
Paul's signing was reached, the old James's recruitment of Klay Lakers was cut off, and George's whereabouts were given up

author:Easy basketball

The NBA offseason continues with free agency trading already underway, teams have accelerated roster adjustments and reinforcements, and signings have continued to be made, with as many as two dozen signings reaching $1.2 billion in just a few hours. It can be said that many teams are still making adjustments very quickly, and the Lakers, Clippers and Warriors, who are traditional powerhouses, are also adjusting, and the whereabouts of many players have been determined, so let's take a look. Paul's signing was reached, the old James recruited Klay, the Lakers were cut off, and George's whereabouts were given up.

Paul's signing was reached, the old James's recruitment of Klay Lakers was cut off, and George's whereabouts were given up

The first is Paul, and in the end, Paul and the Warriors have not been able to reach a consensus on the trend; In the end, the Warriors cut Paul. 30 million salary space has been released, so that the salary of the Warriors' current roster has dropped to 140 million, which is below the luxury tax line and meets their expectations. They will be able to make further adjustments to the squad using the full mid-range. Paul's matter has also come to an end, and according to the disclosed information, the Spurs and Paul have reached a consensus to join the Spurs on a one-year contract. Assisted by league superstar Wembanyama, who is on a one-year $11 million pension contract. In this way, the attention of the Spurs in the new season can be said to have been further improved, after all, the outside world also wants to see what kind of situation Paul's arrival can help Wembanyama grow.

Paul's signing was reached, the old James's recruitment of Klay Lakers was cut off, and George's whereabouts were given up

The second is Clay. Klay's side also appeared to be a little slower, and he couldn't reach an agreement with the Warriors. The teams that are interested in him are still the 76ers, the Mavericks and the Lakers, and as things stand, the Lakers and the Mavericks are the most likely to get him. On the Lakers' side, it was revealed that James has actively discussed with Klay the option to recruit him to the team, and the advantage on the Mavericks' side is that they already have space, and they previously sent Hardaway with a 16 million trade exception. Whether it's a sign-and-trade or a direct sign, the Mavericks have an advantage over the Lakers.

Paul's signing was reached, the old James's recruitment of Klay Lakers was cut off, and George's whereabouts were given up

Another point is that the Warriors missed George before, and they did not reach an agreement in the discussions with the Clippers, and the chips that the Warriors are willing to give include Paul, Wiggins, Moody and other players and the first round, but the Clippers want Kuminga. It is worth mentioning that the three meaningful players in the Lakers' free market this season are Paul, Klay and Wallan. But the Lakers have already had two players cut off, Paul joining the Spurs, and Varland coming to the Wizards on a three-year, $30 million contract. Now it's just Clay. Do you think Klay will eventually join the Lakers or the Mavericks?

Paul's signing was reached, the old James's recruitment of Klay Lakers was cut off, and George's whereabouts were given up

The last one is the Clippers, who have officially confirmed that George will not return, so his next teams are the 76ers, Magic and other teams. According to the disclosed news, it is more likely that George will join the 76ers, because it is reported that George is basically sure to lock in the 76ers. Reporter Evan said that George and the 76ers are likely to reach an agreement directly, and the 76ers have prepared a four-year, 212 million contract for George. This is the biggest contract any other team can give. After all, the reason for George's departure was that the Clippers were unwilling to offer him a four-year salary cap.

Paul's signing was reached, the old James's recruitment of Klay Lakers was cut off, and George's whereabouts were given up

In addition, other adjustments are also underway for the Clippers, starting with the signing of Harden for 2 years and 70 million, and then the signing of former Rockets player Kevin Porter Jr. In addition, two players were put on the shelf were Tucker and Wei Shao, Wei Shao had previously exercised the 4 million ball option for next season and chose to stay on the team, and Tucker did the same, but for the existing Clippers, these two players are not in their plans, and the Clippers will seek a trade to send them away.

Paul's signing was reached, the old James's recruitment of Klay Lakers was cut off, and George's whereabouts were given up

The free market continues, and the most interesting thing to watch will be where George and Clay go; At the same time, the Warriors' adjustment will only be made after Klay's next decision, do you think the Warriors will be traded if they adjust? Will they be able to get players who can help the team more?