
In 1992, Chen Geng's wife went to Taiwan, and she was uneasy on the way: I will see who picks me up in a while

author:Nanjing tells stories

"Mom, although the two sides of the strait have been opened to sea now, the impact of visiting relatives in Taiwan ......" Chen Zhijian looked at his mother, who was already full of hair, and stopped talking. His mother, Comrade Fu Ya, waved her hand to stop her son's persuasion, "This is my last wish!" ”

She understands her son's concerns, after all, her husband's influence in China is too great. And her husband is Comrade Chen Geng, the founding general of the People's Republic of China.

But after her husband's death, her greatest wish was to be able to be with her loved ones, even if only once.

A family with similar blood, but due to different political views, embarked on two completely different paths, which led to the separation of Comrade Fu Ya and his family for nearly half a century.

In 1940, in a small mountain village in a certain base area in Shanxi, many soldiers and commanders and fighters of our party who were wounded in battle were recuperating. Comrade Fu Ya, who was just 25 years old, and the comrades of the art troupe came to the village to offer condolences, but they were bombed by enemy planes.

In 1992, Chen Geng's wife went to Taiwan, and she was uneasy on the way: I will see who picks me up in a while

The comrades of the art troupe followed the troops into the air-raid shelter to hide, but Fu Ya was lagging behind because of his work, seeing the bomber roaring overhead, Fu Ya was frightened and overwhelmed, and suddenly a tall figure pounced and grabbed her and rolled on the spot.

In an instant, a huge explosion exploded around him, and if it weren't for this gay man, Fu Ya would have been sacrificed. Fu Ya was frightened, and as soon as he was pulled up by this male comrade, the anxious shouts of the soldiers were heard in the distance: "Chief, chief!" ”

Only then did Fu Ya know that it was the famous General Chen Geng who saved himself, and his heroic figure quietly remained in the girl's heart. Comrade Chen Geng has a hearty personality and humorous speech, and comrades always like to listen to war stories around him.

Chen Geng talked about the battlefield and the brutal battles in his mouth, turning into interesting anecdotes in his mouth, and Fu Ya always sat directly opposite him, blinking his big bright eyes, listening to it fascinated, and the gentle smile was slowly engraved in his heart.

In 1992, Chen Geng's wife went to Taiwan, and she was uneasy on the way: I will see who picks me up in a while

Chen Geng is a man of action, knowing that he was moved, he immediately took action and found Fu Ya to talk, "Comrade Xiao Fu, I want to explain my emotional experience to you first, and if you think you can accept it, I will continue to talk to you, okay?" ”

Looking at Chen Geng's sincere eyes, Fu Ya nodded. General Chen Geng has held two weddings, but he has only one wife, why is this? It turned out that when he was 14 years old, his parents set him a family affair.

Although Chen Geng was young, he had already been exposed to revolutionary ideas and was very resistant to arranged marriages, although he was forced by his parents to reluctantly worship the girl from the neighboring village, but before he could enter the cave room, he secretly escaped through the window.

In 1992, Chen Geng's wife went to Taiwan, and she was uneasy on the way: I will see who picks me up in a while

Before leaving, he said to the bride he had never met outside the window, "The arranged marriage is not what I want, I am leaving, and I wish you to find a lover as soon as possible." After running out of his home, Chen Geng joined the army and embarked on the revolutionary road.

In 1927, Comrade Chen Geng participated in the Fourth Labor Conference of our Party, in the meeting, a female comrade actively spoke, had clear ideas, and argued with him many times about the content of the meeting, arguing and arguing, but Chen Geng never forgot it, and his love was deep-rooted.

This female comrade's name is Wang Genying, and Chen Geng wrote a love letter overnight and asked other comrades to quietly hand it to her to show her intentions. Wang Genying directly pasted his love letter on the wall and asked other comrades to visit it together, but Chen Geng did not give up and continued to confess.

In 1992, Chen Geng's wife went to Taiwan, and she was uneasy on the way: I will see who picks me up in a while

After several consecutive letters, Wang Genying was finally moved by Chen Geng's sincerity, but the revolution needs, the two have been gathering less and leaving more, but through letters, the two talked about work, life, and work and study.

In 1928, after getting the approval of the party organization, the two tied the knot, Wang Genying was Chen Geng's unforgettable wife, and the relationship between the two was very deep. Although the two have been together less and more because of the needs of the revolution, their relationship has lasted for a long time.

