
Actor Hao Ping: The most correct decision I have made in my life is to marry a wife who does not dislike my poverty

author:Elegant and entertaining
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Actor Hao Ping: The most correct decision I have made in my life is to marry a wife who does not dislike my poverty
Actor Hao Ping: The most correct decision I have made in my life is to marry a wife who does not dislike my poverty

Elegant and entertaining

Edit|Elegant and entertaining

"There is no time to lose." This is a sentence that Hao Ping often hangs on his lips. Until now, this sentence still alerts the once poor young man and makes him always maintain the quality of humility and diligence.

Actor Hao Ping: The most correct decision I have made in my life is to marry a wife who does not dislike my poverty

Today, Hao Ping is a well-known and powerful actor, who has starred in countless classic TV series and film and television works, and has won high praise from industry insiders and audiences.

Actor Hao Ping: The most correct decision I have made in my life is to marry a wife who does not dislike my poverty

But have you ever wondered what hardships and tests this peak star experienced in the first half of his life? Let's take a closer look at Hao Ping's growth history and appreciate how an ordinary person can counterattack life.

Actor Hao Ping: The most correct decision I have made in my life is to marry a wife who does not dislike my poverty

The birth of artistic dreams

In Xi'an, a famous traditional cultural city, there is such an ordinary family: the father is a manual worker, the mother is the wife of the house, and the family is surrounded by walls and cannot make ends meet. In 1971, Hao Ping, the third child in the family, was born in a poor environment.

Actor Hao Ping: The most correct decision I have made in my life is to marry a wife who does not dislike my poverty

Poverty did not kill Hao Ping's artistic talent. At a young age, he loved cross talk and opera, and imitated sketch lines all day long to make adults laugh. Although his family is troubled by his "presumptuousness", they can only tolerate his bizarre habits.

Actor Hao Ping: The most correct decision I have made in my life is to marry a wife who does not dislike my poverty

As he grew older, Hao Ping began to show a wild and uninhibited personality, and he often played guitar on the street with a few friends to express his little rebellion. Lacking parental discipline, he seems to be unrestrained, but he is determined to pursue his dreams. Under the teacher's explanation, Hao Ping decided to apply for the acting major, but it was destined to be an extremely difficult road......

Actor Hao Ping: The most correct decision I have made in my life is to marry a wife who does not dislike my poverty

College Entrance Examination Serial "Torture"

Hao Ping is not a scholar, and he has a long way to go to school. When he was in high school, he was evaluated by his teachers as "mediocre in his academic performance, but he had the quality of being tenacious and eager to learn". In the year of the college entrance examination, he naturally chose the route of an art student, but several failures made him helpless and began to doubt his life.

Actor Hao Ping: The most correct decision I have made in my life is to marry a wife who does not dislike my poverty

Just when he was about to give up, his mother's words of "believe in yourself" gave him great encouragement. So, in the college entrance examination season of 99, this Northwest man has participated in the art examination three times, but he has won again and again. In his last attempt to take the art exam, he finally made it to the list at the Beijing Film Academy and the Shanghai Theater Academy.

Actor Hao Ping: The most correct decision I have made in my life is to marry a wife who does not dislike my poverty

At that moment, Hao Ping seemed to see his future - although he was poor, he would never give up his dream; Although he is unknown, he will definitely become an amazing actor in the future. Full of longing, he resolutely chose Shanghai, a well-known performance highland, and started his northern experience life.

Actor Hao Ping: The most correct decision I have made in my life is to marry a wife who does not dislike my poverty

For a student from a poor background, making a living in Shanghai can be difficult. With only two or three hundred yuan of living expenses per month, Hao Ping can't maintain normal study at all, and Hao Ping can only rely on his own part-time work to survive.

Actor Hao Ping: The most correct decision I have made in my life is to marry a wife who does not dislike my poverty

During those days, he shuttled between the campus and the city like a spinning top: during the day, he worked as a voice actor in the Shanghai Laochangfang recording studio, and rushed back to school in the evening; After class, I took a taxi to the small theater near the school to perform...... On the one hand, he is persistent in his dream of art, and on the other hand, he is in the reality of hard survival, and all kinds of contradictions are intertwined, and Hao Ping's university life can also be described as ups and downs.

Actor Hao Ping: The most correct decision I have made in my life is to marry a wife who does not dislike my poverty

But all this did not wear down Hao Ping's fighting spirit. As a drama student, he studied his acting skills more diligently, and used his own efforts to gain the respect of his mentor. In his senior year, Hao Ping's stage play was performed dozens of times in a row, winning praise from industry insiders. Graduation is imminent, and people are beginning to worry about the future of this "potential stock".

Actor Hao Ping: The most correct decision I have made in my life is to marry a wife who does not dislike my poverty

A difficult trap at the beginning of his career

In 1993, with dreams and passions, Hao Ping was assigned to a remote Fujian Drama Theater after graduation. However, the living environment and working conditions here are too backward, and the harvest is limited and there is no benefit. Over the past year, Hao Ping has been hesitant about his decision.

