
Is it an advantage or a disadvantage for a small village to become a "community" and for farmers to become "semi-citizens"?

author:Nong Xiaoqiang 2

As the country's development focus continues to tilt towards rural areas. In the future, many rural areas may usher in major changes and new development opportunities, and planned demolition and planned relocation are among them! "Rural Revitalization" is imperative!

Is it an advantage or a disadvantage for a small village to become a "community" and for farmers to become "semi-citizens"?

In recent years, the construction of new rural areas has continued to advance, and the state has invested enough money in the renovation of rural dilapidated houses and the management of the village living environment, which have been effectively rectified and improved.

The examination and approval of rural construction land is becoming more and more stringent, the "homestead" and the buildings on the homestead ensure that the peasants have a place to live and the old have something to rely on, and the "house" is related to the daily life and asset inheritance of the peasants, and when the policy involves agriculture and rural issues, most of them are directly linked to the interests of the peasants. Therefore, farmers should always pay attention to the dynamics and information of the "three rural" policies.

Is it an advantage or a disadvantage for a small village to become a "community" and for farmers to become "semi-citizens"?

Is it an advantage or a disadvantage for a small village to become a "community" and for farmers to become "semi-citizens"?

From ancient times to the present, the living style of peasants is mainly independent and detached, and the living style and living habits of rural residents and urban residents are different. For example, if you live in a building, it is easy to produce noise upstairs, causing disturbance and distress to the residents downstairs, and it is easy to cause conflicts between neighbors.

Rural independent courtyards, there are no such problems, small villages and large villages, farmers live in buildings, after the establishment of the community, into the state of "semi-citizens"! Neighborhood relations will also change, such as: less door-to-door pulling, inconvenience for the elderly in rural areas to go up and down the stairs, agricultural machinery and grain storage problems, etc.

Is it an advantage or a disadvantage for a small village to become a "community" and for farmers to become "semi-citizens"?

The design of traditional courtyards in rural areas takes into account both living and farming. Rural areas are dominated by bungalows, which are mainly divided into north houses and south courtyards, and all kinds of fruits and vegetables can be planted in front of the house, behind the house, and in the courtyard, which can not only reduce living expenses, but also ensure the source of food.

Small villages merge into large villages, and farmers go upstairs to form communities, which is equivalent to copying the living methods and living habits of urban people, and the cost of living increases. Although the living conditions and living environment have become clean and comfortable, there are more expenses to bear, such as: property fees, parking fees, garbage removal fees, etc.! The cost of water, electricity and heating will also increase. You can't grow your own fruits and vegetables, so you can only choose to buy them in the supermarket.

On the whole, the peasants have a residence and a courtyard, and the traditional, scattered and low-cost lifestyle of the single family is more in line with the actual situation of the peasants.

Is it an advantage or a disadvantage for a small village to become a "community" and for farmers to become "semi-citizens"?

Combined with the two major factors of living habits and living costs, this should be the main reason why farmers are reluctant to live in buildings and become communities.

Harmony or disagreement, and with disagreement, is it a pro or a cons for farmers to go on the road? Combined with the current situation of agriculture, rural areas and farmers, farmers have the most right to speak! Therefore, whether to dismantle or not, to merge or not to merge, should be decided by the peasants and listen to the will of the peasants.

Is it an advantage or a disadvantage for a small village to become a "community" and for farmers to become "semi-citizens"?

In the "Guiding Opinions on Strengthening the Management of Rural Housing Construction", it is clearly stated that rural houses should be managed by classification in combination with projects such as the renovation of old villages and the construction of new rural areas. It is strictly forbidden to live together in villages against the will of peasants, and peasants go upstairs to engage in communities, and rural transformation, demolition, merger, and establishment of communities shall be adapted to local conditions and in multiple modes in parallel. "One size fits all" is prohibited.

For dilapidated houses in rural areas, the relevant guidance clearly states that a four-level joint inspection mechanism should be established for farmers' self-inspection, township (town) and village inspection, county-level inspection, and law enforcement inspection. Carry out regular inspections of the existing housing conditions in rural areas. It can be seen from the "four-level joint inspection" that the old and dangerous houses in rural areas with potential safety hazards may be listed as key inspection targets in the future joint inspection work, and will be required to rectify, repair or demolish.

Is it an advantage or a disadvantage for a small village to become a "community" and for farmers to become "semi-citizens"?

How do farmers deal with the four-cascade investigation?

First, ensure that the safety factor of the residential house meets the standard requirements.

Second, renovate, repair, and demolish old and dangerous houses in a timely manner.