In 1939, the Japanese army launched a frantic attack on the garrison of the Southern Hebei Military Region, and after Wang Genying gave up the mules he rode to the wounded in the garrison, he returned to the headquarters in order to rescue important documents and public funds from the garrison.

As soon as I got the satchel containing the documents, the large troops of the Japanese army had already rushed in, and a few gunshots accompanied by the enemy's cruel laughter, Comrade Wang Genying died a heroic death. After learning the news of the sacrifice of his beloved wife, Comrade Chen Geng fell seriously ill and was depressed for several years.

In 1992, Chen Geng's wife went to Taiwan, and she was uneasy on the way: I will see who picks me up in a while

Now seeing Fu Ya, Comrade Chen Geng's long-term depressed heart has a rare fluctuation, he candidly told Fu Ya about his emotional experience, about his deep relationship with his wife, his wife's own pain after the sacrifice, and now he is moved by Fu Ya.

Comrade Chen Geng's frank narration made Fu Ya more and more excited, but Fu Ya also had his own concerns. Fu Ya followed his eldest brother to participate in the revolution, but his father was an official of the Kuomintang, and his mother and younger siblings lived in the Kuomintang area.

Such an identity is actually very embarrassing in the base area, if you apply to marry Chen Geng, you need a long-term review by the party organization, Chen Geng listened, and looked at Fu Ya's eyes very seriously, "I believe in you, I will wait for you to pass the review."

In 1992, Chen Geng's wife went to Taiwan, and she was uneasy on the way: I will see who picks me up in a while

In 1943, Fu Ya finally passed the review of the party organization and was allowed to tie the knot with Comrade Chen Geng, Fu Ya made Comrade Chen Geng's life full of sunshine and energy, and the two worked hand in hand for the construction of New China.

The couple had been in love for many years, but Comrade Chen Geng's body had been worn out in the cruel war years, and in 1961, with infinite affection for his wife, he still reluctantly closed his eyes. Fu Ya was in abnormal pain and depressed for a long time.

But she knew that she couldn't fall, her four underage children needed her to take care of them, and Comrade Wang Genying's mother also needed her to continue to take care of her instead of Chen Geng. This strong woman resolutely picked up the burden of life and moved forward with difficulty.

In 1992, Chen Geng's wife went to Taiwan, and she was uneasy on the way: I will see who picks me up in a while

In the depths of Fu Ya's heart, he missed his parents and siblings very much, but with the founding of New China, his father fled to Taiwan with the remnants of the Kuomintang, and his mother and younger siblings went to live in Taiwan. The Taiwan Strait divides the family on both sides of the strait.

In 1992, the elderly Fu Ya received a letter from across the strait, which turned out to be written by his sister who had not seen him for decades, and Fu Ya finally got the news of his family, but unfortunately his parents had died a few years ago and could not be seen again.

With the longing for her relatives, Fu Ya resolutely embarked on a flight to Taiwan, and in her lifetime, she wanted to get together with her relatives again. The plane was getting closer and closer to the island of Taiwan, and Fu Ya was obviously nervous, "Who can pick me up?" ”

Fu Ya, who is over half a hundred years old, is like a helpless child, looking out the window and muttering, getting off the plane in a worried way, Fu Ya suddenly stared at a few gray-haired old men at the door, several people stared at it for a long time, hugged each other, and cried loudly.

In 1992, Chen Geng's wife went to Taiwan, and she was uneasy on the way: I will see who picks me up in a while

Her younger brothers and sisters stood neatly at the exit of the station, just to receive this relative from the mainland of the motherland. Fu Ya went to worship his parents with tears in his eyes, and when he learned that his father's last wish was that the ashes could be buried in his hometown, tears suddenly poured down.

Although he only stayed in Taiwan for a short time, Fu Ya's only regret was fulfilled, and he said that it was the greatest blessing in his life.

In 2010, with the thought of her husband and relatives, Fu Ya died of illness, and she was finally able to stay with her husband forever.



2010-01-14 09:59 Communist Party of China News Network, Comrade Fu Ya, the wife of General Chen Geng, passed away, and his son Chen Zhijian remembered fondly

In 1992, Chen Geng's wife went to Taiwan, and she was uneasy on the way: I will see who picks me up in a while

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