
Ru Ping's daughter Xi Wang: married actor Guo Xiaoran and gave birth to a daughter, and her mother's heart was the most painful when she divorced

author:A Peng insider
Ru Ping's daughter Xi Wang: married actor Guo Xiaoran and gave birth to a daughter, and her mother's heart was the most painful when she divorced

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Ru Ping's daughter Xi Wang: married actor Guo Xiaoran and gave birth to a daughter, and her mother's heart was the most painful when she divorced


Is Ru Ping's life trajectory destined to be a legend of ups and downs?

When the gears of fate begin to turn, who can predict where the road ahead leads?

Let's follow the footsteps of time, get closer to this gorgeous transformed woman, and peek into the little-known story behind her....

Ru Ping's daughter Xi Wang: married actor Guo Xiaoran and gave birth to a daughter, and her mother's heart was the most painful when she divorced

A dazzling journey of butterfly transformation

In 1966, when the first rays of sunlight poured into the window lattice of an ordinary working-class family in Zhejiang, a baby girl named Ru Ping fell to the ground.

Who would have thought that this child born in an ordinary small family would become a halo goddess in the limelight in the future.

Ru Ping's daughter Xi Wang: married actor Guo Xiaoran and gave birth to a daughter, and her mother's heart was the most painful when she divorced

Ru Ping has been brilliant since she was a child, not only outstanding in appearance, but also in her studies and talents.

The parents' ardent expectation that their daughter will become a phoenix has turned into the driving force behind Ru Ping's hard work.

In class, she always came out on top with excellent grades; On the stage, her singing and dancing also won bursts of applause.

In the summer of 1983, Ru Ping graduated from high school with honors.

Ru Ping's daughter Xi Wang: married actor Guo Xiaoran and gave birth to a daughter, and her mother's heart was the most painful when she divorced

However, she did not enter the university hall as her family expected, but hid from her parents and stepped on the train to the repertory theater alone.

The seeds of dreams quietly sprout in the hearts of young girls.

In the days of the repertory troupe, Ru Ping quickly transformed from an unknown newcomer to the pillar of the troupe with her perseverance in hard work and natural performance aura.

Ru Ping's daughter Xi Wang: married actor Guo Xiaoran and gave birth to a daughter, and her mother's heart was the most painful when she divorced

On the stage, she was radiant, like the brightest star in the dark, firmly capturing the hearts of every audience.

Ru Ping's name began to be frequently mentioned in the theater world, and a dazzling new star is rising.

The wandering dilemma of marriage

The career is thriving, but the balance of love is in jeopardy.

In 1990, 24-year-old Ru Ping tied the knot with art editor Xi Tianying.

Ru Ping's daughter Xi Wang: married actor Guo Xiaoran and gave birth to a daughter, and her mother's heart was the most painful when she divorced

At first, their marriage was as sweet as a fairy tale.

Ru Ping is immersed in the sweetness of love and tirelessly balances her family and career.

Xi Tianying is also proud of his wife and is overwhelmed by her talent.

However, as time passed, the rift crept in.

Ru Ping's career is in full swing, and her busy work makes it difficult for her to take care of her family.

Ru Ping's daughter Xi Wang: married actor Guo Xiaoran and gave birth to a daughter, and her mother's heart was the most painful when she divorced

The continuous announcements and rehearsals day and night made her tired.

Xi Tianying longs for his wife to be like a traditional virtuous woman, husband and children, but Ru Ping can't let go of the dream of performing in her heart.

Quarrels and cold wars have become the common theme of this family.

Xi Tianying began to question, can a successful woman still be a competent wife and mother?

Ru Ping felt aggrieved, does pursuing a career mean sacrificing oneself and giving up one's dreams?

Ru Ping's daughter Xi Wang: married actor Guo Xiaoran and gave birth to a daughter, and her mother's heart was the most painful when she divorced

The values of the two are drifting apart in completely different directions.

In 1992, Ru Ping gave birth to her beloved daughter Xi Wang at the peak of her career.

In order to save her crumbling marriage, she chose to take a break from the stage and devote herself to her family, but she still couldn't fill the deepening gap between the two.

