
Isolated for nearly 60,000 years, the only 38 desert fish remained, why not move them out of the desert

author:Popular science in space science

Ice Age remains.

In the beginning, the oceans on Earth were originally a unified system, but later with the gradual increase in the cold rate during the Ice Age, the already flooded seas on the Earth were frozen.

In the process, some of the marine creatures that used to live on the earth were swallowed by the sea, and they were not allowed to pass on.

Isolated for nearly 60,000 years, the only 38 desert fish remained, why not move them out of the desert

However, after this ice age, the glaciers gradually melted from the sea, and the sea became choppy again.

However, while the crazy creatures of the sea were thriving in the sea, the wild moss was also spreading in the seabed, and some of the creatures living in the sea were also dying in the sea.

However, some marine animals survived this mass extinction, and most of the animals that survived this marine mass extinction have no special abilities, and they can survive mainly by the strength of the living environment itself.

Isolated for nearly 60,000 years, the only 38 desert fish remained, why not move them out of the desert

So these water creatures on the earth today are the earliest creatures on the earth, so they have the oldest rules of survival, and they are also the most powerful rules of survival, and the desert fish is the animal that survives among them.

About 60,000 years ago, when the Earth's oceans were not yet divided, the Earth's oceans as a whole are now half the size of the Earth's original oceans.

So just before the separation of the 7 continents, the oceans on Earth were very large oceans, and it was at this time that desert fish were created, and they were also created at this time.

At this time, the desert fish should be a sea area in need of light, but later the ocean was divided, and the sea area where the desert fish lived was divided by the oil sea, and later due to the arrival of the ice age, the sea area where the desert fish lived was frozen and cooled.

Isolated for nearly 60,000 years, the only 38 desert fish remained, why not move them out of the desert

Therefore, the desert can no longer reproduce in the living area, so the desert fish are forced to either migrate to the living sea area or be forced to end their lives in the living sea area during the ice age.

However, the living seas thaw after the moraine, in which case a small number of desert fish living in the Arctic migrate south.

The Arctic is covered with snow and ice, which can block the invasion of ultraviolet rays, so in this case, the sea where desert fish live becomes a dark world.

Isolated for nearly 60,000 years, the only 38 desert fish remained, why not move them out of the desert

Even after the sea area where the desert fish live is thawed, the dark living environment will hinder the entry of light energy, which will cause the desert fish living in this living environment to gradually reduce their demand for light.

8,000 years ago, when the desert fish walked into the desert, the sea area where the desert fish lived was buried by the sand, which caused the light required by the desert fish to be isolated, and the desert fish gradually multiplied and have been reproducing until now.

Reasons why desert fish can't move out of the desert.

Living in a human world is about a human-centered worldview, so there is no need for desert fish to move out of the desert.

Isolated for nearly 60,000 years, the only 38 desert fish remained, why not move them out of the desert

However, for the sake of ecological balance, and in the process of human construction, the desert where these desert fish live may be repeatedly encroached, which will lead to the inability of desert fish to live, and even the desert fish will become extinct.

So by removing the desert fish from the desert, they can thrive and humans can better protect the desert fish.

But the desert fish itself is a creature, and it is the oldest creature, so the desert fish does not need the help of humans.

Isolated for nearly 60,000 years, the only 38 desert fish remained, why not move them out of the desert

At this time, the desert fish are removed from the living environment, so that for the desert fish, it is equivalent to losing the environment in which they live, and the desert fish will no longer be able to survive, so it is not protecting the desert fish.

In this case, either in the name of conservation, the desert fish are taken out of the desert and into a suitable environment for light to thrive.

But in this way, then the desert fish that thrive, even without the oldest rules of survival, will become very fragile and will be assimilated in the human environment.

Isolated for nearly 60,000 years, the only 38 desert fish remained, why not move them out of the desert

Therefore, in this way, it is necessary to protect the environment in which the desert fish live, and not to encroach on the environment in which the desert fish live, and the desert fish will not be able to go to the environment that is suitable for humans and desert fish to live.

Humans live in harmony with nature.

The environment in which desert fish and humans live is different, so humans should protect the living environment of desert fish and not infringe on the living environment of desert fish.

Human beings are able to live in their own environment, and they can also change their living environment to make the environment more suitable for human habitation.

Isolated for nearly 60,000 years, the only 38 desert fish remained, why not move them out of the desert

Then the desert is a tool for desert fish to change their living environment, because the desert environment is uninhabitable for human beings, so human beings will not involve the living environment of desert fish.

But now in the process of construction, in order to protect the desert fish, as long as they do not touch the living environment of the desert fish, it is also a kind of protection for the desert fish.

Isolated for nearly 60,000 years, the only 38 desert fish remained, why not move them out of the desert

Therefore, it is also the best way to protect the desert fish, and human beings should also protect the living environment of these desert fish when they are built, so that they can coexist in harmony.

Let this desert fish multiply on the earth, and slowly let the world discover the mystery of the desert fish.

Isolated for nearly 60,000 years, the only 38 desert fish remained, why not move them out of the desert


In fact, this desert fish is also an ecological environment, and there is also an interdependent survival relationship between desert fish and desert, which is just like the sea and whales, and human beings should also live in harmony with desert fish.