
12 good books

author:Festive Piano 0P
12 good books

01 "Reasoning, Philosophy, and the Party's Innovation Theory Research and Interpretation Series"

In order to carry forward the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and implement Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, the Commercial Press organized many experts and scholars in the theoretical field for the first time, and adhered to the principle of "using academia to explain politics well and leading academia with politics", and planned, compiled and published the "Philosophy of Truth: Research and Interpretation of the Party's Innovative Theory".

This is a set of academic and theoretical books that combine the basic tenets of Marxism with China's specific reality and China's excellent traditional culture, with a total of 12 kinds, namely, "People First", "Self-confidence and Self-reliance", "Integrity and Innovation", "Problem-Oriented", "System Concept", "Mind the World", "Ideals and Beliefs", "Historical Initiative", "Seeking Truth from Facts", "Fighting Spirit", "Bottom-line Thinking" and "Self-Revolution".

This series of books closely follows the "six musts" proposed in the report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and deeply analyzes and explains the worldview and methodology of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, in order to help the whole party and the people of all ethnic groups in the country consciously use Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era to arm their minds, guide practice, and promote work. The 12 kinds of books are concise, easy to read and understand, and professionally authoritative, and are the ingenuity of well-known scholars from the Party School of the Central Committee, the Party School of the Provincial Party Committee and the Double First-Class Universities.

12 good books

02 "Red Temperament"

Everyone has a unique spiritual temperament, and so does an organization. If temperament has a color, the temperament of the Communist Party of China must be red. A hundred years of struggle is magnificent, and the great spirit is glorious for thousands of years. Generations of Chinese Communists have forged a common spiritual temperament and left countless shocking stories.

The 100-year history of the party is magnificent, with many well-known characters and pasts, as well as many little-known moments and details. "Red Temperament" selects a set of stories that reflect different historical periods and interpret the spiritual genealogy of the Chinese Communists from different aspects from the already broadcast programs of "National Album", and adapts them into illustrated books.

More than 200 precious photos lead readers back to historical scenes and "encounter" those martyrs and heroes who are both familiar and unfamiliar in people's eyes.

12 good books

In the 100-year history of the Communist Party of China, Xinhua News Agency reporters were on the scene at many critical moments, recording countless historical moments. Walking into the China Photo Archive, I opened a "National Album".

For a person, a hundred years is a long time; For a party that is at the forefront of the times, it is in the prime of its youth, and there are dreams of us and our fathers.

01 From a cook to a sniper who is famous in world military history

12 good books

In 1952, Pang Zilong, a cook of the 204th Division of the Chinese People's Volunteers, introduced his experience in shooting cold guns on the battlefield to resist US aggression and aid Korea. - Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Feng

02 In the 30s of the 20th century, the Eighth Route Army fought on the Great Wall

12 good books

In the 30s of the 20th century, the Eighth Route Army fought on the Great Wall. - Xinhua wrote

03 "Underwater Bridge" during the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea

12 good books

During the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, a certain engineer of the Chinese People's Volunteer Army jumped into the ice river and erected an "underwater bridge." - Xinhua wrote

12 good books

03 Translation of Marxist classics from three sources, Zhi Ma En

For the first time, the three major sources of Marxist studies and classics of Marxism were systematically sorted out and published

Tracing back to the roots, it provides systematic, authoritative and convenient translations of classics for the study of Marxism

Why is Marxism, which was born in the 19th century, still so vigorous and vigorous? The fundamental reason for this lies in the fact that it is the ideological system of the vanguard of the working class, the representative of the most advanced productive forces in modern society, and is the product of the combination of rich revolutionary experience, social practice, and rigorous scientific research.

12 good books
12 good books

Translation Series of Classic Works of Marxism from Three Sources · Classical German Philosophy》

12 good books

Translation Series of Classic Works of Marxism from Three Sources · Classical political economy》

12 good books

Translation Series of Classic Works of Marxism from Three Sources: Utopian Socialism

12 good books

04 Mao Zedong's Cultural Innovation RoadThis book typically reflects the exploration process and development trajectory of China's advanced culture after the May Fourth Movement, discusses the contributions and regrets of Mao Zedong's cultural innovation, and depicts the cultural exploration and innovation since the reform and opening up, as well as the cultural pattern of China in the new era.

Written by Chen Jin, an expert in the study of party history and president of the Mao Zedong Thought Life Research Association.

12 good books

05 Deng Xiaoping and the centennial history of the Communist Party of China

Tracing the road of the Communist Party of China, it tells Deng Xiaoping's practical exploration and theoretical thinking on party building

Written by Zhang Shu, an expert on Deng Xiaoping Theory and Party History in the New Period of Reform and Opening-up of the Central Institute of Party History and Literature.

A monograph focusing on Deng Xiaoping and party building, expounding his profound thinking on how to build a party that has always maintained its advanced nature and purity in ideology, organization, and work style. This book is full of pictures and texts, and reproduces the important turning points and classic moments in the party's development process with 3 historical periods, 29 theoretical topics, and more than 80 precious historical pictures.