The trivialities of parenting and the complexity of housework made Ru Ping feel depressed, and she began to miss the glamorous days on the stage.

Ru Ping's daughter Xi Wang: married actor Guo Xiaoran and gave birth to a daughter, and her mother's heart was the most painful when she divorced

The phoenix is nirvana, reborn from the ashes

In 1995, when the role of "Shangguan Wan'er" in "Wu Zetian" made Ru Ping famous, her marriage also came to an end.

Divorce has become a helpless choice.

Faced with the vicious battle for custody, Ru Ping almost burned all her courage.

Ru Ping's daughter Xi Wang: married actor Guo Xiaoran and gave birth to a daughter, and her mother's heart was the most painful when she divorced

As a single mother, she raised her daughter alone while returning to the film and television industry to develop her career.

Although she was physically and mentally exhausted, she never gave up chasing her dreams.

Her daughter's immature smiling face is the greatest comfort in her tired life.

When Xi Wang saw her mother's radiant appearance on the screen, she would clap her hands excitedly.

Ru Ping knows that she can't live up to her daughter's expectations, let alone the dream in her heart.

Ru Ping's daughter Xi Wang: married actor Guo Xiaoran and gave birth to a daughter, and her mother's heart was the most painful when she divorced

She gritted her teeth, broke through the shackles of difficulties again and again, and went further and further on the road of acting.

Fate once again played a joke with Ru Ping.

In 1997, the appearance of Liu Zhibing lit up hope for Ru Ping's bleak life again.

At first, Ru Ping was reluctant to accept this relationship, she was worried that her daughter would not be able to adapt to the existence of her stepfather.

Liu Zhibing conquered Ru Ping with sincerity and patience, and melted Xi Wang with care and love.

Ru Ping's daughter Xi Wang: married actor Guo Xiaoran and gave birth to a daughter, and her mother's heart was the most painful when she divorced

He often takes his son and plays with Xi Wang, as if they are a family.

The appearance of Liu Zhibing made Ru Ping see the dawn of happiness.

She began to believe that maybe life could be started all over again, and another beautiful journey was waiting for her.

In 2000, with the blessing of relatives and friends, they entered the marriage hall hand in hand and opened a new chapter of life in Hangzhou.

Ru Ping's daughter Xi Wang: married actor Guo Xiaoran and gave birth to a daughter, and her mother's heart was the most painful when she divorced

A relay of dreams in the same vein

The years passed quietly, and in the blink of an eye, Xi Wang grew up.

Under the careful care of Ru Ping and Liu Zhibing, Xi Wang grew up healthy and happy.

However, she is playful by nature, but she is not as diligent and diligent in her studies as her mother used to be.

Ru Ping occasionally feels anxious and worried about her daughter's future, but Liu Zhibing always comforts her: "The child has her own life, and we need to give her time and space to explore."

Ru Ping's daughter Xi Wang: married actor Guo Xiaoran and gave birth to a daughter, and her mother's heart was the most painful when she divorced

In 2009, after the college entrance examination, Xi Wang made a decision that her parents did not expect - she wanted to apply for the performance department of the Central Academy of Drama.

Although Ru Ping and Liu Zhibing were surprised, they did not stop their daughter from pursuing her dreams.

"Don't you like painting? Why do you suddenly want to learn acting? Ru Ping asked puzzled.

"Mom, I know you've done a lot for this family, and I don't want to repeat your mistakes.

Acting is what I really love about my career, and I want to shine on the stage like you.

Ru Ping's daughter Xi Wang: married actor Guo Xiaoran and gave birth to a daughter, and her mother's heart was the most painful when she divorced

Xi Wang said firmly.

Under the influence of Xi Wang, his stepson also embarked on the road of acting.

Ru Ping and Liu Zhibing were helpless and relieved, worried about the children's future, and even more proud of their courage.

They begin to think that perhaps their children's dreams do not necessarily match their parents' expectations, and the most important thing is to let them find their true selves.

The cycle of love across time and space

If Ru Ping's life is a drama of ups and downs, then the experience of her daughter Xi Wang is more like a microcosm of her youth.

Ru Ping's daughter Xi Wang: married actor Guo Xiaoran and gave birth to a daughter, and her mother's heart was the most painful when she divorced

In 2016, Xi Wang fell in love with fellow actor Guo Xiaoran.