Actor Hao Ping: The most correct decision I have made in my life is to marry a wife who does not dislike my poverty

In this way, in 1995, this fledgling young man once again packed his bags and came to Shanghai, a city of immigrants. However, what is not waiting for him here is the construction site beckoning to him, but the high-paying positions in the dubbing industry have no chance to get in. Hao Ping had to put down his body for a while and seek one chorre after another to make ends meet.

Actor Hao Ping: The most correct decision I have made in my life is to marry a wife who does not dislike my poverty

At that time, the living environment was even more difficult than in college: he lived in a small 12-square-meter room with a few friends from poor backgrounds, and even hot water for bathing became a luxury. Looking back, Hao Ping himself sighed: "I seem to have forgotten how I survived at that time." And it was the grinding of this life that made him realize that only hard work can change his destiny.

Actor Hao Ping: The most correct decision I have made in my life is to marry a wife who does not dislike my poverty

Re-meet the love of the marriage hall and enter the marriage hall

Fate finally appeared at the most important turning point in Hao Ping's life. In 1996, while working hard in the dubbing industry, he accidentally met Jiang Yuan, an alumnus from college. The two soon met and fell in love, falling in love.

Actor Hao Ping: The most correct decision I have made in my life is to marry a wife who does not dislike my poverty

Their path to love is not smooth. Jiang Yuan, who was also born in an ordinary family in the northwest, has become well-known in Shanghai, and his family is very opposed to the unknown "poor boy" who is about to marry.

Actor Hao Ping: The most correct decision I have made in my life is to marry a wife who does not dislike my poverty

In the years after they got married, Hao Ping and Jiang Yuan lived a rather simple life. But the two love each other very much, and the family atmosphere is harmonious. In 2001, their son was born, adding a source of joy to the small family.

Actor Hao Ping: The most correct decision I have made in my life is to marry a wife who does not dislike my poverty

Even if his career is getting better, Hao Ping has never been a "family tyrant", but is more considerate of his wife and children. Whenever he is busy with performances, he always finds time to accompany his family; At the end of the rehearsal, he hurried back to his warm den. With the love and support of his family, Hao Ping's career has become more and more popular.

Actor Hao Ping: The most correct decision I have made in my life is to marry a wife who does not dislike my poverty

While the family is happy, the relationship between them and husband and wife has not stagnated. The two, who were accustomed to quarrels, gradually gained a new understanding under the guidance of their father-in-law. Jiang Yuan learned to be tolerant and considerate of Hao Ping's work fatigue; Hao Ping also realized that a man should learn to be caring, rather than always focusing on his career. In this way, small things slowly ran into the couple.

Actor Hao Ping: The most correct decision I have made in my life is to marry a wife who does not dislike my poverty

To this day, Hao Ping is still grateful that he did not give up on Jiang Yuan back then, because she gave him a solid family foundation, so that he could chase his dreams without worries. As he himself said: "Marrying Jiang Yuan is the most correct decision I have made in my life."

Actor Hao Ping: The most correct decision I have made in my life is to marry a wife who does not dislike my poverty

Career at its peak

After entering the 2000s, Hao Ping finally made a breakthrough on the road of acting. In 2002, he won the Magnolia Award for a well-known drama work, and since then he has become a "powerful" actor in the eyes of the audience.

Actor Hao Ping: The most correct decision I have made in my life is to marry a wife who does not dislike my poverty

In the following years, Hao Ping can be said to be fully loaded: he participated in many TV series and movies, and frequently received praise for his outstanding performances. Whether he plays a positive hero or a sinister and evil villain, he can interpret the inner world of the character as he wants and leave a deep impression on the audience.

Actor Hao Ping: The most correct decision I have made in my life is to marry a wife who does not dislike my poverty

Although his career has reached its peak, Hao Ping still maintains a peaceful and humble character, and never puts on a grand show. He said that all this was due to his own hard work. "If I hadn't been so poor, I might not have been able to appreciate the preciousness of life, and I wouldn't have dreamed so much."

Actor Hao Ping: The most correct decision I have made in my life is to marry a wife who does not dislike my poverty

Some media asked Hao Ping if he regretted choosing this path back then, and he replied with a smile: "Of course I don't regret it, although I have taken some detours more than others, I am very content now." Savor his words, and you can feel his inner humility and dedication to his career.

Actor Hao Ping: The most correct decision I have made in my life is to marry a wife who does not dislike my poverty


The journey of life is long, but Hao Ping has finally found his place on the road of his dreams. Looking back, he didn't come from a wealthy background, he didn't have a golden bowl to support, everything came from his own hard work. From a young boy in a small town in the northwest to a top actor in the film and television industry, Hao Ping used his life to explain the connotation of the word "ordinary".

Actor Hao Ping: The most correct decision I have made in my life is to marry a wife who does not dislike my poverty

There are no earth-shattering deeds, but there is perseverance in pursuing dreams; There is no extravagant romantic love, but there is a beloved confidant who shares adversity and suffering. This is the legend of Hao Ping, and it is also a portrayal of ordinary people.

Actor Hao Ping: The most correct decision I have made in my life is to marry a wife who does not dislike my poverty

His story tells us that as long as you never give up on your dreams, every ordinary person can achieve an extraordinary life.

Actor Hao Ping: The most correct decision I have made in my life is to marry a wife who does not dislike my poverty

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