
George teamed up with Embiid for 212 million, and Leonard finally appeared, unkempt and like a beggar

author:AT Basketball

The NBA free trade market has opened, and Paul George, the biggest big fish so far, has successfully surfaced, interrupted the Cajun combination on his own, teamed up with Embiid on the backhand, and signed a four-year, 212 million super contract.

George teamed up with Embiid for 212 million, and Leonard finally appeared, unkempt and like a beggar

I thought that George had no pursuit of a championship, and only wanted to get a big pension contract, but I didn't expect George to kill two birds with one stone, not only got the big contract he wanted, but also avoided the tragic competition in the West, and teamed up with Embiid to get his own championship trophy. George's approach is to not only want a championship trophy, but also a big contract, a proper winner in life. And the clipper, which was previously known as an aircraft carrier, instantly returned to the point of breaking the ship.

George teamed up with Embiid for 212 million, and Leonard finally appeared, unkempt and like a beggar

Two of the once feared Big Four have left, George left on his own initiative and Westbrook was sold by the Clippers. The remaining Harden took a decent contract of around 30 million, while Leonard, who attracted the most attention, made a rare appearance. Maybe he was also stimulated by the departure of George and Westbrook, and was photographed by fans unkempt and unkempt on the street.

George teamed up with Embiid for 212 million, and Leonard finally appeared, unkempt and like a beggar

Leonard once put the Lakers together, and after joining the Clippers, he became a strong contender for the championship, but he always shouted slogans at the beginning of the season every year, and the crane tail at the end of the season every year, and the injury problems continued. Leonard, who has won two championship trophies, doesn't seem to have much energy to compete, and he only wants to sign a big contract wholeheartedly.

George teamed up with Embiid for 212 million, and Leonard finally appeared, unkempt and like a beggar

Perhaps this is also the reason why George chose to leave, no one can stand a teammate who takes more money than himself, but often does not contribute, maybe it is more motivated to find a teammate who has also not won the championship.