The taste of love is so sweet, Xi Wang feels in a trance that he feels like he has retaken his mother's path back then.

Ru Ping saw it in her eyes and was happy in her heart, how much she hoped that her daughter could gain a happy marriage.

A year later, in the presence of friends and family, they tied the knot.

Ru Ping tearfully wished her daughter happiness, recalling her first marriage, and couldn't help but have mixed feelings.

Ru Ping's daughter Xi Wang: married actor Guo Xiaoran and gave birth to a daughter, and her mother's heart was the most painful when she divorced

In 2018, when her granddaughter fell to the ground, Ru Ping was ecstatic, as if she saw the second Xi Wang, and also saw her own shadow.

However, the good times were short-lived.

In the Spring Festival of 2022, Xi Wang returned to his hometown alone and announced his decision to divorce to his parents.

Ru Ping was grief-stricken, as if she was in a different world, and couldn't help but sigh: "Why is her fate so similar to me back then?" Can't a woman have a career and a family? "

In October 2022, Xi Wang officially announced his divorce.

Ru Ping's daughter Xi Wang: married actor Guo Xiaoran and gave birth to a daughter, and her mother's heart was the most painful when she divorced

On his 30th birthday, the moment the candle bloomed, Xi Wang's marriage came to an end.

Ru Ping blamed herself, thinking that the wrong decision back then had left a shadow on her daughter and made her step on the road of no return to divorce.

"Mom, it's not your fault.

Xi Wang held Ru Ping's hand and whispered, "Me and him, it's just no longer suitable."

Ru Ping's daughter Xi Wang: married actor Guo Xiaoran and gave birth to a daughter, and her mother's heart was the most painful when she divorced

I don't want to be tied down by my family and I want to dedicate myself to my career.

Like you, I will brace myself again and follow my dreams. "

Ru Ping suddenly realized that her daughter was not repeating her mistakes, but continuing her unfulfilled wish in another way.

An immutable haven

Seeing that his wife was so depressed, Liu Zhibing hurriedly stepped forward to comfort: "Ru Ping, the child's life needs to be controlled by ourselves, and we have to back her up, not point fingers."

Ru Ping's daughter Xi Wang: married actor Guo Xiaoran and gave birth to a daughter, and her mother's heart was the most painful when she divorced

No matter what Xi Wang chooses in the future, this family will always welcome her back. "

Her daughter's words were like a hammer, shattering the confusion in Ru Ping's heart.

She suddenly realized: it turned out that she and Xi Wang were just a replica of the ill-fated one.

But as long as there is hope, there is always light ahead.

Ru Ping hugged Xi Wang tightly and whispered: "Go and pursue your dreams, my mother will be your strongest backing."

Remember, no matter how far you go, home will always be your safe haven. "

Ru Ping's daughter Xi Wang: married actor Guo Xiaoran and gave birth to a daughter, and her mother's heart was the most painful when she divorced

The tears of the years slipped down Ru Ping's cheeks quietly, and she seemed to see her young self again, a woman who longed to shine on the stage and took on the responsibility of a mother.

And at this moment, she pinned all her hopes on her daughter.

The mother and daughter have walked the long road of life hand in hand.

The years of burning passion have made them lose their way, but what remains unchanged is the deep and warm bond between their families and the fragrant scenery of their dreams.

Ru Ping's daughter Xi Wang: married actor Guo Xiaoran and gave birth to a daughter, and her mother's heart was the most painful when she divorced


The gears of fate slowly rotate according to a wonderful trajectory.

Ru Ping and Xi Wang, they are two similar lotus flowers, with the same stubbornness and persistence.

Even if the road of life is bumpy and rugged, even if the journey of love is full of thorns, they can still support each other and compose the most touching colorful music with unyielding perseverance.

Ru Ping's daughter Xi Wang: married actor Guo Xiaoran and gave birth to a daughter, and her mother's heart was the most painful when she divorced

In this story of intertwined fates and dreams blooming, every turning point is a growth, and every choice is a new beginning.

Ru Ping and Xi Wang are embarking on a new journey in life hand in hand to open the next wonderful chapter.

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