12 good books

06 Extraordinary course - Chen Yun and reform and opening up

For the first time, the theoretical methods and important decisions of Chen Yun, a proletarian revolutionary of the older generation, were systematically sorted out and summarized in the process of reform and opening up, and his historical contributions were reviewed.

During his 70-year revolutionary career, the party and the people will forever remember Comrade Chen Yun's meritorious contributions to the establishment of New China, the establishment of the basic socialist economic and political system, and the reform, opening up, and socialist modernization. …… Comrade Chen Yun's firm ideals and beliefs, strong party spirit and principles, truth-seeking and pragmatic style, simple public servant feelings, and diligent study spirit are always worthy of our learning. ——Xi Jinping's speech at the symposium commemorating the 110th anniversary of Comrade Chen Yun's birth

12 good books

07 Xi Jinping's poverty alleviation story

A popular book about General Secretary Xi Jinping's poverty alleviation thoughts and practices: It vividly records the wonderful moments when Comrade Xi Jinping attaches great importance to poverty alleviation and development and unceasingly promotes poverty alleviation, and shows Comrade Xi Jinping's innocent feelings of "I will live up to the people without me".

2020 China Good Books, 2021 Scholarly Yangcheng Annual Tribute Books, 2020 Theme Publishing, Key Publications, 2020 "Excellent Realistic Literary Publishing Project", Chinese Edition Good Books, 2020 Annual List, Decisive Battle, Decisive Victory in Poverty Alleviation, Theme Publishing, Special Recommended Books, "Book Reflection Centennial Great Cause - Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China", Recommended Books for April 2021

12 good books
12 good books

08 Memories of the Long March

"The Long March is a manifesto, the Long March is a propaganda team, and the Long March is a seeding machine" This book collects a large number of precious documents and materials after the victory of the Long March, accompanied by more than 100 precious photos, cultural relics, and historical paintings reflecting the Red Army's Long March, telling 30 stories on the Long March, and the legendary experiences of Chen Yun, Lu Dingyi, Xie Juezai and others, reproducing the real Long March.

12 good books

09 The first ten years - Mao Dun in the Commercial Press

From a progressive youth to a staunch Marxist,

From a small grader to the editor-in-chief of Novel Monthly, and then to the banner of China's new literature, this book details the ten years (1916-1926) of Mao Dun, one of the earliest members of the Communist Party of China, at the Commercial Press.

12 good books

10 National Albums

2018 China Good Book

The winning books of the 14th "Wenjin Book Award" opened the national album and revisited the precious images of the Xinhua News Agency China Photo Archive

A 100-episode micro-video program with a total of more than 2.1 billion views, selects the most representative content, tells the changes in the lives of ordinary people in the past 40 years of China's reform and opening up, and shows the people's sense of gain and happiness.

12 good books

11. The Power of Faith - A Documentary of Hongyan Martyrs

This is a group of hot-blooded young people with faith, and this is a group of flesh-and-blood Communist Party members. Relive the real Red Rock and feel the power of faith. This book tells the story of Sister Jiang, Chen Ran (Chenggang prototype), Song Zhenzhong (small radish head prototype), Han Zidong (Hua Ziliang prototype), Xu Xiaoxuan (Xu Yunfeng, Qi Xiaoxuan one of the prototypes) and other ten Hongyan revolutionary aspirants, in the scum cave, Bai Mansion and other human demon caves indomitable, singing and crying real struggle.

12 good books

12. The Right Way in the World is organized by the Vicissitudes of Life National Language Work Committee and compiled by the Social Science Development Research Center of Colleges and Universities of the Ministry of Education.

This book focuses on the arduous history of the new democratic revolution of the Communist Party of China in the form of hand-painted art, and deeply feels the essence of the glorious century of the Communist Party of China written with blood, sweat, tears, courage, wisdom and strength!

2021 marks the centenary of the Communist Party of China.

A hundred years is in its prime, and a hundred years still need to go through ups and downs.

Old sites, memorial halls, and stories record the historical trajectory of the Chinese revolution and the footprints of the revolutionary ancestors, and contain the revolutionary spirit of the Chinese communists and the Chinese people of hard struggle, indomitable, indomitable, and daring to win.

12 good books

The publication of this book is an important achievement in celebrating the centenary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, a vivid teaching material for deepening the education of the "four histories" by using red resources, and a useful practice for innovating the study and education of party history, realizing the combination of the use of red resources and the study and education of party history, and the unity of revolutionary spirit inheritance and patriotism education.

Wonderful graphic arrangement

Revolutionary site + specific address + red imprint introduction + line drawing and light color hand-painting, let's walk on the road of revisiting the revolutionary process together!

12 good books

Peking University Red Building, No. 29, Wusi Street, Dongcheng District, Beijing

12 good books

Mao Zedong's former residence and memorial hall, revolutionary site group, Xiangtan City, Shaoshan City, Hunan Province

12 good books

The new Nanhu Revolutionary Memorial Hall is located on the south bank of Nanhu Lake in Jiaxing City, Zhejiang Province