
He is a muscular and handsome uncle, after leaving Wu Chengxian, his emotional wounds have never healed, and he is still single at the age of 46.

author:Laugh about the billboard
He is a muscular and handsome uncle, after leaving Wu Chengxian, his emotional wounds have never healed, and he is still single at the age of 46.

The editor believes that there is no shortage of small fresh meat in the entertainment industry, but what can really be remembered for a long time is often those actors who speak with their unique charm and strength. Today, the editor is going to take you into the world of Korean actor Lee Tae-kun, who does not rely on his appearance and muscles to attract fans, but with his manhood and healthy and sunny image, he has become the "male god of the uncle circle" in the hearts of many fans.

He is a muscular and handsome uncle, after leaving Wu Chengxian, his emotional wounds have never healed, and he is still single at the age of 46.

On November 27, 1977, Lee Tae-kun was born in Daejeon, South Korea. Since childhood, he has shown a love and talent for sports and has become a sports specialty. In college, he chose to major in physical education and continued his education. Fate doesn't seem to intend for him to shine only in the world of sports, though. When he was in high school, he began to work part-time as a model, a job that not only allowed him to earn extra money, but more importantly, he came up with the idea of entering the entertainment industry.

He is a muscular and handsome uncle, after leaving Wu Chengxian, his emotional wounds have never healed, and he is still single at the age of 46.

The editor thinks that Li Taikun's early experience is really interesting. He was originally a sports student, and he also majored in sports in college, but he accidentally embarked on the road of modeling, and finally decided to enter the entertainment industry. This kind of cross-border life experience really makes people sigh at the wonder of life!

He is a muscular and handsome uncle, after leaving Wu Chengxian, his emotional wounds have never healed, and he is still single at the age of 46.

Lee Tae-kun successfully entered the entertainment industry with his figure and manly atmosphere when he was a model. In 2005, he starred in the TV series "Heavenly Pity", in which he played the role of Gu Wangmu, and became an instant hit with his outstanding performance. The editor remembers that Li Taikun at that time really played the role of Gu Wangmu alive, which made people love and hate.

He is a muscular and handsome uncle, after leaving Wu Chengxian, his emotional wounds have never healed, and he is still single at the age of 46.

After that, he successively participated in film and television works such as "Goldfish" and "King of Guangkaitu", and his popularity soared. On the screen, he has created one role after another that is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and has become a representative of the tough guy in the hearts of the audience.

In addition to acting, Lee Tae-kun also participated in variety shows such as "I Live Alone" and "Kim Byung-man's Law of the Jungle", showing another side of him that is different from the screen. In the show, his real and unpretentious performance won the love of the audience, and also let everyone see his more three-dimensional and multi-faceted side. The editor feels that the reason why Lee Taekun can be loved by so many people is not only because of his excellent acting skills and unique charm, but also because he has always maintained a true and honest attitude. This kind of attitude is rare in the entertainment industry!

He is a muscular and handsome uncle, after leaving Wu Chengxian, his emotional wounds have never healed, and he is still single at the age of 46.

After talking about his career, let's talk about Li Taikun's emotional experience. At the beginning of 2010, he was introduced by a friend to Wu Chengxian. The two fell in love at first sight and soon began a sweet romance. At that time, they often attended events and traveled together, and they seemed to be really envious of others.

However, the good times were short-lived. Because Li Taikun's career is getting busier and busier, the relationship between the two is gradually estranged. In June 2011, they officially broke up. Although this relationship was short-lived, it left a deep impression on Lee Tae-kun. Xiaobian feels that every relationship is a part of life, and no matter what the outcome is, it is worth cherishing and remembering.

He is a muscular and handsome uncle, after leaving Wu Chengxian, his emotional wounds have never healed, and he is still single at the age of 46.

After the breakup, Lee Tae-kun has remained single and focused on work. He has hardly had any scandals and lace news, which can be said to be a clear stream in the entertainment industry. I really want to give him a thumbs up! In such a complex environment as the entertainment industry, it is not easy to maintain such a low profile and focus!

He is a muscular and handsome uncle, after leaving Wu Chengxian, his emotional wounds have never healed, and he is still single at the age of 46.

Recently, rumors about Li Tae-kun's hidden marriage to the rich second generation have gone viral on the Internet. It is said that he is not only married, but also has two children. This shocked and puzzled many fans. After all, everyone has always thought that he is still single!

Lee Tae-kun himself quickly came out to clarify these rumors. He said that he is still single and has not married or had children. He also joked: "If I really have two children, then wouldn't I be busy to death?" "Haha, it seems that our uncle circle male god still has a great sense of humor!

He is a muscular and handsome uncle, after leaving Wu Chengxian, his emotional wounds have never healed, and he is still single at the age of 46.

The editor thinks that this kind of rumor is really laughable. But it's good, at least it shows that everyone still cares about Li Taikun's private life. I just hope that when everyone spreads this kind of news in the future, they can be more rational and cautious, and do not bring unnecessary trouble to the parties.

Today, Lee Tae-kun is 46 years old, but he remains single. I think there's nothing wrong with that. After all, everyone has their own lifestyle and choices. For Lee Tae-kun, he may enjoy his current free and unfettered life!

He is a muscular and handsome uncle, after leaving Wu Chengxian, his emotional wounds have never healed, and he is still single at the age of 46.

And when it comes to his greatest pleasure now, it is cooking. That's right, you heard it right! Our tough guy guy is actually a master cook! He often shares his cooking experience and food creations on social platforms, which looks really good! The editor is going to drool~

It seems that Lee Tae-kun is not only an acting actor, but also a hidden food blogger! Such versatility is really something that people have to love!

He is a muscular and handsome uncle, after leaving Wu Chengxian, his emotional wounds have never healed, and he is still single at the age of 46.

Let's talk about Wu Chengxian. After she broke up with Li Taikun, she rarely appeared in the public eye. Recently, it was rumored that she was swept away by a chaebol family because she did not give birth to a child, and she also became a single woman. I think these rumors are a bit excessive! Whether it's true or not, we should respect everyone's choices and privacy.

And to be honest, the editor thinks Wu Chengxian is also a very good woman. She has her own career and lifestyle and doesn't need to rely on anyone to prove her worth. So I hope everyone can be more understanding and tolerant!

He is a muscular and handsome uncle, after leaving Wu Chengxian, his emotional wounds have never healed, and he is still single at the age of 46.

Well, after all the stories and rumors about Lee Tae-kun (and the food, of course!) ), the editor really likes this uncle circle male god more and more! He not only has excellent acting skills and unique charisma, but also has a genuine, honest attitude and versatile side. It's really admirable!

He is a muscular and handsome uncle, after leaving Wu Chengxian, his emotional wounds have never healed, and he is still single at the age of 46.

Finally, the editor also wants to say: No matter what the future holds, we look forward to Li Taikun being able to continue to bring us more wonderful works and surprises! I also hope that he can always maintain this true and honest attitude and go further and higher in the entertainment industry! Come on, oh, uncle, male god! We always have your back!