Collection", "Selected Chinese Literature of Southwest Associated University (1938-1939)" with Wen Yiduo and Yu Guanying, and co-edited "Intensive Reading Guidance", "Skimming Guidance Corner" and "Chinese Language Teaching". Chen Wenzhong, born in 1952, is a native of Shanghai. He graduated from the Department of Chinese of Anhui Normal University in 1977. He is currently a professor and doctoral supervisor of the School of Liberal Arts of Anhui Normal University. He is mainly engaged in the teaching and research of literary theory. He has published more than 100 papers in newspapers and periodicals such as "Literary Review", "Literary Heritage", "Literary Research", and "Guangming Daily"; He has published many monographs such as "Research on the History of Reception of Chinese Classical Poetry", "Chinese Scholars in the Field of Aesthetics", "Top Ten Literary Scholars", "Research on Literary Aesthetics and History of Reception", "In Defense of the History of Reception", "The Essentials of Chinese Humanities", "Poetry is Eternal - A Classic Close Reading in the Perspective of Reception History", "Chinese Traditional Culture and Language Teaching", etc. He is the chief editor of many textbooks such as "Literary Theory", "Art and Life", and "Introduction to the Study of Literary and Artistic Aesthetics".

Related Comments:

The students read "Classic Conversations" and "treat it as a boat and sail into the sea of classics", which is exactly the ardent hope that Zhu Ziqing placed in the book.

-- Unit 3 of the second volume of the eighth grade of the unified edition of "Chinese".

Mr. Zhu's "Classic Conversations" is a book that takes responsibility in this regard. It is a "practical and plain introduction to the vernacular" of some ancient books.

- Ye Shengtao

For contemporary middle school students, reading "Classic Conversations" is the first step, and "seeing" the original classics is the ultimate goal.

——Chen Wenzhong, a professor at the School of Liberal Arts, Anhui Normal University